It's been a rough couple of weeks my fellow Splinterlands fam!

Following the launch of Land 1.0 with all the hype we are now in the grind waiting for Land 1.5 as well as other cool, new features the team is currently working on. Not only that, but Bitcoin decided it wanted to go below $30k so the rest of the market obliged and followed suit. On top of that, we did have the bridge wallet hack which caused a massive selloff for SPS and DEC.

Despite all that...I actually think there is at least one bright spot when you zoom out and look at the bigger picture:

We are earning more SPS per battle.

Now I don't have the exact numbers for this but let me present some charts for your viewing pleasure to help make my point. The first is a 6-month view of the amount of players currently active in the game. (Courtesy of @peakmonsters)


The second is a 6-month view of the number of daily battles.


It's very clear to see that these both have a similar trend - down and to the right. We are now seeing daily active players at about 25-30% of where they were 6 months ago and we're seeing about 10-15% of battles that were played 6 months ago as well. Now I know this data will represent other issues of players leaving or becoming inactive, which is obviously not the desired outcome, but I'm still ultimately bullish on @splinterlands long term and therefore look at the silver lining of this situation.

The amount of SPS paid out for ranked battle rewards has not decreased significantly (the white paper does dictate a 1% reduction every month), so from a token quantity perspective that is now being paid out across fewer accounts. SPS right now is roughly the same price that it was back at the end of 2022 but if you're not focused on short term price and are trying to accumulate for future value then this is somewhat of a golden period to stack more by just playing the game.

Not to mention, with the card prices also taking a dip this could be a good opportunity to round out your deck before Land 1.5 comes in and starts removing cards from circulation.

None of this is meant to be financial advice, of course. Just trying to help us all zoom out a bit and remember that things are pretty good compared to 6 months ago and we have more exciting times ahead!

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