Touch her again [ENG-ESP]

Touch her again.

I will not regret any of the sacrifices I have to make for her.


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When Sasha told me what she had been living for a few days, I felt helplessness running through my body, I could only imagine my sweet wife being harassed and mistreated by that wretch who used his influence to take advantage of her and try to seduce her and drag her into that dirty game he proposed to her. But she wasn't going to let him get away with it, she would pay him back in kind.

My wife Sasha is the most extraordinary woman I know, she is sweet, gentle, loving and has a smile that can melt your soul. She recently landed a job with a major corporate firm as a data analyst and was doing very well. That is, until Rodolfo, her new boss, arrived.

She had told me that she was a little demanding and that it was hard for her to adapt to the new work rhythm that her new boss demanded, but, even so, she kept giving her best, she loved her job.

A few weeks ago she had to work overtime and when she realized it, she was the only one left alone with her boss, who seemed to enjoy in a strange way all the dedication my wife showed for her work.

I always waited patiently for her, and sometimes I would go to her work to wait for her and accompany her home. One such night, she arrived very quietly and we left together, but she seemed uncomfortable, didn't want to talk and looked a little tired.

That same night she confessed to me that her boss had made her an indecent proposal, that he made a pass at her and without looking at her stole a kiss, she reacted by insulting him and slapped him, to which her boss simply laughed and told her that this was how it was going to continue to be every night until she accepted or quit. That it wasn't at all nice, that every night it was just the two of them alone, that she was clearly looking for that.

When I heard this, I felt like my soul was leaking out of me, I was filled with anger and rage. That bastard had dared to sully the honor of my beautiful wife, and everyone had been complicit in this.

Now I understood everything, while I was waiting for her, my companions came out and looked at me as if they were amused to see me there. They were all accomplices, envy made them conspire to laugh at Sasha.


My wife did not feel up to going to work the next day, she knew that maybe everything would be worse, that she could be humiliated, and that was the last thing she wanted. I was going to take revenge by my own hands and I told my wife not to worry, to just take care of her work and leave immediately when it was time to leave, that I would be waiting for her, I would be there to protect her from that predator.

As soon as my wife arrived at work, I was already there, watching Rodolfo's every move. I had him in my sights, I was not going to let him even get close to her without consequences.

The day went by normally, everyone did their job, and I did mine, I was in charge of making some small adjustments to Rodolfo's luxurious car and I waited patiently for 6 pm to come in for Sasha.

When the time came I started to call my wife, but she told me that she had been assigned additional work and that she needed to stay at least one more hour to finish it, which was of utmost importance. But if she saw that everyone was starting to leave, she would leave too.

Time passed slowly and once again the two of them were alone, Sasha was so focused on her work that she hadn't even noticed it. And while Rodolfo watched her in the distance, like a lion hunting its prey, I could see the mark of sin on his face, in his eyes.

When he came up behind my wife and pinned her to his desk, I knew the time had come.

I loaded my gun and yelled "EH, ASSHOLE, TOUCH IT AGAIN!"

I could notice the terrified expression in her eyes, and I could see the same frightened eyes my wife had just seconds before

—I see that the smile is gone from your face.—I said, holding back the urge to put a bullet between his eyebrows.— Now, if you ever touch her again, or even think about her, it will be the last thing you ever do in your wretched, miserable life, animal.

By that time my wife was next to me, begging me to put the gun down, that I had gone crazy, and a host of other things, asking us to leave. I turned to hug and kiss her and told her that we would leave only after her boss left, that's all i needed.


Rodolfo took his briefcase and walked slowly towards the exit, always looking at me, once he got out of there, he went running to his car while he made a phone call.

At that moment I saw everything very clear, my revenge was done and I smiled as I watched the car go up in flames and Rodolfo with it while he screamed and cursed.

From there everything happened very fast, the police throwing me to the ground, my wife crying, the firemen trying to save Rodolfo without success, and me being taken to the police station.

I haven't seen my wife for a long time now, she has refused to come to see me, she doesn't understand that I saved her from that predator, that it was a matter of survival.

The last time we met I promised her that as soon as I got out of here I would finish with all those who had been accomplices, that I would do anything for her, she just looked at me terrified and left.

But I will never regret what I did.

And I will keep that last promise to her.



Tocala otra vez.

No me arrepentiré de ninguno de los sacrificios que tenga que hacer por ella.


Cuando Sasha me contó lo que estaba viviendo desde hace unos días, sentí la impotencia recorriendo mi cuerpo, solo podía imaginar a mi dulce esposa siendo acosada y maltratada por ese infeliz que se utilizaba sus influencias para aprovecharse de ella e intentar seducirla y arrastrarla en ese sucio juego que le propuso. Pero no iba a dejarlo que se saliera con la suya, le pagaría con la misma moneda.

Mi esposa Sasha es la mujer más extraordinaria que conozco, es dulce, gentil, amorosa y tiene una sonrisa que te puede llegar a derretir el alma. Hace poco logro conseguir un trabajo en una importante firma corporativa desempeñándose como analista de datos y le iba muy bien. Todo esto, hasta que llego Rodolfo, su nuevo jefe.

Ella me había comentado que era un poco exigente y que le costaba adaptarse al nuevo ritmo de trabajo que su nuevo jefe demandaba, pero, aun así, seguía dando lo mejor de sí, ella amaba su trabajo.

Desde hacía unas semanas para acá le había tocado quedarse trabajando horas extras y cuando se daba cuenta solo quedaba ella a solas con su jefe, el cual parecía disfrutar de forma extraña toda la dedicación que presentaba mi esposa por el trabajo.

Yo siempre la esperaba pacientemente, y en ocasiones iba hasta su trabajo para esperarla y acompañarla a casa. Una noche de estas, ella llegó muy callada y nos fuimos juntos, pero ella parecía incómoda, no quería hablar y se notaba un poco fatigada.

Esa misma noche me confesó que su jefe le había hecho una propuesta indecente, que se le insinuó y sin miramientos le robo un beso, ella reaccionó insultándole y le abofeteo, a lo que su jefe simplemente se rio y le dijo que así iba a seguir siendo todas las noches hasta que ella aceptara o renunciara. Que no era para nada bien visto, que cada noche solo se quedaran ellos dos solos, que ella claramente estaba buscando eso.

Cuando escuche esto, sentí que se me salía el alma, me llene de cólera y de ira. Ese malnacido había osado con mancillar el honor de mi bella esposa, y todos habían sido cómplices de esto.

Ahora lo entiendo todo, mientras yo la esperaba, los compañeros salían y me veían como si les causara gracia el verme allí. Todos eran cómplices, la envidia los hizo conspirar para reírse de Sasha.


Mi esposa no se sentía con fuerzas de ir a trabajar al día siguiente, sabía que quizá todo sería peor, que podía ser humillada, y era lo último que quería. Iba a tomar venganza por mis propias manos y le dije a mi esposa que no se preocupara, que solo se encargara de cumplir con su trabajo y se fuera inmediatamente cuando llegara la hora de salida, que yo estaría esperándola, estaría allí para protegerla de ese depredador.

Apenas mi esposa llego a su trabajo, ya yo estaba allí, viendo cada uno de los movimientos de Rodolfo. Lo tenía en la mira, no iba a permitir que siquiera se le acercara sin que tuviera consecuencias.

El día transcurrió con normalidad, cada quien hacía su trabajo, y yo hacía el mío, me encargue de hacerle unos pequeños ajustes al lujoso carro de Rodolfo y espere pacientemente que llegaran las 6 de la tarde para entrar por Sasha.

Cuando llego la hora empece a llamar a mi esposa, pero me dijo que le habían asignado trabajo adicional y que necesitaba quedarse por lo menos una hora más para acabarlo, que era de suma importancia. Pero que si veía que todos se empezaban a ir, ella también se iría.

El tiempo pasó lentamente y nuevamente habían quedado ellos dos solos, Sasha estaba tan concentrada en su trabajo que ni siquiera se había dado cuenta de ello. Y mientras, Rodolfo la veía en la distancia, como un león cazando a su presa, le pude ver la marca del pecado en su cara, en sus ojos.

Cuando se acercó por detrás de mi esposa y le aprisiono en su escritorio, supe que había llegado la hora.

Cargue mi arma y le grite "EH, IMBÉCIL, TOCALA OTRA VEZ"

Pude notar la expresión de terror en sus ojos, y pude ver los mismos ojos atemorizados que tenía mi esposa tan solo unos segundos antes

—Veo que se te ha quitado la sonrisa—le dije, conteniendo las ganas de atravesarle una bala entre ceja a ceja— Ahora, si la vuelves a tocar, o a siquiera pensar en ella, será lo último que harás en tu desgraciada y miserable vida, animal.

Para ese momento mi esposa estaba al lado mío, suplicándome que bajara la pistola, que me había vuelto loco, y un sinfín de cosas más, pidiendo que nos fuéramos. Voltee a abrazarla y darle un beso y le dije que nos iríamos solo después que su jefe se fuera, que solo eso necesitaba.


Rodolfo cogió su maletín y camino lentamente hacia la salida, siempre mirándome, una vez que salió de allí, fue corriendo a su carro mientras hacía una llamada telefónica.

En ese momento vi todo muy claro, mi venganza estaba hecha y sonreí al ver como se prendía en llamas el auto y Rodolfo con el mientras gritaba y maldecía.

De allí todo paso muy rápido, la policía tirándome contra el suelo, mi esposa llorando, los bomberos tratando de salvar a Rodolfo sin éxito, y yo siendo llevado a la comisaria.

Ya llevo mucho tiempo sin ver a mi esposa, se ha negado a venir a verme, ella no entiende que yo la salve de ese depredador, que era una cuestión de supervivencia.

La última vez que nos vimos le prometí que apenas saliera de aquí acabaría con todos aquellos que habían sido cómplices, que haría cualquier cosa por ella, solo me miro aterrorizada y se fue.

Pero, no me arrepentiré nunca de lo que hice.

Y le cumpliré aquella última promesa.



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