Splinterland statistics tool how-to use on Windows


In this post i will give a detailed description on how to run this splinterlands statistics tool on a windows machine.
Most step will be very similar for linux or mac users.

To show case the capabilities of the splinterlands statistics tool an read-only demo is availably at
The intention is to run the tool on your own PC/server, this way i can keep the tool free to use.

@aftersound / @bulldog1205 / @infidel1258 I have used your accounts for the demo environment. If you do not want that, please send me an message, I will remove your account. Also if you want the data to run it on your own also send me an message.

The preferred method is to use docker to run the splinterlands statistics tool.
With this there are two methods to execute:

  1. Run latest version
  2. Run specific version

Prerequisite: Install docker desktop

Make sure it is started when windows is started:


Run latest version

Create a directory where the splinterlands statistics tool can store its data.
In my case i created a directory spl-store on the C drive.

Execute the following commands in a command prompt or PowerShell:

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped -v C:\spl-store:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest -s

Now it will download and start the tool. It is started in server mode (-s) so every 30 minutes new battles/seasons are processed or when your windows machine is restarted.

When you leave out the -s (server mode) option you can update the battle and season data yourself. For example after you have done your daily battles. Note it can only download the latest 50 battle so do this regular.

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped -v C:\spl-store:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest

When it is finished with downloading and its started (this can take a few minutes) then go to http://localhost:8050/config
Add the splinterands accounts you would like to monitor.
This tool only uses public available data so no sign in is needed.

Update latest version

Stop image and clean up:

docker stop splinterlands-statistics
docker system prune -af

Re-start image:

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped -v C:\spl-store:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest -s

Run specific version

Create a directory where the splinterlands statistics tool can store its data.
In my case i created a directory spl-store on the C drive.

If you want to be more in control which version is executed you can use the following command to start a specific released version

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped -v C:\spl-store:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:v0.9.1 -s

To view which releases there are:

When you leave out the -s (server mode) option you can update the battle and season data yourself. For example after you have done your daily battles. Note it can only download the latest 50 battle so do this regular.

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped -v C:\spl-store:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:v0.9.1

Update to new version

Stop image and clean up:

docker stop splinterlands-statistics
docker system prune -af

Run in command pompt or powershell the following command with the new version

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped -v C:\spl-store:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:v0.10.0 -s


Low memory pc

When you are using a low memory system you might experience that docker desktop is using all the memory making your machine very slow.
This can be prevented to update windows wsl configuration

Edit or create C:\Users\<your_username>\.wslconfig file with notepad and write down these settings:

memory=4GB   # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 up to 4GB
processors=2 # Makes the WSL 2 VM use two virtual processors


Not started when windows is started

Make sure docker desktop starts when login is enabled


Make sure when you have started the docker image that you have used the parameter --restart unless-stopped

As usually when you have troubles running the tool/issue/comments send me an message and i will try to help as much as i can.

To read more about the tool peakd post: v0.9.1

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading and all start tracking data to get more insights.
See you all on the battlefield.

Not a splinterlands player yet, consider using my referral link.

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