
Good day lovely hivers, I hope you're doing good, I am really excited to be here. Today I will be telling you a few things about my favorite childhood games, I hope you find them interesting.

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Childhood was indeed beautiful, there was no worries whatsoever, we didn't think about how to earn money ,what to eat or even about our own lives. We had no fear for anything, we had no enemies neither did we hold a grudge against anyone. All we wanted to do was play and have fun with our friends. Life was so simple.
I played a lot of games as a child. The ones I loved most which also forms most of my favorite childhood memories are ;

  • hide-and-seek game
  • tyre-racing
  • counter-ball
  • The War-start game

They were my favorite childhood games. Let me tell you about these games and my experiences playing them

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I particularly liked the hide-and-seek game because of its adventurous nature and because of the fact that all my friends could join in the game. Like I said, the game could be played by as many people as possible, we would divide ourselves into two groups, the Hiders and the Seekers. Often times the seeker's group were formed by just 3 persons while the rest join the hiders.

The game is basically about finding the hideouts of the Hiders. The hiders hide while the Seekers find them in their hideouts

The Seekers are blindfolded or are kept in a separate room while the hiders go out and hide somewhere so the Seekers can't find them. The Seekers count to 60 then they remove the blindfolds and go out in search of the Hiders.


The first 3 persons to be found would become the Seekers in the next game while whoever the Seekers couldn't find would be the champion.
The game ends when the Seekers find all the hiders or when they start shouting "we give-up" because they can't find the last hiders.

I loved to be part of the hiders and hardly was I a seeker because I was good in hiding. My favorite hideouts where places close to where the Seekers where blindfolded. They never imagined that anyone would hide around them so they didn't bother searching those places, instead they would run to distant places in search of hiders.

I remember one time when I badly wanted to be the champion, I hid inside our old refrigerator and closed it so no one would find me. It got stuck and couldn't open, I was just lucky that day, an uncle of mine came to my rescue.

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Another game that I loved to play as a kid is called "WAR-START". I really don't know it's real name but that was the name we called it then.
It potrayed a war scenario where the different group tried to defeat each other.
We would carry toy guns or anything having the shape of a gun. We would also group ourselves into two, each group fought against the other. The game starts when the two groups go into hiding and one of the groups shouts WAR!!! STAR!!!. We would make sounds imitating gun sounds( "skkrrrrrr", "kpa..kpa..kpa..kpa", gboommm", etc) usng our mouths while aiming our toy guns at our opponents.

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Counter ball was what we called it, it was mostly played by the males, it portrayed the real soccer game where opponents try to score goals.
In this game, we made goalposts with papers, used bottle covers as the soccer players, we used a round beads as the ball, we also used a matchbox as the goalkeeper. We took turns in playing, pushing the bead with the bottle-cover(players), one push for each turn until the beads(ball) gets into the opponents goal post. The first player who scores five goals is then the winner.

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Then, we called it car race even though we made use of a tyres. For this game, we made use of any old/discarded tyre we can find. The number of persons who participate in this game depends on the nummber of tyres available. We tried to outrun each other while rolling the tyre. The first to get to the finish point emerges as winner. We gave our tyres names of different car brands, mine was the Benz.

Often times I wish I could just turn back the hands of time to those beautiful days.
Childhood was really sweet.

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Thanks for stopping by, I hope you found this post interesting and I hope it reminds you of your beautiful childhood memories too.

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