Social media Challenge - Trample, trample, trample!

Welcome to another Splinterlands battle analysis!
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This battle was an incredibly surprising one. From the line-up of the monsters I would’ve never thought I’d win. Rulesets were Aim True, Target Practice and Lost Legendaries, in a Novice Wild format. Mana was set at 57, so we basically had free choice among the monsters.

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I went for Possibilius as Summoner and Demonshark, Coastal Sentry, Marksrat, Fellblade, Tridawn and the Swamp Spitter.

The idea was to have the demonshark hold off the attacks, while the Sentry double strikes them down. The marksrat was to be killed first in this Snipe-Ruleset, hence between the Sentry and Fellblade – meaning, bot double-attackers would get a boost. Tridawn for health and damage, and the Spitter to repair the Demonshark and some damage.

A solid strategy, but – the enemy had a better one. All on magic.

Their summoner gave +1 Magic attack, and besides the tank, the whole line up was magic attack monsters, and fine ones. Slade’s Dodge wouldn’t help in this game due to Aim True, but he still has a lot of health and armor, so does the Redwyrm. It was was the first time to see the Nightreaper and it is indeed a powerful monster. Magi of Chaos, Fellblade and the Prismatic Energy at the very end – not good for my fellblade, since the Energy has Magic Reflect.

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The first round was just as horrible as expected. Only thing that worked was the Marksrat boosting the Sentry, but Fellblade fell into its blade (Ha. Ha. Ha. Ugh.). I did some damage to the enemy, but not enough to take anything down.

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Round two started equally. The Swamp Spitter was taken down – but then there was hope. The Sentry took out Slade on first attack, and got a trample that destroyed the Redwyrms armor. The second attack from double strike got the Redwyrm down, and another trample was triggered, giving the Reaper some damage. Hope?

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Actually, yes! Even though Fellblade destroyed Tridawn, the cascade of events was in my favor. Demonshark, being rare, was to attack before the common Sentry, leaving the reaper with just 4 health. And that meant – kill by Sentry. Trample on the Magi of Chaos, down. Second attack on Fellblade, down to 2 health.

In the last Round, Fellblade actually did take down the Demonshark, but it was too late – for one, the Sentry had too much health, and secondly, there was 8 life left in the enemy team – and a double striker/trample with 4 melee damage and Aim True, ready to strike.

What a game! I couldn’t believe how greatly trample had worked in my favor in this entire game, even though I lost most of my monsters so quickly.

As always, I hope you enjoyed the content! Any tips and tricks and remarks are welcome, still a bit of a newbie here, especially at posting :-D

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