There Is Only One Reason To Go Vegan

"So someone goes vegan "mostly for environmental reasons"... great. But what now happens when humans develop the technology to make animal farming more environmentally friendly than it is now, e.g. feeds cows pellets that eliminate methane?

So someone goes vegan "mostly for their health"... great. But what now happens when that person is swayed by a new study that convinces them, personally, that eating animal fats is better for their health, or when pharmaceuticals come out that completely eliminate the harmful effects of eating animals?

Vegan advocacy has to revolve around animal liberation because people will NOT stay vegan if they don't see the strong moral importance of not violating the bodily rights of others. In fact, speak to the average person who "used to be vegan" and you will usually find that they weren't in it for the animals, but rather because of their health, or because they watched Cowspiracy.

The ONLY reason to be vegan is animal rights. Health/environment are mere temporary side benefits until something else comes along that convinces someone otherwise." - Lewis Mac

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