Tournament Entry Overhaul Needs To Do These 2 Things


On the most recent Town Hall and Road Map, there is plan to redo the tournament entry structure. This comes in line with the removal of Collection Power in favor of SPS staking in ranked battles, so it makes sense for tournaments to be updated as well.

As it currently stands, there are multiple gates on many of the official @splinterlands tournaments. They will have a CP requirement, and SPS staking requirement, and an entry fee (usually paid in SPS). With the overhaul of this now on the road map, I wanted to offer 2 things that should be strongly considered when making the changes.

First, if we remove the CP requirement as Collection Power is phased out, I do not thing anything should replace it. Leave the SPS staking requirement or maybe increase it a little bit based on what the ranked battle requirements for each league look like but remove it as a barrier of entry for people with under powered decks. If they want to jump into a Diamond/Champ tournament and see if their skills with under powered cards are good enough - we should let them!

This would encourage more people to join because they could focus on renting a couple of cards to supplement their deck without having to worry about what the overall collection power is. And let's be honest, the CP requirements for some of the high level tournaments are absolutely ridiclous.

Second, all tournament entry fees should be paid in Vouchers. If the goal is to incentivize people to stake their SPS, then we shouldn't be requiring them to part with it in order to join a tournament. Vouchers are a benefit of staking SPS (along with holding a node license) so why not allow them to be the token that is required in order to join tournaments. This would also give vouchers ongoing utility as these tournaments happen every couple of days or weeks.

I recognize we could run into some issues if voucher prices skyrocket with a new release or promo, but I would actually view that as a good problem. Force people to make a choice on where they want to spend them. Scarcity in this ecosystem is essential.

I don't know what else the team has planned for their tournament entry overhaul but I do hope they consider these items. With all the changes and utility coming down the road, I believe these would be beneficial in many areas and to many assets within the ecosystem.

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