Iniciativa: Cuando toqué fondo//When i hit rock bottom

Haciendo un recorrido por los feeds de la comunidad @holos-lotus, me encontré con la nueva propuesta de @charjaim, de su iniciativa, esa vida nuestra, cuyo tema es cuando toqué fondo, en el que se nos invita a reflexionar sobre aquellas vivencias por las cuales pasamos y donde sentimos que no existe una salida para lo que estamos experimentando.

Yannis Papanastasopoulos on unsplash

Antes de abordar el tema, debo decir que hubo un tiempo en que creí que mi vida sería lineal, solo debía cumplir con las normas, asegurando así que mis planes sucederían como los había previsto, pero esto no era cierto, ya que me encontré con curvas, profundos desniveles y empinadas subidas, que modificaron la forma que veía la vida.

Tener este tipo de creencias me llevó a asumir que las experiencias en las que los acontecimientos no salían según lo planeado, eran malas porque había hecho todo lo necesario para que ocurrieran. Sin embargo, esto no era así, en realidad, fueron momentos propicios para desarrollar ciertas habilidades y talentos que antes no conocía, y que estaban muy dentro de mí, esperando la oportunidad para salir a la luz.

Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on unsplash

Sin lugar a dudas, que esto lo fui comprobando a través de las múltiples experiencias por las cuales he pasado en el transcurso de mi vida, recuerdo uno de ellos sucedió cuando me hallaba recién trabajando, mi padre tuvo que ser sometido a una operación donde le quitaron una parte de su estómago, debido a lo delicado de su salud se retiró de su trabajo. En ese momento ninguno de mis tres hermanos podían cubrir los gastos de la casa de mis padres, la única persona que podía llevar la carga económica de familia era yo, pero tenía una agravante, residía en otra ciudad.

Por lo tanto, el hecho de tener que mantener dos casas al mismo tiempo no fue una tarea fácil para mí, hasta llegué a pensar que no podría con todo sola, a veces me veía dentro un hoyo sin poder salir de él. La solución más sensata a la que llegue fue reducir mis gastos al máximo, hasta que las finanzas de mis hermanos les permitiera colaborar con la manutención de mis padres, me enfoque en que podía salir adelante con esta circunstancia, así fue, esta prueba me dio la fortaleza necesaria para superar lo que años posteriores viviría en Venezuela.

Años más tarde atravesaría por otro tipo de circunstancia, de la cual sentí que nunca saldría de allí, aconteció en 2010, a comienzos de ese año tuve que salir de licencia en de mi trabajo por motivos de salud, cinco meses después debo someterme a una intervención quirúrgica de emergencia por mi rodilla, a los dos días de mi operación muere mi padre, lo que significo acudir a su sepelio en plena recuperación de mi posoperatorio, mi salud se hallaba resentida tanto física como emocionalmente.

Karl Callwood on unsplash

En ese tiempo sentí que había tocado fondo, había perdido el control de mi vida, percibía que todo se tambaleaba a mi alrededor, busque ayuda profesional, ya que sola no podía salir del sitio donde me hallaba, luego la psicoterapeuta me sugirió que asistiera a grupo de autoayuda donde me brindarían herramientas para mi recuperación.

Antes de pasar por esta situación me creía infalible que lo podía con todo, todo el tiempo, sin embargo, me encontré con una fragilidad y una vulnerabilidad que ocultaba por miedo de mostrarme como realmente era, pero esta misma vulnerabilidad me mostró que puedo ser fuerte y salir airosa de esos atolladeros en los cuales me puedo meter de vez en cuando, y que al fin al cabo no son otra cosa que aprendizajes de vida por los cuales hay que transitar.

El haber superado estas circunstancias no quiere decir que no volveré a vivir momentos como estos, todo lo contrario sé que siempre se presentarán obstáculos que superar con la diferencia de que ahora conozco la manera de salir de allí y que nada es permanente y que todo pasa.


Going through the feeds of the @holos-lotus community, I came across the new proposal by @charjaim, from his initiative, that life of ours, whose theme is when I hit rock bottom, in which we are invited to reflect on those experiences through which we go and where we feel that there is no way out of what we are experiencing.

Yannis Papanastasopoulos on unsplash

Before addressing the subject, I must say that there was a time when I believed that my life would be linear, I only had to comply with the rules, thus ensuring that my plans would happen as I had foreseen, but this was not true, since I met curves, deep slopes, and steep climbs, which changed the way he saw life.

Having this type of belief led me to assume that the experiences in which events did not go as planned, were bad because I had done everything necessary to make them happen. However, this was not so, in reality, they were propitious moments to develop certain skills and talents that I was not aware of before, and that was deep inside me, waiting for the opportunity to come to light.

Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on unsplash

Undoubtedly, this I was checking through the many experiences through which I have gone through in the course of my life, I remember one of them happened when I was just working, my father had to undergo an operation where they removed a part of his stomach, due to his delicate health he retired from his job, at that time none of my three brothers could cover the expenses of the house of my parents the only one who could carry the economic burden of the family was me, with the aggravating circumstance that resided in another city.

Undoubtedly, I was checking this through the many experiences I have gone through in the course of my life, I remember one of them happened when I was just working, my father had to undergo an operation where they removed a part of his stomach, due to the delicate health he retired from his job. At that time none of my three siblings could cover the expenses of my parent's house, and the only person who could carry the economic burden of the family was me, but I had an aggravating factor, I lived in another city.

Therefore, the fact of having to maintain two houses at the same time was not an easy task for me, I even thought that I could not manage everything alone, sometimes I saw myself in a hole without being able to get out of it. The most sensible solution I came to was to reduce my expenses to the maximum until my siblings' finances allowed them to collaborate with the maintenance of my parents, I focused on the fact that I could get ahead with this circumstance, and so it was, this test gave me the necessary strength to overcome what years later I would live in Venezuela.

Years later I would go through another type of circumstance, which I felt I would never get out of, it happened in 2010, at the beginning of that year I had to go on leave from my job for health reasons, and five months later I had to undergo emergency surgery for my knee, two days after my father died, which meant going to his funeral in full recovery from my postoperative period, my health was suffering both physically and emotionally.

Karl Callwood on unsplash

At that time I felt that I had hit rock bottom, I had lost control of my life, and I felt that everything was shaking around me, I sought professional help since I could not get out of the place where I was alone, then the psychotherapist suggested me to attend a self-help group where they would provide me with tools for my recovery.

Before going through this situation I thought I was infallible, and I could handle everything, all the time, however, I found myself with fragility and a vulnerability that I hid for fear of showing myself as I was, but this same vulnerability showed me that I can be strong and get out of those impasses in which I can get myself from time to time and that after all, they are nothing more than life learning through which you have to go through.

Having overcome these circumstances does not mean that I will not live moments like these again, on the contrary, I know that there will always be obstacles to overcome with the difference that now I know how to get out of there and that nothing is permanent and that everything passes.


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