Taunt Terror From Night Ghoul


what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing?
I am sharing my battle out of theme from Molten Ash Golem for the battle challenge but i want to share about another battle that awesome for my opinion
sorry if my write is not good but hoping you can enjoy some of my content.

In this content i will talking about Night Ghoul Card from Riftwatcher Edition that have big Mana and having taunt ability. After Rifwatcher Edition out now Death splinter is almost complete with having taunt monster and damage monster also Death Splinter hav magic damage monster too. But today i want just share about how to use Taunt Monster with Death Splinter.


So Before we entered the battlefield it is good to know more about Night Ghoul so you can consider to rent or have this card or not


I having Night Ghoul just only level 3 which is only taunt ability unlocked but this monster purely tank i supposed because it has 10 HP at level 3 and 4 melee damage and 5 armor


And here some lore about Night Ghoul

On the storm-ridden realm of Veorgaror, the night ghoul carved out its existence in the lonesome darkness. It fed on small prey in the wetlands and underground, and although it looked utterly terrifying, the creature rarely killed, preferring instead to forage the rotting meat of corpses.

When the Chaos Legion captured it, they saw a vicious potential buried deep within the monster. They took the powerful topaz garnet, fashioned within the chaos forges using dark mana, and forced it into the creature’s eye socket. The gem’s magic radiated bursts of pain through its skull, sending it into a murderous frenzy. Not only that, but the gem’s chaos energy also served as a dampener, allowing the ghoul to absorb massive damage with minimal effect.

The Chaos Legion needed somewhere to test the night ghoul’s effectiveness as a berserker killer, and where better than the Splinterlands. It never hurts to remind a conquered people of who won, now and again.
Yuri led the night watch along the cobblestone street, their burning brands held high. Shadows jumped and lurched on the surrounding buildings. “Whoever you are, come out!” he shouted. “We have you surrounded.”

That peculiar scraping came again, like nails across stone, and a low, rasping breath sounded from the blackness of a nearby alleyway. They crept toward it, weapons at the ready. One brave watchman strode boldly ahead, holding his brand aloft as he peered into the narrow passage.

Something jerked him forward. His brand fell to the damp cobblestones, sputtered, and went out. The clang of steel followed, and Yuri figured the watchman must have dropped his sword. That’s when the screaming began. It was high and horrible. A sound like celery torn in two, and the screams became a wretched sob.

“Gods, no,” someone said.

Then it came.

It bowled into them, sending the men and women of the night watch sprawling in all directions. Yuri stumbled and fell on his belly. Clawed feet stomped across his back, rending his flesh, and he cried out in pain. When he looked up, the thing was among them, lashing out with wicked claws, tearing limbs from bodies. They tried to fight, but for every swing of an axe or sword, the beast only became more enraged. It grabbed a woman by the throat and tore her head off in a spray of gore.

And it was laughing. A deep, bestial rumble that came from deep in its throat, but oh, gods, it was laughing.

Yuri lay still, pretending to be dead, and when the thing was done and it had slaughtered every other member of the night watch, it hunkered down on its haunches, its back to Yuri, and feasted on the bloody mess.

Yuri eased himself to his feet, sword in hand, careful not to make a sound. The wounds on his back were an agony, and blood plastered his shirt to his skin. The beast chewed and gobbled its meal noisily. Its meal—they had been Yuri’s friends and neighbors. He clenched his teeth and took a step toward the thing. Then another. And another. The beast didn’t turn, intent on its gruesome banquet. Yuri wrapped both of his hands around the sword’s hilt, raised it above his head, and brought it down with all his might.

It landed solidly on the creature’s skull, but impossibly, the blade deflected, tearing a long piece of scalp along with it. It sank into the meat of the creature’s shoulder instead. With an angry howl, the thing stood and whirled. The hilt tore from Yuri’s grasp, still lodged in the creature’s shoulder. It tore the blade free and threw it. The sword slid across the cobblestones with a clang and a clattering.

The beast leaped at Yuri. He fell on his back. Beat at it with his fists. Its mouth stretched wide, breath hot and fetid, teeth streaked with gore and long and, oh, so sharp. It fell on him and tore out his throat.

Yuri gurgled and spluttered. As he lay dying, he thought of his children, alone at home. How long until the beast found them?


Let's Rumble

Ruleset & Manacap

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This ruleset is so pleasant with 52 manacap and having ruleset Equal Opportunity which is All monsters will attack from any position (range monsters cannot attack from position 1) and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health. and Odd ones out which is Only odd mana cards can be used. Your options to choose cards will be halved. You'll be forced to use cards that you really don't use much.The element that can be used is Light Element, Death Element, and Dragon Element. My arrangement of this battle can be look in table below :

Thaddius BroodSummoner-1 Magic & -1 HealthI dont have dragon and Life Summoner that can compete in Silver league the only can compete just Thaddius Brood
Pelacor DeceiverFirst TankerFlyingI need some monster with high HP and have good durability. At least that monster need hold on until 3 or 4 round which is Pelacor Deceiver is fit to that because it has chance miss from flying and have 9 HP in level 4 card
Silent Sha-ViSecond AttackerSneakI am using Silent Sha-vi is to steal damage in 1-2 round because this monster have high melee damage and hit the last monster instead the first monster because this monster the only sneak monster that i am used so i placed it in second line
Spirit HoarderThird SupportTriageI am using Spirit Hoarder to heal the last monster that having Taunt ability so my main Tanker is hard to be beaten
Dhampir StalkerFourth AttackerTrue StrikeThe reason i am using Dhampir Stalker is so simple having True Strike ability that cannot miss and having so much Archery damage even have low level
Lira The DarkFifth AttackerOpportunity & SnareThe main reason i am using Lira is the speed. For your info i can steal 2 damage for first attack so if the opponent have main attacker that low HP it can be killed first before my team be killed by the opponent
Night GhoulLast Taunt TankerTauntThis is main Character in this battle because Night Ghoul is super tanky with 10 HP 5 Armor and 4 Melee Damage even i am not using the Melee Damage but Taunt ability plus Spirit Hoarder triage is somehow can be work to adding durability of the Night Ghoul

So, after you read my whole point of view why i am arrange it like that lets go to the battlefield


Let's Go To The Battlefield

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Here in round 1

after debuff from both summoner both monster attack each other Night Ghoul because yes it have Taunt ability so just counting from each other team who have the bigger damage. The one i mark is Ancient Leech and Life Sapper although they have little HP in the beginning after they damage my monster they can adding max HP which is super annoying for me. If we counting the damage out mine was better damage than opponent and i have Spirit Hoarder that can use Triage ability so every round Night Ghoul recovery the HP

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So then move on to round 2

As you can see even my Melee damage was reduced it not make to significant to my total damage because my main attacker is Archery from Dhampir Stalker and Lira the Dark.
Opening of round 2 was my Lira killed opponent Night Ghoul followed Silent Sha-vi damage Disinterigator but didnt give any damage just broke the armor, after that Dhampir Stalker finishing off opponent Life Sapper. But Opponent Ancient Leech cannot killed in round 2 because my Night Ghoul got debuff from Disinterigator but it's okay because still round 3 Ancient Leech must be dead.

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Move to round 3

In here as you can see finally Ancient Leech got killed by Lira so in this round i can guarantee my winner because total damage of the opponent is super low with just 3 total damage from Legionaire Alvar and Djinn Muirat otherwise my total damage is 8 damage. but in round 4 after killing Ancient Leech my team just cracking the armor of the opponent front and back.must move to the next round i supposed.

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Round 4 still cannot finishing off

move to round 4 my whole team as i say above the total damage is just 8 damage so it just can take down 2 from 3 opponent which is leaving Djinn Muirat alone in opponent line up. Meanwhile my army none of them died. Let's go to the finishing move can you guess who finishing opponent Djinn Muirat??

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Round 5 Finishing off

So what you guess what monster finishing the Djinn Muirat?
YES you right Night Ghoul finishing off..and be the last hitter in this battle.

If you want to look it in video battle mode you can just clik link below :

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So here my conclution, before Riftwatcher going out Death monster Chaos Legion edition is lack of taunt monster which is just focusing on Cursed Windeku alone and if ruleset Odds ones out Death monster become weak and just depends on Pelacor deceiver alone for tanker which is it is too fragile right. So, Night Ghoul from Riftwatcher Edition rising up Death Elemental user in Silver or Gold league. I am suggesting that you must adding Night Ghoul in you deck line up right now because is so harmfull as a tanker or as a attacker but the weakness is Night Ghoul is super slow and having high manacap.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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All images taken from Splinterlands website

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