Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Defeating Quora with Katrelba Gobsin...

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I am here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, Today I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Since this is a random battle, I would be using any maybe a good battle of mine. Let's see how it goes in this post guys.

Borrowed image from splinterlands post

I used my account @abu78 to participate in this battle. I am currently playing in the Bronze stage. Before I demonstrate my battle here, let's briefly look into the Rulesets of the gameplay that I will be displaying here.

Ruleset of Battle

Ruleset IconDescription
No modifications to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics. There are no special tricks for this ruleset but make a balanced team.

My Opponent's Team Line-up


My Team's Line-Up



I chose the Lobb Lowland summoner so that my opponent's monsters would have a reduced speed. It was a 39-mana game condition and I had to manage my card selection to suit that. In using the Lobb Lowland, I decided to get a Gladius monster and add it to my lineup as well. I went ahead and selected Katrelba Gobsin which attacks double with its melee damage.

1st Position:

Unicorn Mustang, this monster is an 8 mana card and it has a speed of 4 and 3 melee attack damage. It is a level 1 monster with zero armor and 10 lives. I placed it in the first position so that it could utilize the magic void attack from my opponent and with mu opponent having two magic monster was a good opportunity for me.

Round 1:
First of all, all monsters took their effect from the summoner by reducing the speed of my opponent's monsters. Regal Peryton attacked first with its magic but missed its attack on my first monster because of the magic void ability of the Unicorn Mustang. Unicorn monster then attacked but missed its attack on my opponent's first monster. Quora from the third position attacked with its magic and damaged Unicorn Mustang by one.

Kron the Uundying and Goblin Psychic also attacked his first-position monster and damaged its health as well. Fungus flinger and Venari Marksrat of my opponent also damaged me with their range attack ability.
At the end of the first round, no monster was eliminated from both sides but his first-position monster was reduced in health by three, and the same applied to my Unicorn monster at the first position.

Round 2:
Round two then began and as usual, Regal Peryton with the highest speed among all the monsters attacked first which missed because of magic void ability of Unicorn Mustange monster. Next, Unicorn also attacked with a melee damage to his first-position monster.

Further attacks were followed by my two magic monsters that is Kron and Psychich Goblin but his Psychic Goblin monster was also able to revive 3 more health to its first positon monster. At the end of round two, no monster was still eliminated and the battle continued.

Round 3:

In this round, I was just hoping that Unicorn Mustang monster wasn't killed and that would grant me the chance of winning the battle because of void magic ability. Fortunately, on my side, Unicorn Mustang wasn't killed and I was able to eliminate his Terracious Grunt monster at the first position.

At the end of the round, I was able to eliminate two of his monsters with mine still intact. All five monsters were still available for the next round, his Quora monster then moved to the first positon and I was hoping to kill that monster before it increases in stats madly.

Round 4:

In this round, I was having five monsters still intact while my opponent was left with four monsters to face me. As usual, Regal Peryton attacked me first and missed, after which Unicorn followed and then Quora.

This time around, my Katrelba Gobsin was able to eliminate Regal Peryton on my opponent's lineup and increased in stats by one. At the end of the round, no monster was eliminated from my end.

Round 5:

In this round, his Quora was able to eliminate my first-position monster and increased in stats by one. Katrelba was also able to kill two more monsters on my opponent's lineup and it increased in stats by two.

At the end of this round, I eliminated two of his monsters and now he was left with just Quora to face three of the remaining monsters on my lineup.

Round 6:
In this round, Katrelba Gobsin was now in the first position, Quora attacked it with its melee damage after attacking with magic on my fungus flinger monster. This increased my monster to 6 melee damage attack.

It then attacked twice and took off 12 health of Quora with just two remaining. Kron the Undying then eliminated it with its magic attack.

The battle wasn't an easy win as I was expecting it to be. That was an amazing battle for me and I know you guys would be amazed to see me winning this great battle.

Thank you all for your time and attention for going through my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards

I designed this using canva

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