(eng/esp)The Offer, Devil's Contract/La Oferta, El Contrato del Diablo


Max lived a simple life as a farmer, tending to his crops and livestock every day. Despite his hard work, Max struggled to make ends meet and often wished for a better life.

One day, as Max was tending to his fields, a mysterious stranger approached him. The stranger was tall and dressed in a long black cloak, with a hood that concealed his face.

"Max," the stranger said, his voice deep and menacing, "I have come to make you an offer."

Max was wary, but the stranger's words piqued his curiosity. "What kind of offer?" he asked.

"I can give you all the wealth and power you could ever want," the stranger replied. "But in exchange, you must give me your soul."

Max was taken aback by the offer. He had heard stories of such deals, made with the devil himself, but he never believed they were real.

"Why me?" Max asked.

"Because you have a pure heart, Max," the stranger replied. "And that is what I am looking for."

Max was torn. On one hand, he desperately wanted a better life for himself and his family. But on the other hand, he was afraid of the consequences of such a deal.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Max asked.

The stranger chuckled. "I can prove it to you," he said, and with a flick of his wrist, he made a pile of gold coins appear out of thin air. "Take this as a down payment."

Max was amazed by the stranger's power, but he still hesitated.

"What do I have to do?" he asked.

"Just sign this contract," the stranger said, producing a scroll from within his cloak.

Max took the scroll and read it over carefully. It was a simple agreement, stating that in exchange for wealth and power, Max would give up his soul to the stranger upon his death. Max's heart was heavy as he thought of the consequences of such a deal, but he was also tempted by the promise of a better life.

In the end, Max signed the contract. The stranger took it from him, laughing heartily.

"Excellent, Max," he said. "Your life will never be the same again."

And with that, the stranger disappeared into the night.

Max was filled with fear and regret. He had given away his soul for a pile of gold coins. But as he looked at the wealth he had acquired, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. He used the money to expand his farm, buy new livestock, and build a new home for his family.

Years passed, and Max became one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the village. He had everything he could ever want, but he was never truly happy. He was haunted by the thought of what would happen to his soul after he died.

One day, Max became ill, and he knew that his time was running out. He called for the stranger to come and claim his soul, as stated in the contract.

The stranger appeared before Max, his hooded face leering down at him. "It's time, Max," he said.

Max was filled with fear and regret as he realized that his soul would soon belong to the stranger. But as he looked up at the stranger, he saw something he never expected to see: a glimmer of compassion in the stranger's eyes.

"Max," the stranger said, "I have come..


Max llevaba una vida sencilla como granjero, cuidando de sus cultivos y su ganado todos los días. A pesar de su duro trabajo, Max luchaba por llegar a fin de mes y a menudo deseaba una vida mejor.

Un día, mientras Max cuidaba de sus campos, se le acercó un misterioso desconocido. El desconocido era alto y vestía una larga capa negra, con una capucha que ocultaba su rostro.

"Max", dijo el desconocido, con voz grave y amenazadora, "he venido a hacerte una oferta".

Max desconfiaba, pero las palabras del desconocido despertaron su curiosidad. "¿Qué clase de oferta?", preguntó.

"Puedo darte toda la riqueza y el poder que quieras", respondió el desconocido. "Pero a cambio, debes darme tu alma".

A Max le sorprendió la oferta. Había oído historias de tales tratos, hechos con el mismo diablo, pero nunca creyó que fueran reales.

"¿Por qué yo?" Max preguntó.

"Porque tienes un corazón puro, Max", respondió el desconocido. "Y eso es lo que estoy buscando".

Max estaba dividido. Por un lado, deseaba desesperadamente una vida mejor para él y su familia. Pero por otro lado, temía las consecuencias de un trato así.

"¿Cómo sé que estás diciendo la verdad?" preguntó Max.

El desconocido rió entre dientes. "Puedo demostrártelo", dijo, y con un movimiento de muñeca hizo aparecer de la nada un montón de monedas de oro. "Toma esto como pago inicial".

Max estaba asombrado por el poder del desconocido, pero aún así dudó.

"¿Qué tengo que hacer?", preguntó.

"Sólo tienes que firmar este contrato", dijo el desconocido, sacando un pergamino de su capa.

Max cogió el pergamino y lo leyó detenidamente. Era un acuerdo sencillo, que estipulaba que a cambio de riqueza y poder, Max entregaría su alma al desconocido al morir. A Max se le encogió el corazón al pensar en las consecuencias de semejante trato, pero también se sintió tentado por la promesa de una vida mejor.

Al final, Max firmó el contrato. El desconocido se lo quitó, riendo a carcajadas.

"Excelente, Max", dijo. "Tu vida nunca volverá a ser la misma".

Y con eso, el extraño desapareció en la noche.

Max estaba lleno de miedo y arrepentimiento. Había entregado su alma por un montón de monedas de oro. Pero al contemplar la riqueza que había adquirido, no pudo evitar un sentimiento de esperanza. Utilizó el dinero para ampliar su granja, comprar ganado y construir un nuevo hogar para su familia.

Pasaron los años y Max se convirtió en uno de los hombres más ricos y poderosos del pueblo. Tenía todo lo que podía desear, pero nunca fue verdaderamente feliz. Le atormentaba la idea de lo que le ocurriría a su alma después de morir.

Un día, Max enfermó y supo que se le acababa el tiempo. Llamó al desconocido para que viniera a reclamar su alma, tal y como estipulaba el contrato.

El desconocido se presentó ante Max, con su rostro encapuchado mirándole con desprecio. "Es la hora, Max", le dijo.

Max sintió miedo y pesar al darse cuenta de que su alma pronto pertenecería al desconocido. Pero cuando levantó la vista hacia el desconocido, vio algo que nunca esperó ver: un destello de compasión en sus ojos.

"Max", dijo el desconocido, "he venido...

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