El vuelo de una mariposa y su lucha para lograrlo|🦋The flight of a butterfly and its struggle to succeed

Saludos a esta hermosa comunidad , como siempre les envió un abrazo de luz y mil bendiciones para seguir creciendo.

Greetings to this beautiful community, as always I send you a hug of light and a thousand blessings to continue growing

En este año 2022 mi padre cumple 26 años de haber partido de este plano físico, y hoy al abrir mis ojos a este nuevo y grandioso día no hice mas que recordarlo.

In this year 2022 my father will be 26 years since he left this physical plane, and today when I opened my eyes to this new and great day I did nothing but remember him.

Recordé un episodio de mi vida que deseo compartir con ustedes y que ha sido una gran lección para mi. A la edad de ocho (8) años, estando de vacaciones en la casa de mis abuelos paternos, allí tienen un patio muy grande con muchos árboles frutales, y en uno de ellos , había un capullo de gusano de seda que estaba en su proceso metamórfico, y yo todos los dias cuando iba a barrer el patio le hacia seguimiento a ese proceso porque deseaba ver cuando se convirtiera en mariposa.

I remembered an episode of my life that I want to share with you and that has been a great lesson for me. At the age of eight (8) years old, when I was on vacation at my paternal grandparents' house, they have a very large yard with many fruit trees, and in one of them, there was a silkworm cocoon that was in its metamorphic process, and every day when I went to sweep the yard I followed that process because I wanted to see when it would become a butterfly.



En mi visita por el patio me di cuenta que había llegado el día mas esperado ya le había comentado a mi papa de lo que venia haciendo durante todos esos días con respecto al capullo, en fin !!...continuo relatandoles , yo veía como esa mariposa que estaba por salir hacia un esfuerzo muy grande, notaba que le costaba salir y estaba segura que se estaba cansando y no iba a poder.

During my visit to the yard I realized that the most awaited day had arrived, I had already told my father about what I had been doing during all those days with respect to the cocoon, well, I continued telling them, I could see how that butterfly that was about to come out was making a great effort, I noticed that it was hard to come out and I was sure that it was getting tired and it was not going to be able to.

Con la ingenuidad de aquellos 8 años .decido ayudar a la ,mariposa a salir de su capullo y con mucho cuidado rasgue esa envoltura para dejar a la mariposa expuesta y que ella pudiese salir y volar... para mi sorpresa nunca lo hizo.

With the ingenuity of those 8 years old, I decide to help the butterfly to get out of its cocoon and with great care I tear that wrapper to leave the butterfly exposed so that it could get out and fly... to my surprise it never did it.

Me papa se acerco en ese entonces y le hable de la ayuda prestada a la mariposa y que a pesar de eso la pobre no pudo volar. Mi padre con esa sabiduría que lo caracterizaba me dijo estas palabras : -"La naturaleza hija es perfecta , la mariposa necesitaba vivir eser proceso, entro de ellas existe un fluido que con ese esfuerzo le iba a permitir llegar a sus alas y le iba a dar fuerzas para volar pero tu ayuda no se lo permitió-

My father approached me at that time and I told him about the help given to the butterfly and that in spite of that the poor thing could not fly. My father with that wisdom that characterized him told me these words: "Nature is perfect daughter, the butterfly needed to live this process, inside them there is a fluid that with that effort would allow it to reach its wings and would give it the strength to fly but your help did not allow it to fly-".

Por eso es que el ser humano debe vivir sus procesos de transformación a su ritmo , porque es su proceso, de nadie mas.

That is why the human being must live his transformation processes at his own pace, because it is his process, no one else's.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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