ACORN to Ğ1 P2P exchange – December 2022.

Get your ACORN free currency on the Telos blockchain
2 min 22 sec from your basic income or ask one in the tg group.

Send 1 ACORN to pinksquirrel (my account id on Telos) and reply to this post with the transaction number and your Ğ1 account id, I will send 1 Ğ1 to you.
50 first repliers only !

Send 1 Ğ1 to EKXy8PFPkxKav63fzr2UduAaafZo2aX6Y5ofa5z7HgVH and you will receive 1 ACORN.
Reply with the transaction number and your Telos account id.

Once you received your first ACORN, you are automatically registered for the Telos free currency ACORN. The smart contract will send you new ACORNs each time you make a transaction.

More about Ğ1 :

List your preferred P2Pexchange on

Subscribe to Hive with the ecency mobile App to reply to this post.
(you are welcome to use my Hive account name chrisaiki as a referral code)

Enjoy your free currencies, get the best of 2 worlds.

Refs :

acorn to g1.JPG

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