Un espejo hacia el pasado / A mirror to the past

Hola linda comunidad de @holos-lotus hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un lindo recuerdo, que abrazo todos los días y aprecio el proceso.

Cómo había comentado en un post anterior, hace un par de años regalé un poemario a una persona especial, lo que no dije, fue que se lo pedí de regreso y me siento muy satisfecha de tenerlo de nuevo en mis manos.

Cada vez que puedo lo leo y encuentro en él algo lindo diferente mágico, de mí, de lo que fui y de lo que soy ahora. Algo así como cuando te lees tu libro favorito varias veces, siempre tienes una mirada distinta.

Hoy quiero mostrarles la primera página del poemario. Aparecen unas palabras (adjetivos) y adentro tiene su significado, pero con la intención de mi sentimiento.


Últimamente he pensado "¡Wao! Así es amar" encontrar cosas en el otro que en realidad están en ti.
Amar es un sentimiento único y propio, un proceso. Haya sido malo o bueno siempre vendrán estás personas especiales a mostrarte lo que eres.
Hoy estoy conmovida porque a través de él hoy se que en realidad yo soy:



Hoy soy: Esa luz palpita siempre en mi.



Hoy soy : La mirada del otro, esa paz en la que te puedes encontrar ¡Que lindo es cuidarte, y cuidar esa mirada! Una mirada enamorada como que se tienen reservada @mosa71 y @alexis26 ¡Conmovedora!



Hoy soy: Esa belleza infinita y plena.



Hoy soy: Darme gustos, observar las cosas con detenimiento, comprenderme y darme cariño.



Hoy soy: Agradecida de estar donde estoy y disfrutar el momento.

Me apetece saber que soy todo eso y haberlo plasmado de esta manera es reconfortante. Seguiré amando, sintiendo y dejando huellas cómo este poemario.

¿Y tú, a través de los ojos del otro que ves? ¿Quien eres? Déjame en los comentarios un poquito de esa magia.

A mirror to the past

Hello beautiful community of @holos-lotus today I want to share with you a nice memory that I embrace every day and I appreciate the process.

As I had commented in a previous post, a couple of years ago I gave a poetry book to a special person, what I didn't say, was that I asked for it back and I feel very satisfied to have it back in my hands.

Every time I can I read it and I find in it something beautiful, different and magical, of me, of what I was and what I am now. Something like when you read your favorite book several times, you always have a different look.

Today I want to show you the first page of the book. Some words (adjectives) appear and inside it has its meaning, but with the intention of my feeling.


You are







  • You make my soul awake with your light
  • Which existed first, or the sky within them?
  • How beautiful your eyes look after kissing us
  • Today I am going to treat you with all the love in the world on my tongue.
  • In quarantine, I also had my favorite days with you.

Lately I've been thinking "Wow! That's what it's like to love" to find things in the other that are actually in you.
Loving is a unique feeling of its own, a process. Whether it was bad or good, these special people will always come to show you what you are.
Today I am touched because through him today I know what I really am:

You are



You make my soul awake with your light.

Today I am: That light always beats in me




Which existed first, or the sky within them?

Today I am : The look of the other, that peace in which you can find yourself How nice it is to take care of yourself, and to take care of that look! A look in love like you have in store for each other @mosa71 and @alexis26 Touching!




How beautiful your eyes look after kissing us

Today I am: That infinite and full beauty.




Today I am going to treat you with all the love in the world on my tongue.

Today I am: To indulge myself, to observe things carefully, to understand myself and to care for myself.




In quarantine, I also had my favorite days with you.

Today I am: Grateful to be where I am and enjoy the moment.

I feel like knowing that I am all that and to have captured it in this way is comforting. I will continue loving, feeling and leaving traces like this collection of poems.

And you, through the eyes of the other, who do you see? Who are you? Leave me a little bit of that magic in the comments.


  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  • Todas las fotos son de mi álbum personal y de mi exclusiva propiedad / All photos are from my personal album and my exclusive property.
  • Banners y separadores diseñados en Canva con los elementos disponibles en su versión gratuita / Banners and dividers designed in Canva with the elements available in its free version.


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