Iniciativa : "El amor en los tiempos del Covid",/Initiative : "Love in the times of Covid".

"Y ahora permanecen la fe, la esperanza y el amor, estos tres; pero el mayor de ellos es el amor.". (1 Corintios 13:13)

Hola hermosa familia de @holos-lotus, pueda Dios bendecirles abundamente. La amiga @charjaim nos propone en su columna "Esa vida nuestra" un tema titulado "El amor en los tiempos del Covid", iniciativa esta con la cual me he enriquecido al leer los temas de los distintos usuarios de nuestra comunidad, deseo brevemente contarles mi experiencia al respecto馃挆.

No est谩bamos preparados para recibir una enfermedad tan agresiva como el Covid que hizo presencia a nivel mundial dejando tantas muertes y secuelas. Al principio fue agotador mentalmente asimilar las nuevas vivencias a las cuales nos tuvimos que adaptar. Pero ac谩 en Venezuela, donde muchos venezolanos viviamos el d铆a a d铆a, hubiese deseado como nunca haber tenido los ingresos necesarios para hacer mercados suficientes y no tener que salir casi a diario por los comestibles, habia temor al contagio, mi temor no era por mi, sino por mis hijos, tem铆a ser el instrumento de transmisi贸n del virus a mi familia, especialmente mis hijos.


El amor filial era lo m谩s importante en ese momento, proteger a mis hijos y a mi mam谩 a quien necesariamente deb铆a visitar casi a diario por los cuidados que requeria para su bienestar. Observ茅 con celo las medidas de seguridad, al principio con extremo cuidado, mis chicos no salian, solo yo y cuando llegaba me ba帽aba y cambiaba toda la ropa, hasta los zapatos dejaba en la puerta, creo que era un instinto de sobrevivencia, las alarmas estaban dadas y decian muchas cosas. Creo que no fui la 煤nica que al principio extrem贸 en todos esos cuidados, era algo que nos cambi贸 porque ante la muerte ning煤n ser humano est谩 preparado y las noticias de los decesos por Covid eran muchas.

Luego, comenzamos a suavizar un poco las cosas, dejando a un lado los extremos, pero siempre alertas, adapt谩ndonos a una nueva modalidad, vivir con el Covid. Sin embargo, todo acontecimiento nos presenta una experiencia de fe, tuve la oportunidad de participar en distintos eventos de ayuda comunitaria de la iglesia. Esto forma parte del amor "脕gape" un amor desinteresado por el pr贸jimo, el amor filial es el dirigido a la familia, siempre est谩, damos la vida por nuestra familia, el amor 脕gape es un amor distinto, fraternal, hacia el pr贸jimo, de este pude ver muchas demostraciones y tambi茅n ser parte de ello.

Entender que no solo somos nosotros y los mios, muchas personas necesitaban ayuda, una comida, una palabra de fe y esperanza, fuimos a los hospitales, con nuestros tapabocas y medidas de seguridad a llevar algunos pocos alimentos a los acompa帽antes de los enfermos. La iglesia tambi茅n ayud贸 a sus miembros. V铆a WhatsApp se crearon grupos con actividades para los ni帽os, juegos, videos, estudios, tambi茅n se enviaba material de fe y esperanza para ser compartidos en familia. La seguridad de los ni帽os y j贸venes, su salud mental, f铆sica y espiritual fue prioridad.




A nivel laboral el amor manifestado por m茅dicos y enfermeras a su vocaci贸n de servicio fue notable y digno de admiraci贸n, as铆 como tambi茅n el personal docente a quienes les toc贸 buscar las asignaciones a las casas de los estudiantes que no tenian la posibilidad de enviar sus asignaciones v铆a online. En determinados momentos al retirar mi material en la instituci贸n tra铆a conmigo los de algunos compa帽eros que sab铆a donde vivian y ten铆an ni帽os peque帽os o no habian podido asistir a la instituci贸n a retirar su material, la idea era ayudarnos unos a otros. Recuerdo m煤sicos unidos en cantos de esperanza, cada uno a la distancia uniendo su voz a la de otros con un mensaje que llevaba una reflexi贸n. Fue emotivo ver tantas demostraciones de amor por diversas personas que en su momento reflejaron lo mejor de si.

Quisiera terminar mi reflexi贸n diciendo que el mundo cambi贸 luego de esto, pero en realidad no logro ver ese cambio. Mucha gente se resiste al amor, hay guerra, hechos delictivos, injusticias y muchos males sociales, no s茅 qu茅 habr谩 que pasar para lograr esos cambios del coraz贸n. Solo pocos abrieron su entendimiento al pensamiento de lo que realmente es esencial, valorar m谩s , amar m谩s, algunos lo aprendieron en pandemia y esa convicci贸n permanece en su ser. Otros reflejaron lo mejor de s铆 porque es su esencia, fruto de su experiencia de vida y relaci贸n con su Hacedor.

Si crecemos espiritualmente, en amor los unos por los otros, el mundo ser铆a distinto. El amor es un principio divino, la fuente del amor es Dios, estando junto a la fuente somos llenos de ese amor y podemos esparcirlo a otros. No te detengas porque otros se resistan al amor, tu sigue brindando amor, no quedar谩s defraudado, las recompensas son aqu铆 y en la eternidad. Dios te bendiga inmenso, abrazos.

Gracias por acompa帽arme en la lectura, gracias por tan linda iniciativa.

"El que no ama, no ha conocido a Dios; porque Dios es amor".( 1 Juan 4:8)

Nota: El contenido es original, fotos de mi propiedad, traducci贸n hecha en Deepl, gracias.>


And now abideth faith, hope, and love, these three: but the greatest of these is love. " (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Hello beautiful family of @holos-lotus, may God bless you abundantly. The friend @charjaim proposes us in her column "That life of ours" a topic entitled "Love in the times of Covid", initiative with which I have been enriched by reading the topics of the various users of our community, I want to briefly tell you my experience in this regard馃挆.

We were not prepared to receive such an aggressive disease as Covid that made its presence worldwide leaving so many deaths and sequels. At the beginning it was mentally exhausting to assimilate the new experiences to which we had to adapt. But here in Venezuela, where many Venezuelans lived day by day, I wished I had never had the necessary income to make sufficient markets and not have to go out almost every day for groceries, there was fear of contagion, my fear was not for me, but for my children, I feared being the instrument of transmission of the virus to my family, especially my children.


Filial love was the most important thing at that time, to protect my children and my mother whom I had to visit almost daily for the care required for their welfare. I observed with zeal the security measures, at first with extreme care, my children did not go out, only me and when I arrived I took a bath and changed all my clothes, even my shoes were left at the door, I think it was a survival instinct, the alarms were given and said many things. I think I was not the only one who at the beginning was extreme in all those cares, it was something that changed us because no human being is prepared for death and the news of the deaths by Covid were many.

Then, we began to soften things a little, leaving aside the extremes, but always alert, adapting to a new modality, living with Covid. However, every event presents us with an experience of faith, I had the opportunity to participate in various community outreach events of the church. This is part of the "Agape" love, a selfless love for the neighbor, the filial love is the one directed to the family, it is always there, we give our life for our family, the Agape love is a different love, fraternal, towards the neighbor, of this I could see many demonstrations and also be part of it.

Understand that it is not only us and mine, many people needed help, a meal, a word of faith and hope, we went to the hospitals, with our masks and security measures to bring some little food to the companions of the sick. The church also helped its members. Via WhatsApp groups were created with activities for the children, games, videos, studies, we also sent material of faith and hope to be shared with the family. The safety of the children and youth, their mental, physical and spiritual health was a priority.



At the work level, the love shown by doctors and nurses for their vocation of service was remarkable and worthy of admiration, as well as the teaching staff who had to look for the assignments to the homes of students who did not have the possibility of sending their assignments online. At certain times when I picked up my material at the institution I brought with me the material of some of my colleagues who I knew where they lived and had small children or had not been able to go to the institution to pick up their material, the idea was to help each other. I remember musicians united in songs of hope, each one from a distance joining their voice to that of others with a message that carried a reflection. It was moving to see so many demonstrations of love by different people who at the time reflected the best of themselves.

I would like to end my reflection by saying that the world changed after this, but in reality I fail to see that change. Many people resist love, there is war, crime, injustice and many social evils, I do not know what will have to happen to achieve these changes of the heart. Only few opened their understanding to the thought of what is really essential, to value more, to love more, some learned it in pandemic and that conviction remains in their being. Others reflected the best of themselves because it is their essence, fruit of their life experience and relationship with their Maker.

If we grow spiritually, in love for one another, the world would be different. Love is a divine principle, the source of love is God, being next to the source we are filled with that love and we can spread it to others. Do not stop because others resist love, keep giving love, you will not be disappointed, the rewards are here and in eternity. God bless you immensely, hugs.

Thank you for joining me in the reading, thank you for such a nice initiative.

He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love "( 1 John 4:8)

Note: The content is original, photos of my property, translation made in Deepl, thank you.

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