The Craziest Street


Tired from work and needed to calm the stress. Today day, I know why zobo (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is best taken cold, my mummy did a prefect job with whatever she mixed to bring the drink to reality.


With a cold zobo, in one hand and hot meat pie, in the other. I was who a hungry man calls, "enjoyment manager".

I picked my phone, scrolling to find anything relaxing. From Facebook, to Instagram and then glued to that crazy street called Twitter. I laughed so hard till I spilled zobo on my white dress.

I angrily dropped the zobo and focused on the meat pie. "Twitter is one of the craziest streets on this space", I thought as I switched to Facebook. I wanted to have some sober moments, so I searched for inspirational posts.

That was the last I remember not until I felt my neck aching and decided to stretch my back. Behold! It was dark.

I turned on my phone light to have a proper view of the wall clock on the wall. I squinted until I had a perfect view. It was midnight, "How come? I had not prepared my dinner, I came home at 8:00pm, I had an application to make, I had an aching neck...". I looked at the phone in my hand, my battery was low, with five percent left. A closer look on my phone and oh! I was watching porn. 🤔🤔

"How did I get here?"
Tears sneaked its way out of my eyes. Slowing but steady, it laid it cold, salty texture on my lips. My lips were folded into my mouth. Just me, alone in a room, I felt guilt, confused and disappointed.😂

It was not really an explicit movie, it was just a skit that portrayed a big lady in her magnificent asset, use what she has to get what she wanted. You know what they say about that? She was in figure of eight. 🎉

I only needed to relax, get out of my head I screen. I own myself to be me. I own myself originality. I must be responsible. I am Productive. Yet! planning is key.

Get up and plan for tomorrow 🙏.

Please suggest a suitable caption for this write up, it's actually part of my book not published yet.

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