Battle Mage Secrets - Melee Mayhem

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Hey guys and welcome!

This time we have Melee Mayhem as the rule for this Challenge, so after many battles looking for this ruleset so I could write a post, I finally fought one battle with it.


Melee Mayhem
Simple and fun rule; Melee Monsters can attack from any position. This rule gets specially fun when there’s plenty of Mana to spare, since players use all those powerful, Mana expensive Monsters, specially tanks, they would like to use in a regular basis. So, sometimes battles like this become a contest to see who has the biggest… well…, you know what…, instead of a refined display of strategy.

Since there is a big posibility of physical attacks coming your way, you’d like to position a tank with the appropiate attributes: high Speed, Flying or Dodge abilities for an elusive approach, some Armor, Shield, Forcefield and/or Demoralize abilities for a defensive approach. Other option could be the use of a tank with Retaliate or Thorns, if you prefer to counter-attack.

You don’t really need to pick just one tank, you can align three in a row with different traits, since they can attack from any position. If one dies, the next takes the position.

In the offensive department you can use many other cards. This ones, in my opinion, they are better off in the back line, behind defensive cards. Bloodlust, Double Strike, Piercing, Trample and the combination of Stun and Knock Out, are great examples of offensive effects.



Lineup & Strategy
This battle happened in the Wild Silver I League. Alongside Melee Mayhem, there was the Aimless rule, which gives Scattershot to all Ranged and Magic attackers. All Splinters were allowed and we had infinite Mana…, well 99.


  • As my Summoner, the Helios Matriarch. I opted for an elusive tank, and she gives me an extra point of Speed, plus the possibility to summon Dragons, plus a Gladiator.
    My elusive tank was the Void Dragon, which on top of it’s very high Speed, can also Fly.
  • In the second position I placed Grund, who doesn’t have any defensive traits, but whose attack is quite dangerous, thanks to his double strike effect.

  • As a way of supporting my tank, I placed the Goblin Psychic. His quite out of place in this ruleset, I know, but I expected him to help the Void Dragon hold the line with his healing ability.

  • I placed the new Epic Reward Monster, Thane Newsong, to strengthen my Melee attackers, since I half expected my opponent to use Demoralize.

  • In fifth position, one of my favourite Gladius, Katrelba Gobson. The combination between her and Thane has gave me many victories. Her Double Sneak Strike makes her one of the deadliest Gladiators. Can’t wait to have her at level four, where she gets an extra point of attack.

  • At last position, Regal Peryton. The idea of this card was to avoid any potential Sneak attackers and protect Katrelba.

Battle Link


Battle Analysis

Well, the battle was a failure. Instead of going for a “Full Scale War” with high Mana Monsters, I picked a more brainy approach. And don’t get me wrong, being brainy helped me have a high winning rate. No, the reading I make of this battle is that I was unlucky.

The only change I would make to this lineup, considering my opponent’s team, is exchanging the Regal and the Dragon positions, since Regal is slightly faster and maybe he could’ve hold the line for longer. I also feel that the Void Dragon could’ve dodge a couple more hits.

The Scattershot rule was another unlucky factor. I mean, anyone could be hit and my first victim because of that rule was Katrelba, who was critical for the offensive, so losing her also meant losing half of my power.

I also give credit to a couple of my opponent’s cards; one, the Mustang, because of it’s Speed, and the other one, Quora Towershead, probably the most overpowered card at level one in the game. Unfortunately, I still didn’t get her in my Gladius cases, otherwise I could’ve possibly used her here.

I guess though, that there are some moments to be wise and some others to be fully aggressive. Maybe the Melee Mayhem rule is one of those moments.
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This is it for this challenge guys, thanks for reading!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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