Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge Favorite Strategies - My pro tips to become Splinterlands Legend!

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As you probably know many players play with different play styles, some of them are more familiar just meta builds, which usually work ok, but your opponent can predict that very easy, if he is enough experienced in Splinterlands. My strategy should be always ready to surprise my opponent with information from his last 5 battles and with cards, which I am able to play in current ruleset.

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Tips from pro player Atnazo

I can teach you how to increase your chance for win. So I will make list, where I will explain how to do that.

  • Don't be afraid of your opponent!


He can be a champion, play very well many matches, but you know what? I not played versus him in champion league, but in bronze gold foil tournament, so why should I be scary at all? Maybe I have even better gold foil collection than him or I can have more experience in bronze than him, because my main league is silver, which is more close than diamond.

Every time you play this game, you must be fearless. No matter how strong is your opponent, keep calm, just do your best. When you send team you can't let emotion rule over you. You have so many time, usually at least 2 min and 30 seconds or even more in wild tourneys. This is a lot of time. You don't need more to use your best setup. I played so many games tens of thousands and to get good team I need like 20-30 seconds. Sometimes I need time to improve my last choice team, when ruleset is kinda weird and I not have good cards for this, but in many cases I don't need full time and I not need overthinking.


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  • Never surrender


Don't be like Laaca and not forget to play tournament :D Sometimes you lose not only, because you hit surrender button, but because you not played at all :D

In my opinion surrender button should be removed really! Are you scared? So why you play this game. There is no entertainment, when your hands shaking and you feel bad about this fact. This is simple, when you hit surrender button you lose, when you lose you not win, and this post is about improve your win ratio so.. never surrender!

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  • Think about best Summoner for specific ruleset


When you see that game rulesets are about playing with specific element in this example magic only with monster for no more than 4 mana, then don't chose summoner, which have nothing to do with this ruleset like mylor or ilthain. In that way you lower your chance for a win, even with best teamcomp, but with wrong summoner you will probably lose, so don't make that mistake!

I decided to go with Obsidian just for more ability power and more power full magic damage and my opponent, just decided to go with dual summoner for less mana, but without this buff. In the end my additional buff carried this game.

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  • Play tournament, even when you start final round at the bottom


As you see there 40 players in final round and I have 38 place after first round with really poor score, which barely let me in to final round. What should I do? Definitely play!

This is good example, because when I finish making this post I will play tournament, where I have 7 wins and 4 loses after first round. My all rentals expired, because I usually rent only for brawl, but when I have second round I focus once again and gather cards, which I don't have by renting them and I prepare myself to play tournament.

Maybe you will not believe me right away, but in the past I had tourney, when I start with 7 4 and I finished final round with perfect score with 10 0 and i was at the end of the tourney in top 4. So even from the bottom you still have a chance for big prizes. You should play then without stress, because you have nothing to lose, you already at the bottom, but people who have nothing to lose like me are the most dangerous, because they don't care at all and can risk it all along the way for the top!

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  • Is hard to achieve, but then is possible once again


Another thing, how many time it take until you win your first spot in leaderbord or your first tourney? I think a lot. Why? Because you never before achieved that, you just limit yourself, you think that is almost impossible, that there are better for that title. You are completly wrong.

Funny thing is, that in the past years ago my goal was to be in final round to play with the best for big prizes. Now be in final round is something for me that common, that I not even count that. Hardly ever I am out and I can't play in second round. So my goal is bigger. My goal is to win not to advance to second round.

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  • Watch your games to improve


You should be a friend with your replay button.

This is really easy way to be better in this game Splinterlands like in any other online game. When you lose, you lost because probably you made a mistake. It could be anything. Maybe you don't know how work ruleset snipe and you put monsters in wrong place on the battlefield, which finish that your tank not take damage and your support team dies first. Or maybe you predict bad, what gonna play opponent and you get rekt by him, only because you counter yourself with your strategy.When you think that you can't just improve enough from watching your own games, then you should watch pro players replays and try to understand, why their setups are better. It would take many times to study well better players than you, to pick up what they really think in moment, before they send the battle. But believe me, when you spent hundreds hours watching pro players or your battles there is not way, that you will be weaker than before this. When I read sometimes tavern and I see people only complain about their win ratio, that they can't just push rating over their own limit and then they say that they skip every battle, they played, cuz they don't care and no have time, then I can say you will never be better players, because you just limit yourself.

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  • Be eternal student

Even when you won so many games in the raw, even when you hold the titles for leaderbord, you need to know one thing. You can't forget about learning in this game. You will be not good enough in next season, if you decide right away to just stop learning from your own mistakes. You can't be better, if you never made a good work strategy.

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  • Don't let bot your account in wild, when you have time to play

You always should chose much harder way to become a legend in Splinterlands. Is easy to say ohh I am champion, but you are champion only, because bot earn you enough rating in wild. This is not achievement, bots not earn achievements and game will verify you in modern or in next tournament, if you will have not enough experience from your last games. Of course sometime we feel burn, and then is better to take a break. When you back you will have more energy and power to be a ruler over your opponents.

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  • There a both types of people. Those, who think that can win, and these who already lose in their mind.

This is really simple, sometimes you just look and you don't know what to do. You just overthinking about losing, because you have no idea how to counter that. You just let your opponent win, because you not really fighting for this win. He is probably more focus on beating you right now and his motivation is better to find best solution to win versus you. With that attitude you have more chance for lose than win, so remember don't think about losing, think how to win first and foremost!


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Thanks for reading and it would be cool to read comments. Go back after some time to this post and tell me, if my tips helps you become a legend in Splinterlands.

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