I Hate You but Always Choose You, URIEL THE PURIFIER


Hello Guy's!
I'm back with my Splinterlands post. Now I'm taking part in the Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge. This is my second Splinterlands Challenge post of the week, because I also previously participated in the Splinterlnads Social Media Challenge which I titled Be Warned, Flagulon Reine will Break Your Defense! which discusses one of the Legendary Gladius that I just got recently, that is Flagulon Reine. For this battle challenge, the theme of Splinterlands is one of the Fire monsters, Molten Ash Golem. I chose another monster to take part in this battle challenge, namely the Legendari monster from the Life element which I hated but still I always chose this monster as a tank in the deck I arranged, Uriel The Purifier.

In this post, I will share one of the battle strategies when pushing rank in modern the Gold league. If you follow my previous posts you must know I have a lot of advice about deck life that I posted, this is because the rental cost of this element is the cheapest among other elements, so element life is always in the deck that I put on when pushing rank.

Alright, without further ado, let's get to the main topic in this post. Well guys, as you know I'm not a Proplayer nor am I a tournament hero, I'm just happy to share the battle strategy of the battle which I find interesting which might be a reference you can use if the monsters and rulesets in your battle support it.



Uriel was amongst the many Pelacor that fled Solaki and its military regime when he was young. He found himself in Khymeria, like so many of his brothers and sisters, but even though they practised with life magic it just didn’t feel quite pure enough for him and so he travelled to different Worlds, seeking somewhere he could find that elusive clarity of virtue.

Short Lore from Splinterlands Lore


Rarity: Legendary

Element: LIFE

Attack: MELEE

Mana Capacity : 11

Abilities: Flying, Recharge, Heal, Redemption

Uriel The Purifier is one of the legendary monsters that has a very high mana that is 11. This is comparable to the stats possessed by this monster. At level 1, this monster has active Flying and Recharge abilities, at level 2 and 3 the Heal ability which makes this monster stronger as a tank, and at the max level Redemption ability will be active.

flying.pngFlyingHas an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.
recharge.pngRechargeThis Monster attacks every other round but does 3x damage.
heal.pngHealRestores a portion of the Monster's health each round.
Redemption.pngRedemptionWhen this Monster dies, it does 1 damage to all enemy monsters.

(If you want to know more about the abilities of all Splinterlands monsters, you can read on Splinterlands Gameplay)

If we look at the stats of Uriel The Purifier, this monster is one of the powerful tanks from the Life element. In addition to having a large Speed, HP, and Armor, this monster also has Flying abilities that are very useful during earthquake rulesets and increase the possibility of miss attacks. I don't know the recharge ability of Uriel The Purifiier this I should call an advantage or disadvantages. I honestly really don't like this super tricky ability. It takes the right momentum for this ability to actually come in handy. If the momentum is right, the 3x damage produced will be very extraordinary, but the momentum is not right like the target has Armor, then only the armor will be destroyed by penetrating HP, its also occurs when the target only has a small remaining HP then the damage from the recharge will be the same as ordinary attacks.

I hate the Recharge ability of Uriel The Purifier, but I always use this monster as a tank choice on high mana battles. This is because in addition to good stats, the rental price of this monster is also somewhat cheaper when compared to Shieldbearer which is actually also a powerful tank from the Life element. Unfortunately, the rental price from Shieldbearer is quite expensive.


If I play in the Gold league then at least I need a level 5 Shiledbearer or a level 2 Uriel The Purifier. Of course, these two monsters have their own advantages, but because I am a rental player, so the most reasonable rental price I will use.

rent uriel.png

rent shield.png

From today's Peakmonster rental market, the rental price of Uriel The Purifier level 2 is 11 Dec/day, level 3 is 33 Dec/day, and the max level is only 36 Dec/day. While the cheapest rental price of Shieldbearer level 5 is 102 Dec/day. If you want to invest by buying Uriel The Purifier, the current price is quite friendly. The picture below is the price of Uriel The Purifier both regular foil and gold foil that I took from splintercards.com.


harga reguler.png

harga gold.png





  • Silenced Summoner (Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities)
  • Holy Protection (All monsters have the Devine Shield ability)
  • Mana Capacity 42
  • Element Active Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death


The best defensive strategy in Life is with the Grandmaster summoner so magic attacks will not easily defeat Uriel The Purifier. However, because the summoner will not have any effect from this battle, I chose to use Ilthain, the Epic Summoner from the Riftwatchers edition. I'll try to defend and attack at the same time, so I will use some monster support so that Uriel The Purifier is not defeated. You can see the line-up and strategy of each monster in the table below:

ilthain.png IlthainSummoner+1 Speed, Return FireIn normal rulesets, Ilthain is also a vaforit compared to other Riftwatchers Summoners because his abilities are very useful because +1 Speed will increase the chances of winning because isa attacks first. In addition, Return Fire is a counter to Ranged attacks.I chose this monster because of the Silenced Summoner rulesets, and it just so happens that I'm a level 4 Ilthain who has 4 mana is enough to summon the abilities of the monsters - the monsters I need. Supposedly the best Summoner for these Rulesets is the Summoner mana 3, but I don't have it so Ilthain is enough for this battle.
uriel.png Uriel The PurifierFirst (Tank)Flying, Recharge, HealThis monster is not max gold level, but the ability I need is already active at level 2. The stats can be used as very powerful tanks to withstand Melee and Ranged attacks. Flying ability also increases the chances of miss attack. Unfortunately, this monster is weak from Magic attacks. Well, I actually put this monster just to defend without worrying about the damage it has, as I said above, I can't rely on attacks from monsters that have to be recharged before attacking.
renova.png Djinn RenovaSecond (Attacker, Support)Strengthen, TriageDjinn Renova leve 4 has 3 magic damage that acts as the main attacker. In addition, this monster has an Strengthen ability that increases by 1 Hp for all Friendly monsters, and a Triage ability that will Restore the HP of other monsters besides the first one that gets the most enemy attacks, so that the monsters in the back position can last longer from Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity Monsters attacks
adelade.png Adelade BrightwingThird (Attacker, Support)Flying, Repair, ResurrectAdelade Brightwing level 2 is one of the most important monsters in this battle because of its abilities. Repair and resurrect will be very useful from this battle, so the defense will be stronger. In addition, 2 Magic damage is good enough to fight enemies.
time mage.png Time MageFourth (Attacker, Support)Slow, RustRust from Time Mage will reduce the Armor for all enemy Monsters, Of course this is very useful in every battle. The slow ability will reduce the speed of all enemy monsters, so that the monsters on my side can have a chance to attack first. This monster also has 2 magic damage to attack the opponent's tank.
crystalsmith.pngVenari CrystalsmithFifth (Attacker, Support)Thank HealEven though Uruel The Purifier already has Heal ability, but because the magic attack will directly penetrate the HP of Uriel The Purifier, the Thank Heal ability of Venari Crystalsmith will definitely be very useful. Apart from being a support monster, it also has 2 damage ranges to attack opponents.
lone boatman.pngLone BoatmanLast (Attacker, Support)Snipe, RepairLone Boatman at last position As the target of the Sneak monster, because he has Armor, so I confidently put this monster in the rearmost position. In addition, this monster also acts as an Attacker because he has a Snipe ability with 2 ranged attacks, and as a Support because he has a Repair ability.

Opponents use decks from the Water element. Djinn Oshanus level 3 who has high speed and has Void, Phase and Forsefield abilities as a tank, Flying Squid with Reach and Blind abilities in second position, Venari Wavesmith who has Protect and Dispell abilities in third position, River Hellondale who has Resurrect and Inspire abilities in fourth position, the Sneak Monster who has Poison, Uraeus in fifth position and in the last position there is a level 6 Deeplurker who has the abilities Opportunity, and Poison. I think it's going to be an interesting battle because the two teams have balanced strength.




(Click this image to direct the battle link)

Alright guys, let's see what this match looks like. I've uploaded the video footage of this battle to youtube, so you can see it right away.

(Unsupported https://youtu.be/rFcrGdpeUHk)

After receiving buffs and debuffs from all the monsters, I started to worry about the back defense of my team. The opponent uses an attacking strategy, both from the front, middle and back sides. My Time Mage will target the Opportunity target of monsters who also have Poison, as well as sneak enemies who also have poison. Once Posion is active, my monster will immediately die because of its small HP. It seems that my strategy is about to fail. Well, let's review the round by round of this battle.

round 1.png
Djinn Oshanus becomes a monster who has the first chance to attack, followed by Time Mage. In this round, Uriel The Purifier recharges and is ready to attack the next one. Devine Shield ability is very helpful in this battle, so my monster doesn't die immediately from just 1 attack from Sneak or Opportunity. Counting 1 miss attack in 1 round is Adelade Brightwing's attack on Djinn Oshanus.

round 2.png

Some Epic Moments happened in the second round. Attacks from Time Mage and Djinn Renova miss hit Djinn Oshanus, Attacks from the recharge of Uriel The Purifier right on Djinn Oshanus who previously still had HP 7 immediately lost only one punch, but Djinn Oshanus Resurrect by River Hellondale. My Time Mage died with 1 attack from the Deeplurker, and Resurrect by Adelade Brightwing. Until the end of the second round, the two teams were still in complete formation.

round 3.png

In the third round, Uriel The Purifier was recharged again. Djinn Oshanus died in this round, as did Venari Wavesmith who was defeated by the Lone Boatman. On his side Lone Boatman eventually died at the end of the third round.

round 4.png

The fourth round started from an attack from the Time Mage. Flying Squid has been dead since round 4 just started. Venari Cristalsmith receives poison from Uraeus, but the HP is lost Restores by Djinn Renova. There are 3 monsters left on the opponent's side and 5 monsters are left

round 5.png
RiverHellondale died ad the beginning of round 5. I also lost the Time Mage in this round.

This is the final round, where the opposing monster is only left Deeplurker who was eventually defeated because of the Uriel The Purifier. Finally I won with 4 monsters left on my side




I won this battle, but I don't think it's the best strategy. Uriel The Purifier will not be able to cope with the bombarding magic attacks. The best combination of Uriel The Purifier is with Summoner Grandmaster Rathe and is equipped with Repair and Resurrect support from Adelade Brightwing. You also have to think about who will be the attacker in battle because it is impossible to rely on attacks from Uriel The Purifier that require Recharge. It could be that this monster will die before spawning the KAMEHAMEHA move from the Recharge results hahaha


Uriel The Purifier is a monster that I hate because of its very tricky Recharge ability but I always use it in battle because of the low rental price and can be a very powerful tank when combined with Summoner Grandmaster Rathe and get support for Repair, Thank Heal, and Resurrect abilities.


  • Flying and Recharge abilities has been active since level 1
  • Has high HP and high Armor


  • Mana 11 Only suitable for high mana battles
  • There is a possibility that you will die before attacking if you encounter a magic army
  • Passive during odd rounds due to Recharge ability

Alright Guys, I think is enough here, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. If you want to start playing Splinterland and don't have an account yet, don't hesitate to use my referral:

The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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All images taken from Splinterlands website


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