New Reward System: Am I Earning More? #3


In this report I compare my earning from my last season with the one I got in the previous one: this way I can keep track of my account's growth and, at the same time, give new players an idea on how much they can expect to earn if they start playing Splinterlands.

Here you can find my last report.

For reference, my Collection Power is 32425, my staked SPS are 490.017 and my DEC balance is 12298.

A season lasts for roughly 15 days and I play in Silver League.

Now, let's start!

Match Report


Stat #
Silver Rank 19276
Rating 2166 - Silver III
Rating High 2295
Ratio (Win/Loss) 1.15 (249/216)
Longest Streak 10

This season I played 465 matches, always looking to drain my ECR to 75% (and even below in the weekends, as I usually don't play on Saturday and Sunday).

Not being able to play with my favourite Summoners (Water!), I keep losing a good amount of matches: still, this season I ended well over the 2000 rating points, so I'm happy with my result!

At an average of 1.20 minutes per match, this season I played for roughly 560 minutes in total, which leads to roughly 38 minutes of playtime per day.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Rarity Quantity 🔥DEC🔥
Common 33 165
Rare 7 140
Epic 1 100
Legendary 0 0
Total Standard 41 405
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity Quantity 🔥DEC🔥
Common 0 0
Rare 0 0
Epic 0 0
Legendary 0 0
Total Gold 0 0

Loot Chests

Reward Chests Dailies Season Total 💲Token
Legendary Potions 8 5 13 🟡 520
Alchemy Potions 10 7 17 🟡 850
DEC 352 140 - 🟣 492
CREDITS 0 0 - 🟡 0
CHAOS Packs 0 0 0 🟡 0
Cards (Total) 22 19 41 🟣 405

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play Wins DEC Earned
249 🟣 115

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 1012 DEC
🟡 1370 CREDITS


In the previous season I got rewards worth 415 DEC (excluding potions):

  • 135 DEC from 8 cards
  • 210 DEC from chests
  • 267 DEC from 70 ranked wins

Increase in earnings: +144% (+597 DEC).

⭐ SPS Report

Type ⭐ Amount Claimed
Airdrop 41.258
Staking Rewards 3.761
NET SPS 45.019
+ Voucher Drops 0.306 🎟️


In the previous season I got 46.811 SPS.

Increase in earnings: -1.8%

This is it for this season! Now let's give a look at how much I've earned since I started this series of posts.

Keep in mind that the value of the cards is generally higher than their "burn" value in DEC: that's why I won't put the equivalent of what I earned in USD, as this could be determined only after having sold those assets.


  • 1075 DEC from 110 cards
  • 911 DEC from daily and season chests
  • 893 DEC from 760 ranked wins
  • 191.103 SPS


  • 268.75 DEC from 27.5 cards
  • 227.75 DEC from chests
  • 223.25 DEC from 190 ranked wins
  • 47.775 SPS

If you have any suggestions on how to improve my posts or if there's some data you would like to see in my reports, let me know in the comment!

Thanks to the users commenting on the previous post: now the report doesn't mix "," and "." for decimals and I added my average playtime per day!

If you aren't registerd on Splinterlands, you can sign up through my link, thanks!

10% of the rewards of this post on Hive will automatically go to @splinterstats

Article available on:

Posted with the help of SplinterStats Season Report Card. This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. Follow @splinterstats and visit thier Discord if you have any questions.

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