La rosa y el premio / The rose and the prize

Todas las noches subía las escaleras hasta la luna, allí se sentaba con una botella de vino y tomaba un libro, el azar reinaba su decisión, así se sumergía poco a poco en hojas y hojas de placer.

Las sirenas y sus encantos. Los dioses y sus disputas, los hombres y sus afrentas. Leía enamorado, reconstruía emocionado. Caminaba entre nubes, disfrutando del cielo infinito, buscando su historia, promesa anhelada. Esa noche, entre estrellas y vino, todo cambió.

Levantó el rostro y se descubrió frente a una silueta angelical. Ella no dijo nada y con su rostro vestido de sonrisa lo impactó. Él la detalló. Ensimismado la miraba con asombro. Recordó lo leído y sabiéndose el héroe, corrió a buscar una rosa roja y así obtener su premio. "Muchos lo han intentado, esfuerzo de guerreros y dioses" se murmuraba.

Cruzó hacia el infinito y corrió varias galaxias, la imagen de la chica lo animaba a buscar con insistencia. Sacrificios sin resultado, cansancio sin premio. "No serás una eterna imagen", se repetía y yendo más allá de sus fuerzas, consiguió, en el cruce del sol, una rosa blanca, el color era la limitante, pero volvió a casa.

La doncella seguía en el mismo lugar. Su presencia lo animó aún más. "Es blanca, pero sé que roja te liberará" le dijo y clavó la rosa en su pecho, poco a poco su sangre la transformó. La rosa roja hizo que la doncella adornara su rostro con lágrimas. Se acercó y él, animado por su premio, se consumió en los labios de ella, desvaneciendo ambos en esa unión de amor que el cielo narra.


The rose and the prize

Every night he climbed the stairs to the moon, there he sat with a bottle of wine and took a book, chance reigned his decision, so he immersed himself little by little in pages and pages of pleasure.

The mermaids and their charms. The gods and their quarrels, men and their affronts. He read in love, he reconstructed with emotion. He walked among clouds, enjoying the infinite sky, looking for his story, longed promise. That night, among stars and wine, everything changed.

He raised his face and discovered himself in front of an angelic silhouette. She said nothing and with her face dressed in a smile she shocked him. He detailed her. Engrossed, he looked at her with astonishment. He remembered what he had read and knowing himself to be the hero, he ran to find a red rose and thus obtain his prize. "Many have tried, effort of warriors and gods" he murmured to himself.

He crossed into infinity and ran several galaxies, the image of the girl encouraged him to search insistently. Sacrifices without result, fatigue without reward. "You will not be an eternal image", he repeated to himself and going beyond his strength, he got, at the crossing of the sun, a white rose, the color was the limiting factor, but he returned home.

The maiden was still in the same place. Her presence cheered him even more. "It is white, but I know red will set you free" she told him and pinned the rose to his chest, little by little his blood transformed her. The red rose caused the maiden to adorn her face with tears. She came closer and he, encouraged by his prize, consumed himself on her lips, fading both in that union of love that heaven narrates.

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