Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Noxious Fumes!


Hi everyone! It's time for the weekly Battle Mage Secrets challenge and the challenge this week is the Noxious Fumes Ruleset.

About the Ruleset

Noxious Fumes

The Noxious Fumes ruleset states that "All Monsters start the battle Poisoned". As such, all monsters without the Immunity ability will take 2 damage each turn. It can be removed with the Cleanse ability.

Battle Ruleset(s)

Details of my battle with this ruleset is as follows.

Super Sneak: All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability
Noxious Fumes: All Monsters start the battle Poisoned
Mana Cap: 19
Available Splinters: Earth and Death
Format: Modern

Cards & Line Up

The Summoner

Summoner: Lobb Lowland - It decrease the Speed of the opponent's deck by 1 and grants the use of an additional gladiator card.

The Line Up

Position 1
Position 2


Position 1
Position 2
Position 3

[Card image source]

1Fungus FlingerIt has the Martyr and Blind ability, and hopefully the opponent will miss some attacks.
2Quora TowersheadIt has the Bloodlust and Heal ability, will a high amount of health. I'm banking on it to prevail in this battle with its abilities.


The ruleset here meant that (1) melee monsters will attack the backline and (2) all monsters will start the battle poisoned.

Typically, for the Noxious Fumes ruleset, I'll choose monsters with the Immunity ability since they are not affected by the Poison. However, given that the mana cap is low and the opponent's higher level cards and that the opponent is unlikely to dish out that much damage, I thought I'll try to out-heal the damage and poison using Quora Towershead. I used Fungus Flinger in combination to boost the stats of Quora Towershead upon its death.

The opponent opted for an Immunity strategy using Harklaw and Venator Kinjo, with Venari Marksrat to boost the stats upon it death. The Harklaw was a level 3 one with the Shield, Immunity and Demoralize abilities, and it effective neutralised my initial physical attacks on it. Thankfully, Quora Towershead did manage to out-heal the damage from the opponent and poison, which allowed me to win the battle.

It's always nice when I come up with a successful strategy to win against an opponent that has stronger cards.

Thoughts on the Noxious Fumes Ruleset

I think the Noxious Fumes ruleset is a fun and challenging ruleset. The poison adds a lot of uncertainties to the battle and it requires some thinking to outsmart the opponent. Abilities like Immunity, Cleanse and Heals will certainly help in this ruleset as well.


Watch the battle here

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