Versos escondidos: La confesión de una mujer [ESP/ENG]


A woman's confession

Llorando le confesó
que su abandono la lastimó,
que tenía muchos motivos
para sentir su distancia, su indiferencia,
eso la alejaba más de él,
pasaban los días y la rutina era igual,
a veces le molestaba escuchar
las mismas palabras que salían de él.

Él mientras la escuchaba,
no lo podía creer,
ver como todas sus acciones
lastimaban el corazón de la mujer
que juró proteger, estaba perplejo,
lo peor de todo fue que tuvo que reconocer,
que todas sus palabras
las había originado solo él.

Ella mientras tanto,
ahogada en llanto le hizo entender,
que ya no era el mismo,
ese que ella llegó a conocer,
fue desplazada por su familia,
por sus amigos y sus pasatiempos,
ella no sabe en qué lugar la fue a poner,
por eso sus días eran tristes
y la convirtió en una extraña mujer.

Él sabía que en casa lo esperaba ella,
quizás nunca llegó a suponer,
que sus horas retrasadas
hacían una herida honda
en el corazón de aquella mujer,
a ella que le prometió su amor,
sus cuidados y su compañía también.

Por eso siempre se sintió sola
aunque su voz escuchaba
y con sus ojos lo podía ver,
ya no era lo mismo,
era como un puente,
que se interpuso entre ella y él,
estaba tan frágil,
que a ella le asustaba caminar por él,
todo era tan difícil,
por eso se dejó vencer.

Cuando él escuchó todo aquello,
su corazón se empezó a romper,
estaba dispuesto a sentir,
el gran dolor que le hizo padecer,
estaba tan avergonzado,
se arrodilló y le prometió no volverlo hacer,
pero supuso que ya era tarde,
ella ni siquiera pudo responder.

En pedazos cayó el corazón
de quien en muchas ocasiones
en silencio se dejó caer,
nadie se lo imaginaba,
ella secaba sus lágrimas
y emprendía su día con una sonrisa fingida
que muchos preferían ver,
pero ella estaba rota por dentro,
ocultarlo por más tiempo,
no lo podía hacer.

Por eso escuchó su llanto,
los detalles que solo ella
podía describir muy bien,
sus noche solitarias,
sus angustias y su decepción
por todos esos años que vivió con él,
ya estaba cansada,
era el último día a su lado,
ya no había tiempo
para recoger sus pedazos.

Crying, she confessed to him
that his abandonment hurt her,
that she had many reasons
to feel his distance, his indifference,
that distanced her even more from him,
days went by and the routine was the same,
sometimes it bothered her to hear
the same words that came from him.

As he listened to her,
he couldn't believe it,
seeing how all his actions
hurt the heart of the woman
he swore to protect, he was perplexed,
the worst of it all was that he had to admit,
that all his words
had originated from him alone.

She in the meantime,
drowned in tears, made him understand,
that he was no longer the same,
the one she had come to know,
she was displaced by his family,
by her friends and her hobbies,
she doesn't know where he put her,
that's why her days were sad
and turned her into a strange woman.

He knew that she was waiting for him at home,
perhaps he never guessed,
that his delayed hours
made a deep wound
in the heart of that woman,
she who promised him her love,
her care and her company as well.

That is why she always felt alone
although her voice listened
and with her eyes she could see him,
it was no longer the same,
it was like a bridge,
that stood between her and him,
he was so fragile,
that she was afraid to walk across it,
everything was so difficult,
that's why she let herself be defeated.

When he heard all that,
his heart began to break,
he was willing to feel,
the great pain she put him through,
he was so ashamed,
he knelt down on his knees and promised not to do it again,
but he guessed it was too late,
she couldn't even respond.

In pieces fell the heart
of the one who on many occasions
who on many occasions silently let herself fall,
no one imagined it,
she dried her tears
and went about her day with a feigned smile
that many preferred to see,
but she was broken inside,
hide it any longer,
she couldn't do it.

That's why he heard her cry,
the details that only she
could describe so well,
his lonely nights,
her anguish and her disappointment
for all those years she lived with him,
she was already tired,
it was the last day by his side,
there was no more time
to pick up the pieces.


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