I was there | Short story horror [ESP|ENG]

Yo estuve allí, mientras iba entrando notaba que las paredes estaban sucias y manchadas, notaba que no había más que frío y un silencio de esos que te invaden por dentro, poniéndote nervioso y al mismo tiempo te mantiene alerta ante el suspenso.

I was there, as I went in I noticed that the walls were dirty and stained, I noticed that there was nothing but cold and a silence of those that invade you inside, making you nervous and at the same time keeping you alert in the face of suspense.


Caminé, era un largo pasillo el que debía atravesar, sé que alguien iba a mi lado, más no recuerdo su rostro, pero me hablaba con respeto, como si yo fuera alguien importante en ese lugar completamente desconocido para mí.

Continúe mi camino, sin imaginar que yo lo estaba viendo pero en diferentes disensiones y mucho menos podía pensar que en otro lugar y a la misma hora, eso estaba sucediendo. Todo era tan real, todo podía palparse, sentirse y oírse verdadero.

Me detuve en un cuarto, recuerdo que era pequeño y allí unas mujeres cambiaron mi vestimenta, me pusieron una bata y llamaron doctora, no entendía nada, nunca quise serlo y mucho menos tener que lidiar con ello. Pero salí de allí y continúe caminando por el largo pasillo, siendo guiada a un sitio desconocido.

I walked, it was a long corridor that I had to cross, I know that someone was next to me, but I don't remember his face, but he spoke to me with respect, as if I was someone important in that place completely unknown to me.

I continued on my way, without imagining that I was seeing him but in different dissensions and much less could I think that in another place and at the same time, this was happening. Everything was so real, everything could be felt, felt and heard true.

I stopped in a room, I remember it was small and there some women changed my clothes, put me in a gown and called me doctor, I didn't understand anything, I never wanted to be one, let alone have to deal with it. But I got out of there and continued walking down the long corridor, being guided to an unknown place.


Luego de tanto caminar llegué a mi destino, fue el pasillo más largo y lleno de suspenso que me ha tocado atravesar. No sabía lo que me iba a encontrar pero de repente comencé a sentir miedo, de ese que te carcome los huesos y te paraliza al mismo tiempo, siendo posible temblar.

No me quería asomar, mis ojos parecían saltar de un lado a otro observando todo el lugar. Todos los demás presentes en la sala, esperan que yo viera, haciéndome creer que era necesario que yo estuviera allí y que no tenía más opción que esa y entonces, sucedió lo inevitable.

Asomé mi cabeza y lo primero que vi fue una camilla, sobre ella un cuerpo, vi sus pies, pues era tal alto que la sábana del hospital no lograba cubrirle por completo. Un hombre, moreno, contextura delgada, yacía frío, su corazón había dejado de latir hace unas horas.

After so much walking I arrived at my destination, it was the longest and most suspenseful corridor I have ever walked down. I didn't know what I was going to find but suddenly I began to feel fear, the kind that eats into your bones and paralyses you at the same time, making it possible to tremble.

I didn't want to look out, my eyes seemed to jump from one side to the other, observing the whole place. Everyone else in the room, waiting for me to see, making me believe that it was necessary for me to be there and that I had no choice but to be there and then, the inevitable happened.

I looked up and the first thing I saw was a stretcher, a body on it, I saw his feet, as he was so tall that the hospital sheet could not cover him completely. A man, dark, thin, lying cold, his heart had stopped beating a few hours ago.


Me acerqué y fui quitando la sábana de su rostro para saber de quien se trataba, pues para eso estaba yo ahí, nunca había hecho tal cosa, no entendía el hecho de ser yo quien tuviera que verle, pero insisto, todos me observaban y con sus miradas me decían "Hazlo".

¡No puede ser! Era él, tenía tantos años sin verlo y estaba allí frente a mí pero sin vida, sencillamente no podía creerlo. Estaba tan impactada que fue entonces cuando desperté, pero al hacerlo, me di cuenta que jamás estuve dormida, solo que ahora no eran una camilla con un cuerpo frío encima, si no dos y estoy a punto de quitarle la sábana de la cara al otro cuerpo y descubrir de quien es.

I approached him and took the sheet off his face to find out who he was, because that's why I was there, I had never done anything like that, I didn't understand that I was the one who had to see him, but I insist, everyone was looking at me and with their looks they were telling me "Do it".

It couldn't be! It was him, I hadn't seen him for so many years and he was there in front of me but lifeless, I just couldn't believe it. I was so shocked that it was then that I woke up, but when I did, I realised that I had never been asleep, only now it wasn't a stretcher with one cold body on it, but two and I'm about to pull the sheet off the other body's face and find out who it is.

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