Ranged Domain

This time we take a look on how to dominate using the Life Deck focusing on having General Sloan as our summoner. I'll provide a thorough analysis on different situations and utilities for the white splinter.

  • Before we proceed with the battle reviews. Let me just share with you my referral code which you can use when purchasing a spellbook and to start playing splinterlands : https://splinterlands.com?ref=beerbod


By the way I've recently got some merits from winning brawls which allowed me to purchase a gladius pack. It was a pretty good pull so I'd like to share following cards I got. With of Warnack, Palidon Rakk (Rare), Helmet Kharafax, Katrelba Gobson, And Trapp Falloway (Epic)


Now on to the life splinter battle analysis:


Battle 1 Life vs Fire

The first battle is from a guild brawl match. My number one tip here is to make sure that you always use one gladiator as they are extremely powerful. The ruleset is reverse speed, this is one of the battle rules where the life splinter becomes stronger given that ranged summons of the life deck usually has low speed. Here's the battle link: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sm_sr0GTb2sjkqwkjEIpDmM&ref=beerbod

For my lineup, I selected Shieldbreaker as my tank, stitch leech for my sneak attack, Captain Katie as my gladiator card, venari cystalsmith for support, and lastly Pelacor Arbalest and Herbalist for my ranged damage.

The opponent went for a strong melee lineup buffed by Tarsa. He has living lava for tank, Radiated brute for reach attack, chicken as filler, djinn apprentice for magic damage. Tenyii Striker for sneak damage. And Ettin Spearman for a tanky backline.

Battle 1 Round 1

Towards the end of the first round, my captain katie was able to take out the furious chicken causing it to gain a bloodlust buff, It's magic attack is now increased to 4 and speed was reduced to 1 due to the reverse rulespeed set making it an extremely strong burst damage monster for the coming rounds.

Battle 1 Round 2

It was an intense round 2 were many cards from both teams got eliminated.
I've lost my tank shieldbreaker, second position card stitch leech, and because i no longer have my tank's taunt ability, my backline was also attacked causing me to lose my herbalist. The opponent on the other hand has lost Both his tank and second position cards the living lava and radiated brute. I am still at an advantage because of my captain katie gaining another bloodlust boost and it now has 5 magic damage with 8 health. One drawback though is that my pelacor arbalest is exposed and can die in one hit of the tenyii striker if i don't attack first.

Battle 1 Round 3

I was able to take out the djinn apprentice early, which in turn moved the tenyii striker on the first position, which made my pelacor arbalest safe from the remaining sneak attack. My Captain Katie also dropped to low health this round but was sustained by my venari crystalsmith's tank heal ability.

Battle 1 Round 4

My enemy's Tenyii striker was taken out the previous round and the only card my opponent has is the ettin spearman which is unable to attack. It will be taken out in one hit with my captain Katie and I will secure the brawl win.


Battle 2 Life vs Earth

You can view the full match here: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_bc48d8fb156b46db8b8037adc07fe920&ref=beerbod

The ruleset here is super sneak, which triggered me to use shieldbreaker to avoid my backlines from being damaged and concentrate all incoming damage to my tank with its taunt ability. I also used time age to reduce enemy speed. Venari crystalsmith for tank heal. Pelacor Arbalest, Herbalist and Xenith Archer for my ranged damage dealers.

The opponent went with a standard magic lineup with unicorn mustang, goblin psychich for support, regal peryton, elven mystic and khmer princess for those strong magic damages, and mycelic morphoid in the back to absorb potential backline damage.

Battle 2 Round 1

By the end of the first round, I already managed to take out my opponents tank. My shieldbraker is still alive but is very low on health, it survived longer due to venari crystalsmith's sustain ability.

Battle 2 Round 2

The end of the secound saw me winning a huge exchange of damages. While i lost my shieldbraker and time mage. With the help of my pelacor arbalest attacking twice, i was able to take out the regal peryton, goblin psychic and khmer princess. It is 4 cards to 2 and i am in a good position to finish this match in the next round.

Battle 2 Round 3

As expected, my ranged lineup with it's incredible burst damage was able to take out a strong damaging magic lineup. I ended the battle losing only 2 cards.


Battle 3 Life vs Death

full battle here: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_953d0287508352b9544f1c8f52e8c531&ref=beerbod
A classic life vs death matchup, The even steven ruleset together with 30 mana pool allows me to bring out my best life splinterlineup. Again i went with the shieldbraker to protect my range monsters, time mage to slow down the enemies, venari crystalsmith aside from dealing 2 range damage also has the ability to heal, pelacor arbalest, herbalist and xenith archer completes my range damagers.
The opponent went with cursed windeku, shadow snitch that has reach ability, venari spellsmith, supply runner and mantoid. His lineup has a good mix of magic, ranged and melee damage.

Battle 3 Round 1

The first round ended with me gaining a strong upper hand. My burst range damage allowed me to eliminate his first two cards immediately. I was able to take out the cursed windeku, and shadow snitch. My tank is still in high health and I won't really have any foreseaable problems in the rounds to come.

Battle 3 Round 2

The second round is just a cleanup job. I won a flawless victory losing no cards at all. His remaining cards, supply runner, mantoid and venari spellsmith does not have enough hp to survive the barrage of ranged attacks that my lineup has been throwing out. Easy win for this life lineup.


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