Cherried Monochrome Monday

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share a few more pictures from the recent farm fruit harvesting trip!


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Cherried Monochrome Monday

Fresh fruit is definitely one of the best things to enjoy when you are in the middle of summer weather, especially if you live in an area where you have seasons and don't have hot weather all year round. This gives you something to look forward to in a lot of ways, especially if you are aware of the local food and shopping that is so important for local economies.

In the world of grocery stores and online ordering, it becomes a little disorienting to figure out what food is from what part of the world. Do we grow that food where we live or does it come from another part of the country or world? That's definitely an important question to ask, because the further we get separated from the food, the more chances we have of issues with that.


Since we spend so much time on farms, we really get to know what is local, what is in season and what is the best. There are quite a few things we look forward to in the summer but the different fruit varieties is absolutely a highlight that we enjoy week over week. The growing season is just that: a season. Things will start to grow and ripen at different times compared to other things. This gives so much opportunity for different things at different times it's a wonderful thing to have occur.

For example, the summer here goes in the order:

  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Blueberries
  • Peaches, nectarines
  • Apples

There may be other more obscure fruit in there like mulberries and things but for the most part, that is the way we enjoy it. We get to pick one for a few weeks and then it's off to the next!


The cherries are something special though, because of how few places actually grow cherries. A lot of places will grow strawberries, blueberries and apples which are very common and popular in our area. Less popular are the peaches and cherries for sure but they are a favorite.

I love seeing the way the cherries, dripping with water or condensation in the murky daylight hours with the overcast clouds, appear on these pictures. It's definitely some of my favorite pictures I've taken of fruit and food in a long time! I think with it being black and white, it adds a really dramatic and interesting look to it which is nice!


I wonder if the next bit of fruit picking we do, peaches, will be an interesting visual experience the way the cherries have been. I will certainly try!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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