Iniciativa: Viajemos a la infancia // Mis queridos abuelos [ESP-ENG]



Saludos para toda mi gente bella de Holos&Lotus, hoy me uno a la iniciativa de la amiga @tibaire, Iniciativa: Viajemos a la infancia, un viaje inolvidable en el tiempo para recordar a nuestros abuelos.

De mis abuelos tengo gratos recuerdos, solo de los maternos, a lo paternos no los conocí. Mi padre nació en Rubio, Estado Táchira, quedó huérfano de madre a los 7 años y su padre nunca de ocupó de él ni de sus hermanos. Tampoco les dió su apellido, mi padre me contó que era Sánchez, hubiera sido el mío, pero nos quedamos con el Rodríguez de mi abuela paterna que se llamaba Belén. Me hubiera gustado conocerla, también supe por mi padre que él no compartió mucho con ella, pasaba más tiempo en el hospital porque enfermó de tuberculosis, después partió a otro plano. Si pudiera tener la oportunidad de darle un abrazo a un ser querido, seria a mi abuela Belén.

A mis abuelos maternos si tuve la dicha de conocerlos, compartí con ellos por muchos años, recuerdo tanto sus físicos como sus personalidades, tal como si fuera ayer. Mi abuelo se llamaba Simón, partió de este plano cuando yo tenía 19 años, era un ser único y especial. Siempre vestía con guayabera y sombrero, para él, el uso del sombrero era muy significativo y era símbolo de respeto, mi abuelo sabía siempre el momento exacto cuando debía quitárselo. Mi abuelo era un persona de carácter, era muy serio, de hecho, no recuerdo haberlo visto reír, eso sí, le gustaba conversar mucho, sobre todo de historia, era algo que le encantaba.



Recuerdo que mi abuelo fumaba tabaco, el decía que era mejor que el cigarrillo y cuando venía a la casa su comida preferida era arroz con huevo frito, un platillo sencillo que mi mamá le preparaba para la cena. Cuando nos visitaba, por lo general lo hacía por la tarde o bien temprano en la mañana los fines de semana, así que nos despertaba a todos. Una de las cosas que mi abuelo detestaba era el programa de "El Chavo del 8", si llegaba a casa y estábamos viendo ese programa, había que cambiar de canal. Mi abuelo decía que de allí no se aprendía nada y que entorpecía la mente. No era afectuoso para nada, era muy seco, nada de abrazos y mucho menos besos, solo para pedir la bendición, habia que besarle la mano.

Recordar a mi abuela es otra cosa, ella era mi cómplice, la que me entiendia siempre cuando mi padres me regañaban, la que me traía el dulce a escondidas, de quién nunca me faltó un abrazo y un beso. Mi abuela me acompañaba hasta el baño cuando las películas me daban miedo. Mí abuelita era una persona sencilla, le gustaba conversar mucho y por eso hacia amistades muy rápido y en todas partes. Era un mar de bondad, le gustaba regalar cosas, si a alguien le faltaba algo y ella tenía, se lo regalaba. Su sazón en la cocina era el mejor, pero a mi mamá no le gustaba porque usaba aceite para sofreír los aliños y eso no era bueno para la salud.



Mi abuela Zoraida, que así se llamaba, siempre me hacía el mejor quesillo de coco y la jalea de guayaba más sabrosa. Todos los nietos nos peleabamos para ser su favorito y también para dormir con ella. Mi abuela se casó muy joven, a la edad de 17 años, tuvo tres hijos, dos varones y una hembra, así que ese matrimonio con mi abuelo no duró mucho, desde que tuve uso de razón ya estaban separados. Cuando mi abuela enfermó y nos dejó yo tenía 31 años. No siempre la veía porque vivía en la casa de playa que construyó mi abuelo, algunas veces la visitaba en su casa ubicada en el casco histórico de la ciudad. Me hubiera gustado tenerla más tiempo a mi lado, pero cuando se fue ya era bastante mayor. Como se gustaría abrazarla y verla de nuevo.

Gracias por leer

Todas las fotografías son originales de mi álbum personal y reproducidas desde mi celular Xiaomi Redmi 9. Las ediciones las hice con la aplicación GridArt



Greetings to all my beautiful people of Holos&Lotus, today I join the initiative of my friend @tibaire, Initiative: Let's travel to childhood, an unforgettable trip back in time to remember our grandparents.

I have fond memories of my grandparents, only my maternal grandparents, I never knew my paternal grandparents. My father was born in Rubio, Táchira State, he was orphaned at the age of 7 and his father never took care of him or his siblings. Neither did he give them his last name, my father told me it was Sanchez, it would have been mine, but we kept the Rodriguez of my paternal grandmother who was called Belen. I would have liked to meet her, I also learned from my father that he did not share much with her, he spent more time in the hospital because he got sick with tuberculosis, then he left for another plane. If I could have the opportunity to give a hug to a loved one, it would be to my grandmother Belén.

I had the joy of knowing my maternal grandparents, I shared with them for many years, I remember both their physiques and their personalities, as if it were yesterday. My grandfather's name was Simon, he left this plane when I was 19 years old, he was a unique and special being. He always wore a guayabera and a hat, for him, the use of the hat was very significant and was a symbol of respect, my grandfather always knew the exact moment when he should take it off. My grandfather was a person of character, he was very serious, in fact, I do not remember seeing him laugh, but he liked to talk a lot, especially about history, it was something he loved to do.



I remember that my grandfather smoked tobacco, he said it was better than cigarettes and when he came to the house his favorite meal was rice with fried egg, a simple dish that my mother would prepare for him for dinner. When he visited us, it was usually in the evening or early in the morning on weekends, so he would wake us all up. One of the things my grandfather hated was the show "El Chavo del 8", if he came home and we were watching that show, we had to change the channel. My grandfather said that you couldn't learn anything from it and that it dulled your mind. He was not affectionate at all, he was very dry, no hugs and much less kisses, just to ask for a blessing, you had to kiss his hand.

Remembering my grandmother is something else, she was my accomplice, the one who always understood me when my parents scolded me, the one who brought me candy on the sly, the one who never failed to give me a hug and a kiss. My grandmother accompanied me to the bathroom when movies scared me. My grandmother was a simple person, she liked to talk a lot and that's why she made friends very quickly and everywhere. She was a sea of kindness, she liked to give things as gifts, if someone was missing something and she had it, she would give it to them. Her seasoning in the kitchen was the best, but my mother did not like it because she used oil to fry the seasonings and that was not good for your health.



My grandmother Zoraida, that was her name, always made me the best coconut quesillo and the tastiest guava jelly. All of us grandchildren would fight to be her favorite and also to sleep with her. My grandmother married very young, at the age of 17, she had three children, two boys and a girl, so that marriage with my grandfather did not last long, since I could remember they were already separated. When my grandmother got sick and left us, I was 31 years old. I did not always see her because she lived in the beach house that my grandfather built, sometimes I visited her in her house located in the historic center of the city. I would have liked to have her by my side for a longer time, but when she left, she was already quite old. How I would love to hug her and see her again.

Thank you for reading

All photos are original from my personal album and reproduced from my Xiaomi Redmi 9 cell phone. The editions were made with the application GridArt


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