Introducing the TruthSeekers Community

What is the truth? How do we know it when we see it?

There is much talk these days of the Great Awakening. Personally, I believe this is truly upon us. We are in the age of information which, paradoxically has proven to be an age of confusion. The earth is flooded with myriad doctrines and ideologies. We find ourselves in a web of obfuscation in which, the more we learn, the less we know...but then again, maybe this quandary isn't so new to our species...

The more I learn, the less I realize I know.

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One could spend a lifetime investigating, weighing and absorbing the ideologies of a single one of these doctrines. For the seeker of spiritual truths, the situation seems hopeless. So much information, so much convolution, such confusion and corruption - but yet, there is a growing yearning in human hearts for truth, a growing awareness of this idea that truth cannot be destroyed but only concealed. The veil is lifting, and so many of us feel driven to be on the right side of the ebbing tide. It is the hope of this community that we might band together to identify the silver thread which unites all realities and ideologies under a single truth. This is a home for discussing spirituality and right living, to learn and grow and share our experiences and understandings.

Helena Blavatsky did attempt this undertaking as her life's work, which culminated in the publishing of the volumes of The Secret Doctrine, but as seems invariably the case, when we organize to accomplish this overwhelming task, the result is dissention and corruption. Tragically, the Theosophical Society was not immune to this adage, and after her passing the collective saw the same forms of division and decay that appear everywhere man has tried to unite under a single unified ideology.

Who was Jesus? What was his real role? Was he the son of God? ...or a son of God, no different from you or I except for his having awoken to the true meaning and purpose of humanity? Was his message derived uniquely from a single source which, previously had not spoken to man? If the new testament was Jesus' answer to the Pharisees corruption of the old testament and its followers, how are we to know that those same players didn't impact the message he intended to share after they had him killed? Good (convincing) misinformation is 90% true's at least worth contemplating, right?

How did the message received by Jesus differ from Krishna's revelations to Prince Arjuna? From the wisdom of the Buddha? Was the God that spoke to Jesus the same God that guided faithful Abraham? Is it possible that this God was the same deity that manifested as Arjuna's charioteer? How is the story of the Tower of Babel potentially connected to all the similarities among faiths? How is it connected to the slight differences, the existence of which has been cause for so much war and suffering, for so much perceived separation? If man was united in purpose in Babylon, as the old testament states, and was separated in like manner, how then would it be even difficult in the slightest effect, to assume that the various doctrines of earth are all derived from the same source, obfuscated only by the subtle cultural nuances affecting the various interpretive literary works?

How was it decided some 2,000 years ago (2,022, to be closer to precision), that the clock should be reset, that today would be pronounced year zero for all the world? ...and, perhaps more importantly, why??? What are the implications, on a ubiquitous global scale of history, of resetting to year zero? It feels a bit like some sort of anchoring, that by this act we convince the world that there was no "real" history prior to this point in time - which for me, is wholly what is gained by removing historical data that would otherwise be weighed against the newly derived narrative?

"History is written by the winners" ...we've heard this and are familiar with it, but have we ever stopped to consider the flip side of this idea? That is to say, history is also actually unwritten by the winners. Civilizations fall and their records are destroyed or locked away, many presumably having lasted thousands of years and yet, we know almost nothing of them or their faith. Is it by casual mishap that the ways of old are lost to us? Or have there been thousands of years of subversive "bad actors" operating behind the scenes to continually obfuscate and obliterate the truth we now seem to seek in vain? Is it an ongoing multigenerational conspiracy? Or is it a long succession of men with similar intentions and methods, rooting out and destroying that which is not submissive to their will, each one isolated and independent of the others?

Before we buy a new pair of running shoes, we spend time researching our options. We search online looking at pricing and reviews - we want to make sure we are satisfied with our purchase and that we optimize between lower cost and higher quality. Why then, do so many of us seem satisfied to accept the choices of our parents, the ideologies that are thrust upon us, the first doctrine we find that gives us a good feeling - without the slightest questioning or investigation?

Would it not be wiser to purchase the first pair of shoes we see, so that we can get back to the important matter of investigating truth?

How does one choose, for example, Catholicism, as their "one and only truth," without first weighing it against the other doctrines of the world? Further evidence of the flawed nature of this mentality is the tendency of so many doctrines to claim that searching elsewhere is in and of itself a sin - you will be punished for your weakness of faith...what!? This for me is an instant indicator of a doctrine to be held in suspicion, and it is here that ideologies such as Buddhism bring a great strength to the table. These doctrines which ask us to weigh and consider openly, I consider to be the most worthy of consideration - but still, as we said above, when men organize under a common faith, the result seems invariably to be dissention and corruption.

universal truths: as above so below...

I have one good dowsing rod for truth which I believe to be reliable, and that is the concept of universality. In other words, a concept which is universally true will be equally effective and applicable in any circumstance; truths that live up to this golden standard I believe to be woven into the very fabric of existence. This is of course, up for debate or discussion, as is true of any perspective or idea I share, but I believe in the fractal nature of our probabilistic existence, which points towards the microcosm/macrocosm model of creation. Verily, what applies on this plane must indeed apply on all planes to be regarded as universal truth.

For example: On a motorcycle, if you start to feel the bike falling to one side or another, the natural reaction is to brake, but the experienced rider knows to rip the throttle and speed up - the forward momentum will bring the bike to upright. So on a motorcycle, you must keep moving forward to stand up straight and stay on course. This same concept holds true on the spiritual path where, you must continue advancing on the path to remain on the path. If you pick a spot (or a doctrine) and assume you've found truth, then the search ends, the forward momentum is destroyed, and you have willfully exited the path of knowledge, trading growth for comfort. Once you "know," you cease to search. You invite your own preconceived cognitive conditioning to quash your hunger for truth, and abandon the search in exchange for a relaxing spot on the side of the track.

I know this is all a bit disheveled and meandering, I apologize for that. I created this community because I wanted a place where we could throw down whatever spiritual topics we come up with, without worrying about whether or not we're in the right community. There is not one single religion, faith, denomination or creed which is unwelcome in the discussion.

I hope to hear from all. What are the tenets of your God? Where does your faith diverge from the others of the world? What aspects of your doctrine help strengthen your resolve to stay this particular course? Or are you a wanderer on the path of knowledge? There are no wrong answers, we stand to learn from one another simply by sharing our perspectives and ideas.

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