Recordando / Remembering

Me senté frente a la ventana. Miraba el cielo y me reía de los personajes que allí estaban. Recordaba las historias que me contó. La del oso que perseguía al gato para hacerle cosquillas. La del águila que correteaba al lado del ratón para alcanzar la cima del árbol y así comer nueces.

A cada sorbo de café un nuevo recuerdo llegaba a mi mente. Ignoraba el tiempo. Solo disfrutaba el sentarme y revivir momentos que alimentaban mi alma.

Eso sí. Al retomar lo ordinario, seco mis lágrimas y agradezco tener ese tiempo para recordarlo.


I sat in front of the window. I looked at the sky and laughed at the characters that were there. I remembered the stories he told me. The one about the bear who chased the cat to tickle it. The one about the eagle that scampered beside the mouse to reach the top of the tree to eat nuts.

With every sip of coffee, a new memory came to my mind. I ignored time. I just enjoyed sitting and reliving moments that fed my soul.

That's right. As I resumed the ordinary, I wiped away the tears and was grateful to have that time to remember.

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