Nubes / Clouds


Discurren apaciblemente
entre ser y no ser
entre estar y no estar
son gigantescas quimeras
leves, borrachas ilusiones
que andarinas se debaten
entre el cielo y la tierra.

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Son ingrávidas aves mensajeras
que utiliza el caos en su concierto
para mandar recados de invierno
para anunciar las próximas lluvias
la esotérica espada del relámpago
la resonancia gutural del trueno.

Son comarcas nómadas errabundas
que transforman sus fachadas
frívolas, bohemias, inconstantes
por el estanque del firmamento
con alucinantes paisajes.

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Son flotantes metamorfosis
descorriendo los velos
revelando arcanos misterios
a los hombres dioses y demonios
con la filosófica gramática
de la transmutación de la esencia.



They run peacefully
between being and not being
between being and not being
they are gigantic chimeras
mild, drunk illusions
what wanderers debate
between the sky and the earth.

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They are weightless homing birds
who uses chaos in his concert
to send winter messages
to announce the upcoming rains
the esoteric sword of lightning
the guttural resonance of thunder.

They are wandering nomadic regions
that transform their facades
frivolous, bohemian, inconstant
by the pool of the firmament
with amazing landscapes.

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They are floating metamorphosis
lifting the veils
revealing arcane mysteries
to men gods and demons
with the philosophical grammar
of the transmutation of the essence.

Traducción: Google Traductor


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