# I was quite wrong - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 34 Report Card



Hi everyone!

I've been surprised by a number of things in the Splinterlands world... which really just goes to show that I do not really have my finger on the pulse on this ecosystem.

As I mentioned last season I understood why Splinterlands Inc was releasing Rebellion before Land 1.5, and while I think the evolution of this set is incredible (ie, Battle Wagons, Summoner Tactics, etc) and shows continuous learning and improvement - I'm honestly shocked with how well the Rebellion presale has gone.

At this moment 265,270 packs have been sold (with an additional 30,423 in bonus packs being given out) and honestly this is more than double what I imagined. I just didn't think the demand would be that high given there are still 2.7M Chaos Legion packs sitting around (that are now priced at $0.69 on TribalDex - ouch).

Well done to Splinterlands Inc on a really successful Rebellion presale!
I did buy some packs myself (by plundering my Liquidity Pool DEC stash) because I'd like to be competitive again and I really really would like Splinterlands to continue to exist.

CEO Matt said there is a 90% of Land 1.5 coming out in November. I am a little dubious because if players have spare DEC I imagine the team would prefer that DEC is spent on Rebellion packs in the general sale rather than being burnt on Land, but since I admittedly have no idea, who knows! It's hard to imagine the two biggest things this year happening within 3 weeks of each other but maybe it's important for investor slide decks and whatnot.

Anyway, we'll see. I would love Land1.5 to come out in November, I'm ready for it and I'm so curious to how it changes the game, but I won't get any hopes up.

Match Report


RankDiamond #323Silver #513
Rating3422 - Diamond I1468 - Silver II
Rating High34691468
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.07 (108/101)0.96 (24/25)
Longest Streak106

I did better in Wild than I have done in a really, really long time. Playing Wild in Diamond is so much fun... and conversely, playing Modern in Silver is just so painful.

Silver just plays so differently (which is amazing) but I just seem to be falling further and further behind. I'm barely in Bronze 1 now and just do not know how I'll wrestle my way back up.

Really, really happy with my Wild rating, Win/Loss ratio and Longest Streak... all pretty amazing and I'm really happy with my efforts.

A couple of seasons ago I found a timeslot (8pm my time) where I seemed to win more often... but that didn't seem to work at all this season. I also found that some days it was incredibly hard to win 5 daily Focus Chests, but then I'd have these randomly amazing runs at random times.

So really, for me, no strategy and just playing whenever seems to be working - which hurts my brain.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard189
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold7

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions12069189🟡 7560
Alchemy Potions11391204🟡 10200
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS138.466684.245-⭐ 822.711
Merits2184613-🎀 2797
CHAOS Packs325🟡 20000
Cards (Total)11284196-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
132🟣 0 + ⭐261.564

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 37760 CREDITS
⭐ 1084.275 SPS

I got 57 Loot Chests again (same as last season) and almost identical value in credits and SPS... but a lot fewer cards (244 last season compared to 196)... which just goes to show that luck plays a huge part in the rewards, which is great. I did get a Gold Foil Legendary though, so that is very amazing!

For Season 33 my Total Ranked Earnings (57 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 38520 CREDITS
⭐ 1143.457 SPS
For Season 32 my Total Ranked Earnings (70 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21900 CREDITS
⭐ 451.327 SPS

For Season 31 my Total Ranked Earnings (20 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 10130 CREDITS
⭐ 632.323 SPS

For Season 30 my Total Ranked Earnings (54 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 24060 CREDITS
⭐ 912.500 SPS

For Season 29 my Total Ranked Earnings (47 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 26540 CREDITS
⭐ 568.250 SPS

For Season 28 my Total Ranked Earnings (66 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 31480 CREDITS
⭐ 614.645 SPS

For Season 27 my Total Ranked Earnings (22 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 7260 CREDITS
⭐ 142.440 SPS

For Season 26 my Total Ranked Earnings (38 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 23380 CREDITS
⭐ 647.618 SPS

For Season 25 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (41 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20310 CREDITS
⭐ 252.665 SPS

For Season 24 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (40 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21630 CREDITS
⭐ 263.416 SPS

For Season 23 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (43 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20070 CREDITS
⭐ 262.210 SPS

For Season 22 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (46 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 31020 CREDITS
⭐ 258.952 SPS

For Season 21 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (58 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 33970 CREDITS
⭐ 474.870 SPS

For Season 20 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (63 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 26430 CREDITS
⭐ 642.077 SPS

For Season 19 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20460 CREDITS
⭐ 264.388 SPS

For Season 18 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 27280 CREDITS
⭐ 343.547 SPS

For Season 17 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21830 CREDITS
⭐ 309.952 SPS

For Season 16 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 1490 DEC
🟡 25010 CREDITS
⭐ 417.904 SPS

For Season 15 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 815 DEC
🟡 36600 CREDITS
⭐ 331.589 SPS

For Season 14 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 1345 DEC
🟡 17850 CREDITS
⭐ 1550.681 SPS

For Season 13 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 380 DEC
🟡 10850 CREDITS
⭐ 557.586 SPS

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(391.435)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Rentals just keep their downward spiral... but again, I expect Land1.5 to affect this a lot (I'll be removing cards off the rental market... but I imagine the ones I keep on will go for more).

I haven't decided if I'll rent out any doubles I get in Rebellion packs or Rebellion airdrops, or sell them to buy other cards I want to max out. Probably the later, I would really like to be competitive again... I don't think I've played a tournament for years now.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards5189.536
Ranked Rewards as above1087.103
Brawl Rewards55.757
Tower Defense202.565
Liquidity Rewards5029.044
License Stake Rewards1849.870
NET SPS13413.875
+ Voucher Drops926.599 🎟️

I still don't really understand what was up with last season, it seems to be a weird outlier. Staking Rewards, Liquidity Rewards and License Stake Rewards were all more than double what they are here. I don't understand it. I do expect my License Stake Rewards to drop significantly because I had to raid my LP to buy Rebellion packs. Hopefully that gamble pays off.

Season 33 my Net SPS is 29556.874
Season 32 my Net SPS was ???
Season 31 my Net SPS was 10591.881
Season 30 my Net SPS was 12390.883
Season 29 my Net SPS was 12757.227
Season 28 my Net SPS was 13324.727
Season 27 my Net SPS was 14735.391
Season 26 my Net SPS was 18423.610
Season 25 my Net SPS was 15592.310
Season 24 my Net SPS was 9888.861
Season 23 my Net SPS was 11190.555
Season 22 my Net SPS was 11704.133
Season 21 my Net SPS was 14514.412
Season 20 my Net SPS was 16059.041
Season 19 my Net SPS was 17007.533
Season 18 my Net SPS was 32635.224
Season 17 my Net SPS was ???
Season 16 my Net SPS was 9157.288
Season 15 my Net SPS was 17757.516
Season 14 my Net SPS was 14016.525
Season 13 my Net SPS was 12265.515

We've probably got another full season (after this current one) before Rebellion packs can be opened so I hope to see you on the battlefield before then... and then everything will change and I'll be stronger than ever before!! (Or not, I'm really not sure).

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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