That One Easy Battle At Silver III Leagues ~ Splinterlands X Social Media Challenge

Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you all are doing well.



Today, I will share a battle with you folk that had all the elements of brilliance and elegance in the Silver Leagues where none of my monsters fell.

Without further ado, let's begin!


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 25 and there are 3 summoners to choose from: Nature, Life, and Death.

Battle Rules:-

  • Aim True: Attacks always hit their target.
  • Taking Sides: Neutral monsters may not be used in battle.
  • Heavy Hitters: All monsters have the knockout ability.

Keeping the man cap and battle rules in mind, I chose the most obvious summoner from the hat that would give me an edge over the enemy with multiple debuffs. I am, of course, talking about the death summoner.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and Magic damage for all enemy monsters by 1)(Level 5)

Tank: Cursed Windeku(ABility: Thorns, Heal).

Melee Attacker: Arachne Thug(Ability: Reach, Trample).

Ranged Attackers: Dhampir Stalker(Ability: True Strike, Deathblow), *Weriding Warrior(Abbility: Shatter).

My plan was to hit the enemy from the front as there would not be enough monsters that could do serious damage from the back of the deck. With such low mana, I went with monsters that would guarantee me high damage and chose to get a ranged attacker with high speed and the shatter ability. This would allow it to break all the shields of a tank should he use one. And, with my tank being able to self-heal, I assumed this lineup would allow me to reach round 4 at least.

My overall damage per round is 11 with 3 healing. Adding in the damage from thorns, it comes to 13 damage per round.


Now for the opposition's side:

Summoner: Obsidian(Ability: Increase in magic damage by 1 for all ally magic attackers)(Level 4)

Tank: Unicorn Mustang(Ability: Void).

Magic Damage: Khmer Princess(No Ability), Goblin Psychic(Ability: Tank-heal, Affliction), Regal Peryton(Ability: Flying).

His strategy was to use his magic-shielded tank to take all the hits while dodging any sneak attackers from the back with his Peryton that had both high speed and flying ability. He also used a healer that had the affliction ability that could render any self-healing monster a non-healer all while healing his tank. He also used a small Princess behind the tank to keep his Goblin from coming up to the tank's position should it fall and do a bit of damage before it is forced in front.

His overall damage per round is 11 per round with 2 healing. Affliction has no additional damage.

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Major Events

Round 1

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This first monster to fall at the end of the round was his tank while mine had over 5 HP.

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2 turns later, his second monster fell making it an instant 2 v 4.

Round 2

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My tank got the affliction and no longer could heal while his healer was down and out leaving his lonely monster with high speed and flying ability. A drawn-out battle was imminent.

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Fortunately, at the end of the round, it was brought down thanks to my Dhampir Stalker's Deathblow and True-strike.



Honestly, it was a done game once I saw his monsters. First off, my summoner beats his summoner ability-wise as he gets an overall -4 HP. Then, with low attack power they get taken out by my monsters with high attack power. As for his Peryton, I had the perfect answer for that, Dhampir Stalker's deathblow, it ensured a swift and deadly strike as a one-hit knockout from the game.

Battle Link

Battle Link

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