Champion 2 Amazing battles + Season Balance


One of my best Twitter accounts is Splinterlands. It keeps me informed about all the important news in the ecosystem and #Hive posting events like a media challenge. In my opinion, those challenges are an incredible way of increasing the pride of being part of this community, as every player shares his/her game experience with others, allowing others to learn about everyone's successes and mistakes. For this one, I bring a summary of my last season where I broke my mark by reaching Champion 2 without any bot help and finally I will share a couple of Champion 2 battles where low mana supports were the key to my success. Hope you like it!

Season Balance


The rewards went much better than my previous one and I am much happier! On the brightest side, I've managed to pull my first Iziar - love that card, 2 Will-o-Wisp GF (this card will become an authentic headache with Astral Entity, I've got the feeling that my collection is getting stronger. But I would like to remark that some of my commons have reached level 6, and this means a lot of utility, especially in Swamp Spitter:


Donatello has a lot of utility and medium damage output. Repair is an outstanding ability and now that Giantkiller is unblocked, those annoying beefy monsters will feel the pain.
And finally comes the best part of the Season, when you claim all your earnings from the final push and shove. Managed claiming almost 40SPS from battles, 40 SPS from focus chests, 90 SPS from focus, and another 35 from brawls. Adding my 125 SPS from 3-day nodes ended in a +330 SPS to my account. Every little helps and finally I have reached the milestone of 25KSPS stacked and growing!!


Spirit Hoarder, all-around support

When speaking about supports, there's a particular group inside them that can help front and backline at the same time (either by giving a great buff/debuff or having 2 support abilities that allow the support to perform that role). Doctor Scale is the master in this group, with repair (that will preferentially focus front if needed and triage), Merdaali Guardian (heal and repair - with less probability helping both). In this group we find in a particular way, Spirit hoarder (a fantastic creature with strengths as shown in the next figure):



Spirit Hoarder will protect your backline with two abilities, blind, giving a 15% absolute increase evaded chance, and triage (healing backline creatures). When paired with a high-speed, high-evading rate creature like Pelacor Bandit, your backline is secure for sure.


The other part of the combo goes related to such a fantastic creature as Chaos Agent. Chaos agent wins battles just by evading enemy attacks (and can be very frustrating when suffered). This guy is one of the best commons in the game. For one mana has infinite gameplays (backline covering, sniping covering, and a distractor tank). At the max level, he can even evade magical attacks, so a 15% increased evading chance fits him quite well.


This trio of creatures brings incredible value for just 7 Mana! Place Chaos in the front, Spirit hoarder placed from 2nd to 5th and Pelacor Conjurer in the back and you'll present one of the best armies for low mana conditions. Also, being Blind will benefit your whole army which will be fantastic. I've seen Spirit Hoarder evading Pelacor Conjurer's attacks, when this happens, your opponent will burn in anger for sure!


Finally, Triage is an outstanding ability, not just for healing back creatures. Triage focus from the 2nd to 6th position and can change battle dynamics in certain rulesets like Noxious Fumes, and Earthquakes... Also, removing some debuffs to your opponent thanks to dispelling is always welcome!

Let's jump into battle! I faced a 15 Mana - Standard rule. With such a low mana battle I had to play wise every single mana spent in my army. I decided to pick a support that could help me front and backline, increasing evading rates to my Chaos Agent and my Pelacor Conjurer. This is one of my best armies for 15 Mana in modern and I play them almost blindly. The board looked as follows:


  • Chaos Agent in the front thanks to blind bought enough time before being destroyed and also returned some damage thanks to his evades.
  • Fiends, always Fiends. Fiends are one of the important highlights of the Chaos Legion edition. Every summoner brings an effect for free. Torrent and Soul fiend are the best ones in my opinion. Soul for the evident +1 speed, and Torrent because a 0 Mana creature fits fantastic to Water summoner. In this example, my Fiend taunted 4 attacks of 2 opportunity creatures thanks to triage
  • Although Pelacor Conjurer began missing a couple of attacks, became an authentic headache destroying the enemy backline.
  • Finally, Spirit Hoarder made an outstanding performance. I would not have won this combat with Merdali or other support. He is the best at helping front and back. I leave you the entire battle here. Love how balanced my army was!

Weirding warrior, can't get more value for 2 mana!

For my second in-depth battle, I bring you an Outstanding performance for another low mana creature, whose role consists in debuffing the enemy with an annoying toolkit as the figure will show. Guess the Summoner? Yes, it's Death and his name is Weirding Warrior!



Shatter is an annoying ability. There's nothing more frustrating than watching your Beeffy armored tank suffer from shatter.


I love amplify, especially with 3 reflecting rulesets. My bread and butter combo for Death Summoner which was Windeku and Weirding returning 3 thorns damage (that hurts), has been buffed by natural reflecting damage of 3 types. Now Amplify has wide more options than its creatures. I almost always bring Weirding Warrior in a battle with Reflecting damage if I can.


Finally we find Rust. Rust is OP. And Rust for 2 Mana is a joke. There should be some abilities that only high mana creatures should have access and rust is one of them. If there's an ability that can be as influential as speed in Splinterlands is armor. The armor absorbs the whole incoming damage just with one point. Unarmored creatures will absorb the whole damage. Bring always rust to battle if you can.

For this one, I bring you a really interesting battle. It was a 37-mana, Fog of War, Reverse Speed, and Divine Shield. The board looked as shown in the figure:


  • Placed a combo of reflecting units (Naga Brute and Djinn Muirat), that helped me a lot to destroy divine shields and amplify by Weirding warrior. I have seen this battle a few times, and without amplification, things would have gone differently. When my Djinn Muirat was slain by my enemy, I reflected 3 Damage that allowed Werding to shoot enemy Djinn Muirat down, and in the next attack, Dampir slayed Soul Strangler (because Divine Shield lost). This game is about details.
  • Fog of War allowed me to order my defense in a way of ascending positions, as I knew that all attacks would go to Naga, then to Djinn... those 2 creatures a fantastic to be repaired, and that's why I brought Doctor Scale.
  • Finally, enjoy Dhampir's last turn: Boom! I share the complete battle here. Love how balanced my army was!
So thank you for reading this post. I hope I encourage everyone to climb higher on the ladder and fight with the best players of the game. It's hard but it's where one learns faster!


Hive - Splinterlands is a great ecosystem to grow in the Crypto world, we are in the best community and we play a game with a solid project and a great future. The only thing we've got to do is believe in the project and fight hard in the arena! Thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts.

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