Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Sneak Peeks of the Reward Cards Coming Up Soon

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I am here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, Today, I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. This week we have a new topic that follows the theme "Sharing an interesting thing about the Splinterlands game". I will share my opinion about that with you. Without much ado, we can dive into the topic straight forward.

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It's a new week and I am excited to write again to participate in the Social Media Challenge. Today, I will be sharing a post where I will try to explain the new updates or features added to the Splinterlands game. So as I shared with you guys some updates on the recent features added to the Splinterlands game, today I am here again to share some new updates that are yet to be implemented in the game with you all.

The Splinterlands are adding something juicy to the game and that is the new reward cards system. These are Rebellion cards and to find a sneak peek of them you have to follow the Splinterlands Ambassadors on X (Twitter) as they keep on sharing them out there. Before we look at some of these cards, let's briefly have a look at some of the new abilities they come with.

MimicCorrupted HealingExecuteWingbreak
At the beginning of round 2 and each following round, gain a random ability from the enemy team. 25% chance to gain a random ability from an attacker when hit. Dispel removes one mimicked ability in the order they were gained. Debilitations, Targeting abilities, Ambush, Weapons Training, Flank, Reach, Charge, and Taunt cannot be mimicked.source Each round, restore 1/3 of max health to allied units, rounded down. Each time a unit is healed, its max health is reduced by 1 source If the target has 2 or less health after a successful attack, perform another attack against the same unit. source Always targets enemy units with Flying first regardless of abilities or rulesets. +2 damage if the target has Flying. source
Reapplies Burning at the beginning of each round. Burning has a 33% chance to spread to adjacent units at the beginning of each round, and then all Burning units lose 2 health. Burning can be cleansed. source Deals 1 damage to all allied units at the beginning of each round. source Each round, Weary units have a 10% chance to become Exhausted. This chance increases by 10% every round, up to a maximum of 80%. Exhausted units skip their turn and cannot Retaliate. source

Now, after we have seen some of these special abilities that these new reward cards are coming within the game, let's have some of the Sneak Peeks as well.

The first one is the OLIVIA OF THE BROOK monster which was revealed by @bitcoinflood, on his X page. Thanks for that Sir.

OLIVIA OF THE BROOKSpecies: Materran Race: Human, Subrace: Lyverian. Special: None, Splinter: Kingdom of Lyveria, Aspect: Caster. Magic and Melee Attacks. Mimic Ability, Opportunity ability, and Reflection Shield abilities.
THANALORIAN BLADE4 Melee Attack, 3 Speed, 6 mana cost, 6 health, 1 armor protection, Opportunity ability, Stampede, Execute ability and Lookout ability.

The second monster was revealed by @kontora and thanks too for that Sir. There are a lot of sneak peeks from the ambassadors so I will leave the rest for the next week's social media post.

You may like to join the game, here is a link for easy access; https://splinterlands.com?ref=abu78. Thank you all for your time and attention, I look forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts.

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


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