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Please READ.Fentanyl, can we save this generation and our children?

Good morning,evening or in between,Pease just read on behalf of your children and ours.
I'm William, maried 31 years to my amazing wife Melissa.
We have five grown children, a daughter the oldest and four sons.
My wife and I are recovering addicts of our generation.
Through the generations of those who are now in there mid 40's and up.
Have seen the effects of narcotics in this country.
In the 60's and 70's it was marijuana,herion, LSD (Acid).
The effects of today's narcotics are killing our children. Even if they have not experienced the addiction side, they are curious,
tempted and sometimes persuaded. Two of my children, one 24,
the other almost 21, both have suffered from Fentanyl Overdose, which shuts down every organ, every brain function, Death!
Only way of nuetralizing the effects and reversing this is Narcan and only if administered within a very short time frame of ingesting, sorting,smoking, however.
I and my wife were fortunate enough to be aware, and be there when these had ocurred.
I want no parent to go through any situation involving thier child and this epidemic,blue pill,fentanyl mixed with street drugs which equals DEATH for this generation, as I have and so many others.
Stay committed to your children, even when they are Adults
Give them support when needed, show everlasting love,give them a hand up and dust them off when there world has hit a snag or a ditch, be the one they turn to and lean on.
Most of all remember it's you who our creator gave these gifts.
To be themselves because everone else is taken,be creative, passionate.
Show empathy,compassion,charity and composure.
Use the morals and standards that build dedication,commitment,serenity within. I am by far a parent who has enstilled each and every core value written here.
I am a parent who has personaly seen two of his children be a victim of circumstances with this generations downfall.
feedback is always encouraged.
Thank you for your time

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