Tinderlock - the "Going Distance" GOAT

After purchasing my first decks, I know think a lot before I purchase a card. I still prefer owning to renting - no idea why actually, that's just how it is. Never did the calculations, but I guess renting would be cheaper. But I always liked to collect cards, so... Well, enough pseudo-psychologic insight. Tinderlock was one of my most feared enemies. He's an impressive card with amazing stats and abilities - especially when it comes to "only range" rulesets. Here you can see why:


Tinderlock 1.JPG

The enemy's line-up is not a bad choice - but I combined Tinderlick with Conquerer Jacek, giving him extra speed and piercing - the extra speed will become very important as soon as my martyr is dead, and Tinderlock is my last monster.

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... and that happened fairly quick. My scattershot hit the Merdhampir, but it got healed. I usually don't like scattershot since it makes the game unpredictable, but the after the martyr died, the scattershot became ineffective since Tinderlock was first monster, shooting straight forward. Thanks to his Last Stand ability, he now had 6 attack (piercing!), 9 speed and 15 health (he got hit once in round 1).

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Being now fast as lighting, he did quite a bit of Kung Fu fighting. Not once did he get hit in round 2, but killed their martyr. Still, the game wasn't decided - luck was still a variable.

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But in round 3 he also evaded one attack, leaving him with 9 health, about to be killing off the Mandarin, so Igor wouldn't be able to attack - only 4 damage would be able to be dealt to him.

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But only one hit. Now it was decided. He killed Igor with one shot, and ended the game with 7 health - not even close.

Since I encounter "Going Distance" quite often, I'm very pleased with having purchased Tinderlock - for me, he's the GOAT for that mode. Do you know another card that is amazing for "Going Distance"?

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

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