Juan y Jou: Mi perro es un súper héroe | Relato [ESP-ENG]

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Juan tenía 5 años, era el único hijo de sus padres, ellos habían sufrido mucho para lograr tenerlo y el deseo más grande de su hijo era tener con quien jugar.

Siempre les decía a sus padres querer un hermanito, pero ellos no podían explicarle a Juan lo difícil que era concederlo eso, dado que a dudas penas pudieron tenerlo a él.

Se acercaba el cumpleaños de Juan y a su papá se le ocurrió una gran idea, de inmediato se la comentó a mamá y juntos decidieron sorprenderlo. Llegó el día del cumpleaños de Juan y al finalizar la fiesta le dieron una linda caja y le pidieron la abriera para recibir su regalo.

Juan no lo podía creer, gritaba de emoción, al fin tendría con quien jugar y aunque no era lo que el pedida, estaba muy contento. Un lindo perrito salió de la caja y de inmediato se hicieron los mejores amigos.

El perro llevó por nombre "Jou", así le puso el pequeño Juan. Todos los días les daba de comer y cuidaba a su nueva mascota, pues era su responsabilidad y esto le ayudaría en su desarrollo como persona.

Juan was 5 years old, he was the only child of his parents, they had suffered a lot to have him and their son's greatest wish was to have someone to play with.

He always told his parents that he wanted a little brother, but they could not explain to Juan how difficult it was to give him that, given that they could hardly have him.

Juan's birthday was approaching and his dad came up with a great idea, he immediately told his mum about it and together they decided to surprise him. The day of Juan's birthday arrived and at the end of the party they gave him a beautiful box and asked him to open it to receive his present.

Juan couldn't believe it, he was screaming with excitement, at last he would have someone to play with and although it wasn't what he had asked for, he was very happy. A cute little dog came out of the box and they immediately became best friends.

The dog was named "Jou", that's what little Juan called him. Every day he fed and cared for his new pet, because it was his responsibility and it would help him develop as a person.

Source courtesy of Correah91

Jou y Juan, jugaban en el patio, jugaban incluso bajo la lluvia y luego entraban a casa, Juan tomaban chocolate caliente, mientras mamá abrigaba a los 2 y ponía junto a una fogata.

Juan comenzó a ir a la escuela y Jou acompañaba a su papá a dejarlo, cuando Juan regresaba de la escuela, Jou no paraba de mover su cola de la emoción al ver a su amigo y pasaban el resto del día juntos.

Sin duda alguna Jou era un gran compañero, siempre estaba allí para él, en ocasiones y cuando mamá lo permitía dormían juntos, ya Juan no se sentía tan solo y tenía a ese compañero que siempre había querido.

Una mañana de Otoño, jugaban en el patio delantero de la casa, mamá le había dicho a Juan que tuvieran mucho cuidado. Jugaban al futbol y todo iba de marivilla, anotaban uno y otro Gol, Juan corría emocionado, mientras Jou movía su cola.

En cuestión de segundo, la pelota se fue a la calle y en un descuido Juan corrió a agarrarla, pero no vio que venía un carro muy a prisa. Jou corrió tras él y lo empujó con sus patas delanteras, el carro frenó de golpe y escuchó un grito.

Jou and Juan, they played in the yard, they played even in the rain and then they went home, Juan drank hot chocolate, while mum wrapped up the two of them and put them next to a fire.

Juan started going to school and Jou accompanied his dad to drop him off, when Juan came back from school, Jou couldn't stop wagging his tail with excitement to see his friend and they spent the rest of the day together.

Without a doubt Jou was a great companion, he was always there for him, sometimes and when mum allowed it they slept together, Juan didn't feel so lonely anymore and he had the companion he had always wanted.

One autumn morning, they were playing in the front yard of the house, mum had told Juan to be very careful. They were playing football and everything was going great, they scored one goal after another, Juan ran excitedly, while Jou wagged his tail.

In a matter of seconds, the ball went into the street and in an oversight Juan ran to catch it, but he didn't see that a car was coming in a hurry. Jou ran after it and pushed it with his front paws, the car slammed on the brakes and he heard a scream.


La mamá de Juan salió corriendo al socorro del niño y su mascota, muy asustada y entre gritos. Los subió a ambos a su carro y fue camino a buscar ayuda a un hospital. Juan estaba golpeado, pero con vida, no había pasado a mayores. Jou le salvó la vida.

El conductor del vehículo fue tras ellos y ayudo en cuanto pudo a la mamá de Juan, mientras su esposo llegaba. Ese día casi pierden a su único hijo pero Juan, no dejaba de preguntar por Jou.

—¿Dónde está Jou, mamá?—

El perro súper héroe camino al hospital dejo de respirar, cuando con sus patas empujó a Juan para salvarle la vida, el para choque del carro golpeó su cabeza dejalo inconsciente en el piso y luego haciéndole perder la vida.

Juan no paraba de llorar, su mejor amigo ya no estaba y todo por salvarle la vida. Sin duda Jou, se convirtió en un súper héroe. Los padres de Juan hicieron un pequeño homenaje a Jou y lo enterraron en el patio de la casa, donde jugó por mucho tiempo Juan y Jou.

Juan's mother ran to the rescue of the boy and his pet, very frightened and screaming. She put them both in her car and went to seek help at a hospital. Juan was beaten, but alive, it hadn't happened. Jou saved his life.
The driver of the car went after them and helped Juan's mother as much as he could while her husband arrived. That day they almost lost their only son, but Juan kept asking for Jou.

"Where is Jou, mum?"

The super hero dog on the way to the hospital stopped breathing, when with his paws he pushed Juan to save his life, the car crash hit his head leaving him unconscious on the floor and then causing him to lose his life.

Juan couldn't stop crying, his best friend was gone and all to save his life. Without a doubt, Jou became a super hero. Juan's parents made a small tribute to Jou and buried him in the courtyard of the house, where Juan and Jou played for a long time.


Pasaron los años y Juan siempre recordó a su viejo amigo con cariño, pero había algo que Juan nunca notó, hasta el día que un compañero de estudios le preguntó "Ey Juan, ¿tienes mascotas?" A lo que el se detuvo a pensar mientras decía que no, en que nunca había podido superar la perdida de Jou.

—Tuve una mascota, que más eso fue mi mejor amigo y compañero, salvó mi vida dos veces, primero con su compañía y luego con su ausencia, y nunca me había detenido a pensar en el hecho de por qué no tuve otra mascota, simplemente no he superado el que Jou no esté, por que no debió irse tan pronto— dijo Juan a su compañero de estudios.

Years went by and Juan always remembered his old friend fondly, but there was something Juan never noticed, until the day a fellow student asked him "Hey Juan, do you have any pets?" To which he paused to think as he said no, that he had never been able to get over the loss of Jou.

"I had a pet, who more than that was my best friend and companion, he saved my life twice, first with his company and then with his absence, and I had never stopped to think about the fact why I didn't have another pet, I just haven't gotten over the fact that Jou is gone, because he shouldn't have left so soon", said Juan to his fellow student.

Simplemente Eli.gif

Nunca obligues a alguien a superar una perdida, sea la que sea, humana o de una mascota, cada quien debe tomarse su tiempo, vivir su luto, la mayoría avanza pero una perdida no se supera, solo se aprende a sobrellevarla.

Never force someone to get over a loss, be it human or pet, everyone must take their time, live their grief, most move on but you don't get over a loss, you just learn to cope with it.

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