Always be My Baby

"We were as one babe...
For a moment in time...
And it seemed everlasting...
That you will always be mine..."


Boy Meets Girl

Have you ever been in the right love but at the wrong time?

Yep just like that one song goes? Love needs a lot of things to be factored into work, and one thing is the timing. This is a story of a boy and a girl who fell so much in love but are in different spaces and times in their relationship. For all of us to understand it, let us begin the story from the start, college sophomore year.

It's the guy's second year in college. He was an easy-go-lucky dude and knows how to be social. That's the reason why he belonged to a little tight-knit group in their class. Their group is just average when it comes to size and quality. Not too cool, not too lame either. Some of the members are well connected and some are living life with low profiles, just like our guy. For almost every break or free time, the group assembles along the hallways of the school building. One day they gathered on the second floor of a building and they were overlooking the university ground from atop.

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It was just a couple of weeks into the new semester and they were still in the phase of catching up and talking about what they did over the summer and what plans they have in mind for the new semester. Mostly about getaways, projects, and well, girls. Our guy was pretty much experienced when it comes to dealing with girls, but looking to have a girlfriend was not his top priority because he believed in the romantic kind of love, that cheesy almost nauseating kind. He believed that somehow, someday the princess will come in a golden carriage and will knock him off his feet. Never did he imagine that the fateful day he dreamt of, was that day.

He was leaning over the veranda looking into the vastness of the university grounds with students making their way to their respective classes. Even though his eyesight was not that impressive, he managed to spot a girl walking alone, with her books held closely next to her chest. Her hair was of shades of brown and even though their school uniform sucks, this girl somehow wears it with finesse and class. She was slim, neatly dressed, with fair skin and there was something around her neck, a choker apparently is what they call them.

Mesmerized, amazed, and wide-eyed, he was speechless for a moment. He felt a warm feeling spreading from his chest. His face lit up in bright red and he was so excited to shout and scream right there and then. He turned to his group and said, "Hey guys. I found my next girlfriend" the group turned to him and as if guided by his sights they all looked over the veranda and searched for the girl. "Who are you talking about?" they asked. He extended his right arm and with his index finger outstretched, he pointed to the girl walking just past the school's statue, "that one".

"Hmmm. Wait." his classmate said to him like he was recognizing the girl from afar. "I know that girl." his classmate exclaimed and as if he was electrocuted, our guy turned to his friend, and with mouth wide-opened he asked "What? Really? How?!!"

"If I am not mistaken, she's the cousin of my ex."

"Wow for real?! It's a good thing you have many exes. Can you help me with her number then?"

"I'll try. You'll have to treat me to something for that."

"Man, I'll give you a kidney for her digits."

Several days passed and his friend came to him bearing good news. "I got it, dude, she also agreed for you to have it. Good luck."

And indeed, he also wished for good luck. He needed all the luck he could possibly get to have a chance with a girl like her. She was quite the looker, the prettiest girl he had seen his entire life. He was ... well, easy to look at at the very least. It took only several hours for him to muster all of his courage and he sent the very first text.

The message was short, it was quick and it was direct to the point. He told her his name, where he got her number and could he possibly be her "Textmate". He thanked every one of his stars for that day because soon after, he received a message from her giving him an OK for all of the things he said, he felt lucky that she was cool and really kind to give him a bit of time in her day.

Days passed. Sleepless nights endured. Messages were exchanged and calls were made and answered. He tried to make himself a little bit more decent and even got a fashionable pair of eyeglasses to boost up his confidence a little.

"Hey don't forget your lunch. I miss you. See you after class."

The glances and smiles whenever they meet in the corridors of their college became kisses on the cheeks and warm hugs. It was only a matter of time before they were spending more and more of their free time together. He was over the moon and overjoyed whenever he can laze around lying on the hallway floor with his head resting on her lap. It was a feeling he was only familiar with in dreams and in movies. Sweet talks and future dreams flow steadily into and across his mind.

The Shindig

Several weeks has passed and it was time for a much-awaited party dedicated to welcoming all the freshmen, an acquaintance party. It was a party conducted by the college to welcome all freshmen and showcase the talents of some of the students at that college.

The guy was excited to go since it was like going to prom and his dream girl was his date. The night came, the lights dimmed down and the party has begun. He left his classmates and friends and went to sit with the girl at the girl's table. For the whole night, they were together, talking and laughing.

Bands performed, groups danced and several more attempted to entertain the young crowd. People were singing, people were dancing energetically on the gymnasium that also served as their dance floor. The music stopped and the whole place was silent. Enter David Cook's guitar skills and vocals and the song "Always Be My Baby" came on.

"Let's move to the groove and fall in love with the beat of the music..." be continued

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