Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Blackmoor Nymph OP Tank with immune!

Welcome Guys!

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In this post I will talk about another great card from Rebellion edition! Blackmoor Nymph is great card, I won many battles with that card in my brawls, tourneys and even in diamond ranked games using my silver level. That's right with silver level only! This means this card is really op and you should just consider adding Blackmoor Nymph to your collection or at least rent her for important battles!

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Card presentation - Blackmoor Nymph



In the ancient forests of Blackmoor Basin, wood nymphs serve as guardians of the ley lines and the boundaries that separate the Splinterlands from the Fey Plane. Now, with Praetoria caught in the Chaos Empire's fist and Rage's flight of dragons scorching the land, these nymphs do what they can to protect the forests and the woodland creatures that inhabit them.

As we can read directly from lore, this are monsters from natural element, which have a mission to protect woodland creatures. I can say they are really powerful monsters with immune and some magic damage. Very important in magic battles and low hp doesn't matter at all, if there are no ranged and attack damage units on the table. Nymphs with immune skill with buff from Immortalis - additional void makes them unkillable. The best way to protect wood creatures is just stand at first position and taking all damage, in that case no one other wood creature is able to get hit!

I can tell you fairy stories about this great creatures, but the best way to show their powerful nature is test them in the battle! before that, first I will talk about stats of Blackmoor Nymph and some strategies with that card. Are you ready?

Card stats


I think there is not that much strategy like with cards with more abilities. So I will not tell you how to play in every league. There are only 2 abilities. When you have gold foil version of this card, then you have already immune and snare abilities and this card not take any more stats at higher level, so basically playing with Nymph is the same strategy for every league, where you can meet her. One strategy, which I now is to just use this card with only magic ruleset with Immortalis summoner. Your Nymph will get additional void and can be great tank for many rounds, when you have at least one healer at the backline. And that's it, it work very well. Personally I own only silver level gf version of this card. I bought this some time ago and I really like this card.

Snare can be great ability, when you decide to play with some ranged units. Your Nymph will just mark the target and fly units like Regal will be no problem at all. Ok, you know enough about ancient Nymphs. You know strategy, which I use and their abilities. Now is time for a battle!

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Battle Time


battle link:

As you see I and my opponent we both decided to play this card, the only difference is that he had max lvl and used nymph in the second position and my was silver level and at tank position. Will that make any difference? That's is why this card is so op, when enemy monsters have not enough damage to kill that card with Immortalis!

The difference in our teamcomps is with magic damage. My opponent had good damage with 3 magic, but it have taunt, so no matter, where he put this card on the table it will get damage. So the best option for him was to just put his tank with taunt at first position to get heal. The problem is, this card have no immune, so can easy get anti heal and will be no longer healed by support unit. So at the paper, he had decent team, but main damage, dies because of anti heal and then it was easier for me, because all his units have no damage with only one silence ability from my healer.


This is the most damage enemy team can deal to my Nymph. Only 2 magic damage. This repeat every round and my healer just heal for 2 hp, which is enough to have always full hp at next round. The only difference is that I still have more magic damage on the table, because I have 3 ap Magi of Chaos and 2 ap from Regal Peryton. My enemy have only 2 damage from Nymph, when his tank dies. What it means? You will see!


Madcap Magus really made great work with his scatter shot and dispel. My opponent lost 2x buff from additional hp +1 and randomly his units gets afflition on each unit.


So at the end Nymph lost 2 hp and addtional -1 hp from my Immortalis summoer. In that equation enemy's Nymph have much less than 9 hp, which means will receive only 2 hp heal per round and my units have 2 magic + 1 magic damage. This is enough to take down the enemy Nymph!


See heal only for 2! And all enemy units with only 1 magic damage, which means nothing, when you have Immortalis all magic is mitigated by void! So there is no stelmate and I just won this battle, before round 20!


It was kinda risky play by me to play with only 4 hp Nymph as a tank, but this paid well at the end!


Over 16 SPS with almost full gf team and over 1.1k glint very nice!

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And this is it, thanks for reading my post and I hope you will learn something new from my battle!


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