Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Never gave it a thought of winning this battle at the start

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I a here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, today I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Since this is a random battle, I would be making use of any maybe a good battle of mine. Let's see how it goes in this post guys.

I designed this using canva

I used my personal account @abu78 in participating in this battle. I am playing in the Silver stage. Before I demonstrate my battle here, let's briefly look into the Ruleset of the gameplay that I would be displaying here.


Ruleset IconDescription
Fury AbilityAll mosters have the fury ability. This indicates that all the monsters have the ability to do double damage to targets with the taunt ability.

Cards with the Fury Ability

My Opponent's Team Line-up


My Team's Line-Up



I chose Obsidian summoner so that my monsters would get an increase in magic. It was a 33-mana game condition and I have to manage my card selection to suit that. In using the Obsidain, I decided to get cards that have magic abilities so that they can have an increase of magic.

1st Position:

Fungus Flinger, this card double damage monsters with the taunt ability. It has zero armor protection and also has 3 lives which is a level 2 card. It cost 3 mana. When this monster dies, the adjacent monster gets plus one of all stats.

I wasn't expecting a win from this battle after seeing the cards of my opponent. Seeing the Quora card made me think that it would be tough for me to win this battle. Even from the splintertools I was having the potential win of 32% with my opponent having 68%.

Round 1:
The first to attack in round one came from his Quora's monster which was having the highest speed among all the monsters. Followed by his fungus flinger monster which also did one damage to my monster in the first position. My opponent's Jinn Biljka monster then inflicted me with one magic damage and my first monster "fungus flinger" was dead in the first round.

Next, my monster Queen mycelia made an attack that caused one damage to his first card. Another magic attack came from my monster at the last position "venari spellsmith" and that ended the life of my opponent's first card "venari marksrat".

Also, my monster "madcap magus" did attack as well and made double damage to the Quora card of the monster after which I also received an attack from my opponet's "Goblin Psychic" monster.

Round 2:
In this round, my opponent's Quora monster increased in all abilities and it did attack first. It was first attacked by magic and then followed by a melee damage of 3. My monster "Unicorn Mustang" also attacked it back and made a damage of 4 to it. At the end of this second round, my monster in the first position has gotten a restored back of life to 9 and his Quora monster left with just 4 lives.

Round 3:
My first monster attacked first in this round again and made damage of 4 on Quora's lives of my opponent. This totally ended the life of Quora and that monster was dead. From there, my hope of winning the battle arose and I became happy at that moment. At the end of the third round, I was left with five more monsters on my list whilst my opponent only got two monsters left, that is the "Khmer Princess" and the "Goblin Psychic".

Round 4:
In this round, the Goblin Psychic monster of my monster was left with 5 lives, a magic attack from my fungus flinger damaged two lives, and was left with three more lives to go. My monster "Unicorn Mustang" then attacked with a melee and finally got it taken off in a few seconds without it inflicting any damage to any of my cards again.

The last monster on my opponent list was an easy-to-kill monster, with just two lives, my "Queen Mycelia" monster then attacked it and finished it at a go. That was the end of the round and also the end of the battle as well.

The battle in which I was expecting defeat, but luckily on my side, I won with ease. That was an amazing battle for me and I know you guys would be amazed to see me winning this great battle.

Thank you all for your time and attention for going through my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards
Also, some images were taken from Splintertools

I designed this using canva

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