With Zyriel The Fallen now added to the Splinterlands meta, I wanted to share 3 modern (specifically Chaos Legion set) cards that I think pair perfectly with the new promo card. Seeing as it is dual-element, we'll have a card from each splinter as well as a neutral card.

In no particular order, let's go ahead and dive in!

First up - Pelacor Conjurer!


What makes this such a great combination is the fact that Pelacor Conjurer is fast, has flying, and is a meat shield all on it's own. Combine that with Weapons Training from Zyriel and you now have a premier attack option in addition to a solid defensive card with Magic Reflect and Phase. I tend to like putting Pelacor Conjurer in the first position which means a range attack is useless, but for Snipe rulesets and larger mana games I don't mind putting it in the Snipe position especially if that means I can also turn it into a fast and efficient attacker!

Next up - Riftwing!


One of the best parts about non-attack cards is they can be awesome support cards! Riftwing is a perfect example of this, offering Headwinds as an ability to take down your opponent's attack. Combine that with Flying, Scavenger, and Backfire and now you have a card that can give your opponent's team some problems and even do damage on misses. The cherry on top is placing the card next to Zyriel for for the Weapons Training ability and turning Riftwing into a full blown offensive beast!

Last up - Chaos Agent!


Chaos Agent is one of my favorite cards by far - especially at max level! At one mana, this card can cause so many problems for your opponent and become a nuisance they need to work through. At max level with Backfire, that nuisance can become deadly and I've literally won games with only this card because my opponents could not hit it. With it being neutral, it's basically allowed in every game and it's low mana cost make it a consistent option. Giving it an attack with Zyriel just makes it that much more productive!

There are many other great cards that can be used with Zyriel but I have to say these 3 are my favorite by far and ones that I use regularly before Zyriel was even introduced. Now that she is here, I'm only planning to use them more!

What are your favorite combos for the new dual-element promo card?

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