Hispaliterario / La trampa de Marciot (Español-English)

La trampa de Marciot

La tarde caía lentamente, había un aire caliente y húmedo, la brisa parecía haberse retirado y la calle estaba solitaria, no había vecinos a la vista.
Parece que este es el momento, —se dijo y siguió caminando hacia la casa como un habitante cotidiano, abrió la reja y entró.

Se dirigió a la parte trasera para evitar miradas curiosas, la casa era un caserón muy viejo con un jardín a un lado que permitía acceder al patio trasero, la puerta que daba a una cocina estaba abierta, cosa que le pareció raro, sacó un arma de su bolsillo por si había sorpresas.

Todo estaba a oscuras porque las ventanas estaban cerradas. Sintió punzadas en su frente, él sabía que lo que había entrado ocasionaba aquella alarma.
Un frío recorrió su cuello que lo dejó paralizado.

—¿Cómo me encontraste? —Le dijo una voz de mujer.
—No sé quién eres.
—No te creo, ellos me persiguen y tú debes ser su enviado.
—Me puedes quitar eso del cuello, guardaré mi arma.

La mujer buscaba con desespero entre una biblioteca de libros viejos, escondidos en un falso gabinete. En su mano sostenía un tubo fosforescente que le permite ver en las penumbras. El hombre estaba amarrado a una silla, apenas se podía mover.
Entreabrió los ojos y veía la sombra de la mujer, buscando algo entre aquellos libros, luego la vio venir hacia él.

—¿Me vas a decir quién eres? —El hombre le sonrió, — no creo que seas un simple ladrón, aquí no se mete nadie que no sepa romper los hechizos.
—¡No sé de qué hablas! solo quería ver qué cosa de valor tiene ese viejo aquí.
—¿Lo conoces?
—No, solo vine por los rumores, la gente habla mucho…
—¿Cuáles rumores?
El hombre tenía varios meses averiguando si era cierto, decían que el viejo tenía la fórmula de la alquimia. El muchacho que lo decía, era un mensajero del viejo y estaba cansado de su actitud despótica, por eso quería unirse a aquel grupo de jóvenes de la calle.

Yo me hacía el borracho y me adormecía sobre la barra. Mi abuelo una vez me habló de un amigo que estaba haciendo experimentos muy serios y peligrosos. A los días leí en el diario que encontraron unos cuerpos momificados, era el grupo que hablaba esa noche. eso alimentó mi curiosidad. Mi abuelo dijo que era un caso de magia negra.
—Cómo te dije, solo busco algo de valor.
Ella se quedó mirando aquel semblante, sacó su tubo fluorescente y lo colocó frente a los ojos del hombre, el sintió que algo en su cabeza parecía desprenderse.

—Tu no buscas lo mismo que yo, pero tienes un poder incipiente y eso te protege. Hay algo mágico en ti, te soltaré. Soy Luna, un hada guerrera de Névula, es una ciudad de magia, pero está en un mundo paralelo y busco la manera de regresar.
—Mi nombre es Nilmer, ¿Y tú, por qué estás aquí?
—La pregunta es ¿por qué tú, estás aquí? ¿qué te trajo a este lugar? Esta es la guarida de Marciot, un demonio que fue expulsado de Névula, quería imponer la oscuridad en todo el mundo mágico.

Recordaba las historias de mi abuelo, me contaba de los demonios de Necrolis, una ciudad perdida, los demonios querían dominar el mundo imponiendo las sombras y en una larga batalla, ellos fueron vencidos y enviados a diferentes partes del universo, yo pensaba que mi abuelo era un fabulador, ahora empezaba a entender algunas cosas.

—Nilmer, tú no estás aquí por buscar algo de valor, Marciot te hizo venir, ¡ayúdame a buscar! tú tienes el tercer ojo, eso fue lo que pude ver en ti. Marciot lo sabe y tu abuelo te protegía, ¿qué le pasó a tu abuelo? Esto es una trampa.

Nilmer recordó aquella noche que sus padres escucharon ruidos, afuera soplaba un viento muy fuerte, pero se oía como si alguien caminara sobre el techo, de repente el techo voló y muchas figuras como de fuego volaban en círculos, mis padres me gritaban para que me escondiera. Mi abuelo apareció y me agarró, salimos corriendo de aquella casa. Más tarde oí por radio que los bomberos no habían podido salvar nada de la casa. El incendio dejo todo destruido. Mis padres desaparecieron. Mi abuelo me llevó a un lugar seguro.

—Tenemos que abrir el portal, antes de que el demonio de Marciot llegue, esto es una trampa, el demonio nos quiere a los dos aquí, ¿tu abuelo no te dijo nada?
—No recuerdo si me lo llegó a decir, solo me contaba historias para dormir.
—Mientras no conocieras la verdad, estabas a salvo y eso fue lo que hizo tu abuelo, te protegía, mientras no tuvieras conciencia de mago, Marciot no podía encontrarte.
—Él me contó de un libro que hablaba de los demonios, ese libro escondía la flor de la luz y...
—¡Claro! hay que buscarlo, debe estar aquí, por eso Marciot te hizo venir.
—Creo que vienen pájaros, son cuervos y son muchos, no sé cómo puedo verlos
—¡Ayúdame Nilmer! Usa tu tercer ojo.
—Veo un pequeño diario, mi abuelo no pudo contarme más, un día su voz desapareció, solo podía escribir, después dibujó unos símbolos y con sus ojos me decía que los guardara, aquí lo tengo.
Nilmer le entregó un papel con unos símbolos y Luna lo leyó, y le dijo que allí decía: abre el portal de ciudad Névula.

Afuera de la casa parecía que muchos búhos ululaban, batían sus alas y el viento golpeaba las ventanas. El espectáculo era impresionante. Luna vencía las penumbras con su tubo fosforescente y allí ante sus ojos apareció un libro diminuto con una portada donde brillaba una gran flor amarilla.

“Lo encontraron señor” “lo encontraron señor” era lo que el viento decía. “! ya voy, ya voy!” “Ahora son míos, Névula nos espera, Ciudad Magia, será de los demonios nuevamente”.
El viento vociferaba como si el demonio de Marciot estuviera allí presente.
—¡Aquí está Nilmer! ¡Ven, necesitamos unir todas las partes, rápido ya Marciot está llegando!
Nilmer sintió que no miraba con sus ojos, era otro ojo escondido en su cabeza y con él podía leer los símbolos. Afuera la tormenta arreciaba con rayos y relámpagos y un viento queriendo arrancar el techo del viejo caserón.
—¡Abuelo, que se abra el portal de ciudad Névula!
—¡Qué se abra el portal! —Gritaba Luna.

Cuando el techo de la casa se levantó y rayo de luz alumbró el rostro de Marciot que llegaba montado en un cuervo gigante, una puerta de luz daba paso a dos cuerpos a otra dimensión. El demonio de Marciot se lanzó sobre la luz, pero fueron las sombras las que lo recibieron.
—¡No! ¡No! ¡Esto no puede ser! ¡No puedo quedarme aquí, me las vas pagar Luna! ¡Me las vas a pagar!

La casa estalló y como por arte de magia el cuerpo de bomberos llegó para apagar el fuego, los vecinos no podían creer que aquella casa hubiera sido destruida por un incendio. Solo un viejo que miraba desde las sombras de la noche, sonreía. Se acomodó su sombrero y dio la vuelta para alejarse. Nadie lo vio.
Névula debe estar lista para vencer a los demonios, ese es mi nieto, ahora sabrá que es un guerrero de la luz y tienes una misión que cumplir junto a la guerrera Luna. Ya me ocuparé de Marciot.

Marciot's trap

The afternoon was slowly falling, the air was hot and humid, the breeze seemed to have withdrawn and the street was lonely, there were no neighbors in sight.
This seems to be the time," he said to himself and walked on towards the house like an everyday inhabitant, opened the gate and entered.
He went to the back to avoid prying eyes, the house was a very old house with a garden on one side that allowed access to the backyard, the door leading to a kitchen was open, which seemed strange to him, he took a gun out of his pocket in case there were surprises.

Everything was dark because the windows were closed. He felt a prickling in his forehead, he knew that whatever had entered was causing the alarm.
A cold chill ran down his neck that left him paralyzed.

—How did you find me? —A woman's voice said to him.
—I don't know who you are.
—I don't believe you, they're after me and you must be their envoy.
—You can take that off my neck, I'll save my gun.

The woman searched desperately through a library of old books, hidden in a false cabinet. In her hand she held a phosphorescent tube that allows her to see in the darkness. The man was tied to a chair, barely able to move.
He half-opened his eyes and saw the woman's shadow, looking for something among those books, then he saw her coming towards him.

—Are you going to tell me who you are? —The man smiled at her, —I don't think you're just a thief, no one gets in here who doesn't know how to break spells.
—I don't know what you're talking about! I just wanted to see what that old man has of value here.
—Do you know him?
—No, I just came here because of the rumours, people talk a lot... —What rumours?
—What rumours?

The man had been trying to find out for several months if it was true, they said that the old man had the alchemy formula. The boy who said it was a messenger of the old man and was tired of his despotic attitude, that's why he wanted to join that group of young people from the street.
I pretended to be drunk and dozed on the bar. My grandfather once told me about a friend who was doing very serious and dangerous experiments. A few days later I read in the newspaper that they had found some mummified bodies, it was the group he was talking to that night. My grandfather said it was a case of black magic.

—As I told you, I'm just looking for something of value.
She stared at his face, took out her fluorescent tube and placed it in front of his eyes, and he felt something in his head seem to come loose.
—You don't seek the same as me, but you have a budding power and that protects you. There is something magical about you, I will release you. I am Luna, a fairy warrior from Nevula, it is a city of magic, but it is in a parallel world and I am looking for a way to return.
—My name is Nilmer, why are you here?
—The question is why are you here? What brought you to this place? This is the lair of Marciot, a demon that was expelled from Nevula, he wanted to impose darkness on the entire magical world.

I remembered my grandfather's stories, he told me about the demons of Necrolis, a lost city, the demons wanted to dominate the world imposing the shadows and in a long battle, they were defeated and sent to different parts of the universe, I thought my grandfather was a fabulator, now I began to understand some things.

—Nilmer, you're not here to look for something of value, Marciot made you come, help me look! You have the third eye, that's what I could see in you. Marciot knows and your grandfather was protecting you, what happened to your grandfather? This is a trap.

Nilmer remembered that night when his parents heard noises, outside there was a strong wind blowing, but it sounded as if someone was walking on the roof, suddenly the roof flew and many figures like fire were flying in circles, my parents were screaming, son, look for a place to hide! My grandfather appeared and grabbed me, we ran out of the house. Later I heard on the radio that the firemen had not been able to save anything from the house. The fire left everything destroyed. My parents disappeared. My grandfather took me to safety.

—We have to open the portal, before Marciot's demon arrives, this is a trap, the demon wants us both here, didn't your grandfather tell you anything?
—I don't remember if he ever told me, he only told me bedtime stories.
—As long as you didn't know the truth, you were safe and that's what your grandfather did, he protected you, as long as you didn't have a wizard's conscience, Marciot couldn't find you.
—He told me about a book that spoke of the demons, that book hid the flower of light and...
—Of course! We have to look for it, it must be here, that's why Marciot made you come.
—I think that birds are coming, they are crows and there are many of them, I don't know how I can see them.
—Help me Nilmer! Use your third eye.
—I see a little diary, my grandfather could not tell me more, one day his voice disappeared, he could only write, then he drew some symbols and with his eyes he told me to keep them, I have it here.

Nilmer handed her a piece of paper with some symbols and Luna read it, and told her that it said there: open the portal to Nevula city.

Outside the house it seemed that many owls hooted and hooted, flapped their wings and the wind beat against the windows. The spectacle was impressive. Luna was overcoming the gloom with her phosphorescent tube, and there before her eyes appeared a tiny book with a cover where a big yellow flower was glowing.

"They found it sir" "They found it sir" was what the wind was saying. "! I'm coming, I'm coming!" "Now they are mine, Nevula awaits us, Magic City will belong to the demons again".
The wind was shouting as if the demon of Marciot was there.
—Here is Nilmer, come, we need to put all the parts together, quickly, Marciot is coming!
Nilmer felt that he was not looking with his eyes, it was another eye hidden in his head and with it, he could read the symbols. Outside, the storm raged with lightning and thunder and a wind that wanted to tear the roof off the old house.

—Grandfather, open the gateway to Nevula City!
—Let the portal open! —cried Luna.
As the roof of the house was lifted and a beam of light shone on Marciot's face as he rode in on a giant raven, a doorway of light gave way to two bodies in another dimension. Marciot's demon lunged for the light, but it was the shadows that met him.

—No! No! No! This can't be! I can't stay here, Luna, you're going to pay! You're going to pay!
The house exploded and as if by magic the fire brigade arrived to put out the fire, the neighbors could not believe that the house had been destroyed by fire. Only an old man, watching from the shadows of the night, smiled. He adjusted his hat and turned to walk away. No one saw him.

Nevula must be ready to defeat the demons, that's my grandson, now he will know he is a warrior of the light, and you have a mission to accomplish with the warrior Luna. I will take care of Marciot.

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