Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Djinn Oshannus OP Card for Champion League!

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Sometimes is good to remind old good tested in battle field cards like Djinn Oshanuus. This card is really powerful and his max power can be unleashed in diamond or champion leagues, because of forcefield and void abilities. This is really fast card, which usually is pared with very speedy team. If you can't hit him, you can't kill him, even if you do, there probably are healers at the back, which sustain his hp to the full bar level. I played battle not so long time ago, when I just want to try up this op card with bunch of healers of the back. Did it work well? You need to read this post to see the result.

But first of all I want to introduce Djinn Oshanuus as a card, you should know him better, before you will try to mess with him!

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Card presentation - Djinn Oshanuus



Dawn of the Djinn 3 of 4 - The Djinn are angry at the way they were tricked by the Planet, but also appreciative that they can now enjoy this limited freedom, each trapped by natural forces. The Djinn possess powerful ancient magic of their own, which is now charged into the force of one element for each of them. The ancient demons of war are an awkward bunch to be chosen as a planetary defensive force, but they are also impressively capable of the job. As long as they are bound by the Planet, they will do its bidding. Whatever their would-be choices and allegiances, they will fight against the Chaos Legion to protect the sixth mana gate.

These powerful creatures almost forgotten by the time, are here on the planet to protect 6th mana gate. Planet protectors are well know from using strong magic from water element.

Card stats


Bronze League


At level first Djinn Oshannus start with void ability, which cover him really well from heavy magic attack. This is good card to play in bronze and even better to play with in silver league.

Silver League


In silver there is second ability phase, which make things more interesting, when your opponent can easy miss magic attack in battle versus your Djinn. Still in Bronze and in Silver league Djinn have 5 speed, which is a lot for many card and additional phase make him almost unhitable by enemy forces!

Gold league


This place is where miracle can apper, where we can protect themself from Venka and other powerful cannon units by forcefield. This well know spell by many Splinterlands players is remedium for any powerful creatures, which just hits like a baby, when they have 5 or more attack. It doesn't really matter, if this is magic or normal attack. This field just stop force with no doubt!

Diamond & Champion League



If you think that this is it and period, you are wrong. In diamond Djinn gets additional damage, so can easy handle Diemonshark solo or other powerful enemy units. Djinns are protectors and they know what they do.With all 3 defensive abilities and bunch of speed they are really true force versus anything. Played well with supports, taunt and other sustain cards, this card is OP. If you are familiar with Cryptic summoner, you should try be carefoul to play against him with Djinn as a tank. You should pray to RNG Gods to not lose your forcefield to quickly.

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Battle strategy

Most people use Djinn Oshanuus as a tank. Sometimes you cover your Djinn somewhere in your team, but usually this is best choice for a tank. I prepared battle, where I played with Djinn Oshannus as a tank with great support team to sustain him very long.

Battle link: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_95cad88e786c0770f5307096b39eca44


Round 1 - My heavy tanks strategy

In this battle there were rulesets for silenced summoners, that is the only one reason why I not played with Lilly or Cryptic. So I just decided to use dragon summoner Quix for less mana and play with Rage, which have anty heal. My opponent played with forcefield, but was not ready to take much damage from magic. So Arkemis was not the best choice for his team. He decided to play with opportunity and scatter shot to make some mess at my backline, but Djinn Oshanuus for his teamcomp is really strong and Rage snowball really well for late game. it take some time to take down my support, if at all. Baakira is second strong heavy tank, so I was really calm about this battle.


Djinn was faster than Arkemis and he just deal some damage to him first. It causes bear the rage and his attack was abover 4 limit, which means my forcefield nulify his damage very easily.

Round 2 - Where the stomp begins

Second round starts like a chainsaw massacre. There is no hope of survival. Of course we talking about enemy team, which struggle really hard with my team :D


Venator Kinjo was the second who dies in this battle and just get oneshoted by Djinn! Then, things for my enemy just goes not as he expected before game starts.. because third tank is Chaos Dragon from now. That mean, he will be not able to spread blast and magic damage across my backline I would say gg wp after this, but this is not the end until you hit surrender button, but wait this is not League of Legends where you can fast forward your games. Ohh right you can just skip the battle to not see how bad it is.


Mayday Mayday we need your help, we are under fire I repeat we are under fire! Shortly after this voice just vanished in the air somewhere..


That was last breath of Chaos Dragon, he fell to the ground with a bang. That was his end and he was killed by my support Merdaali Guardian. What a shame for a Dragon to be killed by support.

In the same round there was a dissaster tank Baakira get double kill with one shot!


And the last card, which can still fight was Dr. Blight, which need to fight alone versus my full team. I think I not need to tell you what happens later.. he tried really hard with his 1 speed versus my 5 speed tank and even land hit and poison on my Djinn, but this was all what he can do in this battle. After that in next round he just get damage from my whole team and bang that's it.

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That was flawless victory.
For this battle I got over 15 sps, which is really decent and I am happy about that fact!


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