Guilds Basics - Splinterlands Social Media



In this post, following the beginners guide done previously, I would like to provide a sort of guide for beginners, or not, regarding Guilds, so welcome to this Social Media Challenge.




In many games we have Clans, Factions or any other type of group and, in Splinterlands we have Guilds… and Guilds in this game are basically a group of players who join to participate in Brawls.


Participating in Brawls allow players and the Guild to earn:

  • Crowns, which can be spent by the Leaders to upgrade buildings. The higher the level, the more Crowns needed.
  • Merits, which can be spent by players in Gladius cases, in the Guild’s Shop. You’ll need a level two Shop to purchase them.
  • Splintershards, which were recently added and can be claimed to be in stake, in the SPS tab.


IMPORTANT: Your Guild will need a level one Arena to participate in Brawls and a level one Shop to earn Merits and SPS.

The amount awarded of these tokens depend on the Arena and Shop level and how good the Guild is at fighting. If you don’t enter the Brawl or you enter, but you don’t enter your teams to fight, you won’t earn anything.




Each Guild gives you the opportunity to contribute towards the construction and upgrade of a set of buildings, which are:

  • The Hall: determines member limits and works as a capper for the other building’s level. If your Hall is level four, your other buildings cannot have a higher level than four.
  • Lodge: not a very important building in the lower levels, but it’s “free” to upgrade. It gives you extra Reward Points and Shop discounts. Nothing dazzling here.
  • Arena: it allows you to fight in Brawls. By upgrading it, you’ll get more frays and more Crowns, but fighting will also become more challenging.
  • Barracks: great building to assist you in Brawls with great tactic buffs. For example, at level two, your Gladiators can be used with a Bronze level cap.
  • Store: allows you to purchase special items, like the Gladius cases and, the higher it’s level the bigger the Merit bonus.


Other Perks

The previous were advantages granted by the game “Splinterlands” itself, but let’s remember this game has a big helping community and of course, Guilds are not strangers to that.

Depending on the Guild and it’s Leaders you may have different benefits, which will vary according to the Guild’s purpose. Some are compound by investors, some by hardcore gamers, and some other by casual gamers without a clear goal.

So, you can expect different outcomes: maybe transferred or delegated cards, maybe gifted crypto, or maybe just to be in the Guild for free, which is great if the Guild is competent.


Which one to join?

The same way you may be benefited by joining a certain Guild, you’ll also be demanded a certain amount of sacrifice, so you should join one that suits your level.

Among the different requirements Guild Leaders may ask, we have:

  • To hold a certain amount of Power.
  • To be active in the game.
  • To participate in Brawls.
  • To donate cards.
  • To contribute a certain amount of Guild Power (Guild currency, bought with DEC) to the buildings.
  • To join their communities.
  • To have a certain winning rate.

As you can see there are a lot of different requirements and rules to join and stay in some groups, being the G.P. contribution and the Brawl participation the most common. If you’re new to the game and don’t have much Power, you may want to join a not very demanding Guild that already has an Arena and relieves players from contributing G.P.

You may also want to check if the Guild has a place for you in Brawls, otherwise you may join, contribute towards the development of the buildings, but without being able to join the Brawl, so have that in mind.

Just don’t join a Guild of very casual gamers that don’t fill frays or do not make an effort to upgrade buildings, otherwise you’ll be wasting your time, unless of course, you’re a very casual gamer yourself.


Guild Power

At last, a section about Guild Power; it’s basically a token which acts as currency to upgrade Guild buildings. You can purchase it by using DEC or DEC-B , and it’s value is equal to these last two. So, 200 DEC could be exchanged for 200 G.P.


Remember though! G.P., once purchased is Soulbound to your account and cannot be transferred nor sold and can only be used to upgrade buildings.

The advantage of G.P. is that, unless you donate it to the building, you get to keep 90% of what you contributed, if you happen to leave the Guild for whatever reason, unlike before, where once you put your money in a Guild, it was gone forever.

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Anyways, I hope I was able to give some insight about this great aspect of the game, which can help you quite a lot in Ranked matches, thanks to the Gladius cards and the assist of other players, besides earning some extra SPS.

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