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Earth Healing Challenge.

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Hello dear friends of @holoslotus, @naturalmedicine and the entire @hive community. This is my participation in the challenge they carry out, called ¨Earth Healing Challenge¨.

By March 2020 I was in Colombia with my family, when we were quarantined due to the pandemic caused by the Covid 19 virus.

We had to stay at home, without work, with only authorized outings to buy food. During this time there was a lot of quiet in the streets, there was no car smoke, no noise from horns, there was a fairly significant cessation of environmental pollution.

According to some sources of information about the beneficial impact caused by this quarantine, they are quite encouraging since it was found that this time the earth received a breather, the accelerated environmental pollution that had been destroying the planet was stopped for several months.

They even managed to spot marine and wild species that we had not seen for a long time. The weather felt cleaner and cooler. You could hear the silence in streets where they are approached every day by numbers of people on foot or in cars.

But we have to work, we have to go out and at this date it is going back to what it was before. My opinion is that if we already know that the quarantine worked, let's stop for a few days for cars and even people, why not?

What am I doing to heal the damage to the Earth?

I think I'm not doing much, but everything that is done is good; be it a little or a lot and if we all collaborate it is something significant for the healing of the earth.

Creating awareness is the main thing, garbage has a huge impact on the destruction of our home, especially plastic waste. We can reduce this by recycling these bottles since they are the ones that take the longest time to disintegrate.

I take these bottles to a place where they are left to be recycled. I use a cloth bag to go to the market, so they don't have to make plastic bags to pack the groceries.

The garbage from my house is left in special containers for this, I do not leave it on the ground for the dogs to come and tear them up and take everything out looking for what to eat.

There is a lot of work that can be done with regard to recycling and garbage. Informative talks should be given in the farms so that they compost with the waste that they themselves generate and so that they do not use pesticides and can harvest organic products that are favorable to the health of all.

Cleaning of the gullies.

In front of my house in Venezuela, there is an important ravine. This canyon is always full of garbage, around and inside it, so when it rains it gets covered and the water overflows.

In the month of June of this year, the government entity came to clean it, found remains of the refrigerator as garbage inside the channel of the canyon, sticks, stones and plants that grow inside it. They brought a machine and some dump trucks to take away all the debris.

Not two months ago it was cleaned and its surroundings are already full of garbage, the unconsciousness of people who do not care where they leave the garbage is filling it with waste again.

As long as we are not aware of what this problem brings us and causes to the earth, we will not be able to heal our earth. A pandemic will have to come every year so that we can let our beautiful mother breathe. It is easier for a pandemic to arrive and many people die, and we have the fear that we had with it than to make ourselves the habits of being better citizens.

I'm going to give you a piece of the Michael Jackson song in this cover that I did a few days ago since it is on this subject of healing the world, our mother earth.

I want to invite @lilideleopolis and @borjan to join the challenge.

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