Historia de amor prohibido/ forbidden love story by @zulma2021.

Vanesa comenzó a reunirse con el grupo de jóvenes de la iglesia por pedido de su madre, aunque no le llamaba la atención estas actividades. Hasta que una tarde se tropezó en la entrada con un joven muy guapo, alto y delgado de tez clara, con sonrisa agradable y ojos de mirada dócil, usaba unas gafas que le daban un aire de intelectual y refinado. Ella quedó impactada, las piernas le temblaban y sentía un calor en su interior que subía hacia sus mejillas, en su casa recordaba al chico de la iglesia y sentía que flotaba y que su suave aroma varonil la envolvía. >Vanesa began to meet with the church youth group at the request of her mother, although she was not interested in these activities. Until one afternoon when she bumped into the entrance with a very handsome young man, tall and thin with a fair complexion, with a nice smile and docile eyes, he wore glasses that gave him an air of intellectual and refined. She was shocked, her legs they trembled and she felt a warmth inside her that rose to her cheeks, at home she remembered the boy from church and felt that she floated and that his soft masculine aroma enveloped her.

Ella continuo asistiendo a la iglesia porque quería ver de nuevo al joven. La oportunidad se presentó un día que su madre estaba enferma y asistió en su lugar a realizar algunas obras benéficas con otras vecinas de la iglesia. Allí estaba Daniel, con su camisa perfectamente abotonada y su impecable presencia. Pasaron la tarde juntos haciendo las tareas encomendadas; terminaron de empaquetar y etiquetar los alimentos destinados a los pobres de la comunidad, Vanesa estaba agotada por tan ardua tarea pero no le importó, solo perseguía estar más tiempo cerca de Daniel. Su instinto le indicaba que el sentía algo por ella , entonces sin pensar lo tomó desprevenido con un cálido y apasionado beso en la boca, ambos temblaron con aquel contacto que duró unos minutos, pero se separaron con la certeza de una fuerte atracción. En la tranquilidad de su habitación Vanesa pensaba en Daniel, su amor por él había crecido al punto de que quería ser suya, estaba decidida a consumar el acto de amor, sería el primero en compartir las mieles del sexo con ella, con solo pensar en ello su cuerpo encendió en deseo.

She continued to attend church because she wanted to see the young man again. The opportunity arose one day when her mother was sick and she went in her place to carry out some charitable works with other neighbors of the church. There was Daniel, with his perfectly buttoned shirt and his impeccable presence. They spent the afternoon together doing the assigned tasks; they finished packing and labeling the food for the poor in the community. Vanesa was exhausted from such an arduous task, but she didn't care, she just wanted to be closer to Daniel for more time. Her instinct told her that he felt something for her, then without thinking of her she took him off guard with a warm and passionate kiss kiss on the mouth, both trembled with that contact that lasted a few minutes, but they separated with the certainty of a strong attraction. In the tranquility of her room Vanesa thought of Daniel, her love for him had grown to the point that she wanted to belong to him, she was determined to consummate the act of love, he would be the first to share the honeys of sex with her, just by thinking of this her body burned with desire.

Daniel era sobrino del cura y por eso había venido a visitarlo. Ella Llegó después de mediodía con una cesta de frutas, Daniel la recibió en la entrada con manos torpes, ambos estaban muy nerviosos. El tío de Daniel había tenido fiebre en la mañana y ahora dormía plácidamente, los chicos se refugiaron en una pequeña habitación al fondo de la vivienda y allí se entregaron a la pasión con el ardor de la juventud. Durante ese mes tuvieron varios encuentros amorosos, ella faltó a algunas clase y él inventaba excusas para quedarse en casa y poder encontrarse con su amada.

Daniel was the priest's nephew and that was why he had come to visit him. She arrived after noon with a basket of fruit, Daniel received her at her entrance with clumsy hands, they were both very nervous. Daniel's uncle had had a fever in the morning and now he slept peacefully, the boys took refuge in a small room at the back of the house and there they indulged in passion with the ardor of youth. During that month they had several romantic encounters, she missed some classes and he invented excuses to stay home and be able to meet her beloved.

Regresó muchas veces a la iglesia y no lo veía, tampoco en el grupo juvenil, ni en la casa parroquial, no sabia a quien preguntar, simplemente había desaparecido. Entonces se armó de valor y una tarde le preguntó al párroco por su sobrino tratando de parecer natural, el cura que le contestó, “Regresará para año Nuevo”. Vanesa volvió a sonreír y pensó, dentro de tres meses regresará y nos volveremos a encontrar.

He returned to church many times and did not see him, neither in the youth group, nor in the parish house, he did not know who to ask, he had simply disappeared. So he plucked up courage and one afternoon he asked the priest about her nephew trying to appear natural, the priest who replied, “She will be back for New Year”. Vanesa smiled again and thought, in three months she will return and we will meet again.

Entonces ocurrió lo impensable; una mañana amaneció enferma, vomitaba y estaba mareada, blanca como un papel. Su madre la llevó al médico y casi se infarta cuando este le confirmó que la chica estaba embarazada. Fue todo un drama familiar, reproches y culpas de los padres entre sí, Vanesa no hablaba, se encerró en si misma y se cansaban de preguntarle: ¿como era posible aquello?, ¿quién era el responsable? Ella no dijo, entonces la enviaron de viaje a casa de una tía en el campo y tuvo a su hijo. Se había jurado que no hablaría hasta que Daniel regresará para ella misma contarle que tenían un hijo.

Then the unthinkable happened; one morning she woke up sick, she vomited and was dizzy, white as a sheet. Her mother took her to the doctor and she almost had a heart attack when he confirmed that the girl was pregnant. It was all a family drama, reproaches and blame between the parents, Vanessa did not speak, she closed in on herself and they got tired of asking her: how was that possible? Who was responsible? She didn't say, so they sent her on a trip to an aunt's house in the country and she had her child. She had sworn that she would not speak until Daniel returned to tell her that they had a child.


Un día su madre vistió al pequeño y entusiasmada le dijo que lo llevaría a la iglesia porque había una celebración especial, ella no le prestó atención, se sentó cerca de la ventana y sin querer oyó a las vecinas que caminaban a la iglesia comentando que el sacerdote estaba muy contento con la llegada de su sobrino. ¿Seria posible? ¿Regresó Daniel?, rápidamente se duchó y se vistió con sus mejores ropas. Caminó de prisa y cuando llegó a la iglesia estaba repleta, todo el pueblo se encontraba allí. Escuchó la adorable voz que tantas veces había escuchado en su sueños diciéndole que la amaba. Entonces se abrió paso entre la multitud y allí estaba él al lado de su tío: “El padre Daniel estaba dando la misa como invitado especial”. Ella dio la espalda y se fue ocultando sus lagrimas.
"Nunca revelaría su secreto” no podría revelar jamás que el padre de su hijo era Daniel, nadie los perdonaría".

One day his mother dressed the little boy and enthusiastically told him that she would take him to church because there was a special celebration, she did not pay attention to him, sat near the window and inadvertently heard the neighbors who were walking to church commenting that he priest was very happy with the arrival of his nephew. Would it be possible? Did Daniel come back? She quickly showered and dressed in her best clothes. She walked quickly and when she got to the church it was full, the whole town was there. SHe heard the lovely voice that she had heard so many times in her dreams telling him that he loved her. Then she made her way through the crowd and there he was next to his uncle: "Father Daniel was giving Mass as a special guest." She turned her back and hid her tears from him.
"She would never reveal her secret" she could never reveal that the father of his child was Daniel, no one would forgive them.


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