Do We Need More Card Burning Mechanisms?

As we approach the releases of Land 1.5 and Soul Keep next month, there is a number I thought was worth sharing when looking at the entire ecosystem of cards.

47,704,049 - that is the total number of cards. Not BCX, but actual cards.

This includes EVERYTHING - Alpha to Chaos Legion to even the new soul bound reward cards. 47M is a lot, and when you consider that land, when fully utilized, will eat up about 750k, that's not much in the grand scheme of things. I doubt Soul Keep will eat up more than land, and we don't even know if monster staking will be live with the initial release of the game.

Of course, you need a lot of cards to play the actual game itself. But even if you remove 750k for land, you still have 47M cards to play with in the game.

Seeing the recent reward cards drop back down to a penny makes me realize there is not enough demand even with all of the land hype. There were just way too many cards printed and I do feel as though we will need some card burning mechanisms added in.

My initial ideas are the following:

Guild Buildings - have some kind of building giving benefits to burning cards
Promo Card - release a promo card that requires the burning of older cards to unlock
Rebellion/New Set - require card burns in order to bring new cards into the ecosystem (reduce card inflation)

These are just preliminary ideas but I think it's important to plan ahead. There is a chance we may not experience any player growth until the next bull run (hopefully 2025) and if we plan on releasing even more cards with a shrinking player base that will only make things more difficult (or abundant if you are a glass half full kind of person).

What are you thoughts? How should we handle this massive supply?

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