We all know that flat earth believers are flat out stupid. You know it (even if you are one), I know it…everyone knows it. So, in order to put this whole stupid thing to bed, I’ve compiled a list of what I consider to be an unbreakable body of evidence in favor of our beloved globe model. Warning: once you’ve seen this, the idea of a flat earth will be completely destroyed for you.

Ok so first, this spherical star map. You can see the Earth situated at the center of this cluster of known stars and constellations. Earth spins and moves in such a way that we see the constellations on a regular and repeating basis…fair enough…that’s not hard to imagine and logistically it seems to pose no issues.

…but…wait a minute, because…how does the above model work, when we’re also doing this?

Ok, Ok, if they’re were just doing that (👆), I think the repeatable placement of constellations and stars can still be reasonably understood.

…But what about the sun’s flying through the universe with our solar system in orbital tow?

Ok, so the visible universe rotates around earth while earth rotates around the sun while the sun shoots through space at 66,600 mph. I don’t know about you, but for me, this is enough to say I may not know the actual shape of the earth or how it relates to the outer cosmos, but at this point I officially came to the conclusion that it most likely isn’t all going down in the way we’ve been taught to imagine it.

Inspiring Headlines in the Field of Space Exploration!

  1. Magic Water Discovered Aboard Space Station

  2. Special Anti-Antigravity Globe Demonstration

  3. NASA Takes Unwitting Businessman to Space

  4. Astronaut & “Green Man” Working Together…space truly is the frontier of new friendships!

bUt We LaNdEd oN tHe mOoN!

First: we didn’t land on shit. Of course by this I mean to say , as is most likely quite literally the case, did not land on the moon.
Second, those who claim they did, make a spurious claim indeed. Let’s take a geez, shall we?

July 20, 1969: Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon


But what if your own eyes and your innate (though suppressed) ability to think critically and independently tell you that what all the institutions of the State insist is true is actually a lie? What do you do then? Do you trust in your own cognitive abilities, or do you blindly follow authority and pretend as though everything can be explained away? If your worldview will not allow you to believe what you can see with your own eyes, then the problem, it would appear, is with your worldview. So do you change that worldview, or do you live in denial?

Returning then to the question of why such a ruse would be perpetrated, we must transport ourselves back to the year 1969. Richard Nixon has just been inaugurated as our brand new president, and his ascension to the throne is in part due to his promises to the American people that he will disengage from the increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam. But Tricky Dick has a bit of a problem on his hands in that he has absolutely no intention of ending the war. In fact, he would really, really like to escalate the conflict as much as possible. But to do so, he needs to set up a diversion – some means of stoking the patriotic fervor of the American people so that they will blindly rally behind him.

In short, he needs to wag the dog.


The table below contains specific excerpts from the aforementioned, showing the parallel between lunar announcements/accomplishments and the contemporary actions of the US government.

March 3, 1969: First flight of lunar moduleText
May 18, 1969: Apollo 10 flies around moon(1) In May of 1969, with Nixon just a few months into his term, the press begins publicizing the illegal B-52 carpetbombing of Cambodia engineered by that irrepressible war criminal, Henry Kissinger. By June, Nixon is scrambling to announce what is dubbed the ‘Vietnamization’ of the war, which comes with a concomitant withdrawal of U.S. troops. (2) In truth, however, only 25,000 of the 540,000 U.S. troops then deployed will be brought home. This ruse is, therefore, transparently thin and it will buy the new president little time. To make matters worse, on July 14th, Francis Reitemeyer is granted Conscientious Objector status on the basis of a petition his attorney has filed which explicitly details the training and instruction he has just received in assassination and torture techniques in conjunction with his assignment to the CIA’s Phoenix Program. With these documents entering the public domain, the full horrors of the war are beginning to emerge.
July 16, 1969: Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins fly to moon on Apollo 11 July 20, 1969: Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moonJust in time to save the day, however, Apollo 11 blasts off on July 16th on its allegedly historic mission, and – with the entire nation enthralled – four days later the Eagle purportedly makes its landing on the pristine lunar surface. Vietnam is temporarily forgotten as America swells with patriotic pride for having beaten the Evil Empire to the Moon. There is little time to worry about the brutality of war when Neil is taking that “one giant leap for mankind.”
November 14, 1969: Apollo 12 Lunar LandingThe honeymoon is short-lived, however, for just four months later, in November of 1969, Seymour Hersch publishes a story about the massacre of 504 civilians in the village of My Lai, bringing home to America the full savagery of the war in Southeast Asia. It’s time then for another Moon launch, and Apollo 12 dutifully lifts off on November 14th, making another picture-perfect lunar landing before returning on November 24th. The country is once again entranced by the exploits of America’s new breed of hero, and suddenly every kid in the country wants to grow up to be an astronaut.

Because the ‘weather’ on the Moon, so to speak, can be a bit unpleasant. According to the experts over at NASA, daytime highs average a balmy +260° F, but it cools off quite a bit at night, dropping to an average of -280° F. If you’re looking for anything between those two extremes, you won’t really find it on the Moon. It’s pretty much one or the other. If you’re in the sun, you’re going to be boiled alive, and if you’re out of the sun, you’re going to be flash frozen.


So, what kind of air conditioning did they have here?


…some pretty extreme temperature swings to deal with. Insulated? I have a really nice thermos. It keeps soup hot for like 5 hours. 90deg soup stays above 80deg in an environment that’s like 72deg. But if I were to subject it to a sudden 500deg change in temp? How long would my Campbell’s noodles and whatever stay liquid even?

Anyway, this is just a whistle-wetter if you will; the full MoonDoggie series can be found here.

It’s better than just memes in my opinion, the late Mr. McGowen has a writing style that is inquisitive and comical, but shows a concise application of insight, research and consideration.


If you’re interested in looking at some of the emergency landing flight patterns, you can find the pdf copy of this book really quickly on Yandex, but I’ll spare you even that trouble, and will just put a link to the full pdf here.

Here’s a few image excepts, but the book explains in detail each circumstance and situation.

Chapter 01 – 1988 Australia Bicentenary Gold Cup

Chapter 02 – China Airlines flight 008

Chapter 03 – Lufthansa flight LH543

Chapter 04 – Cathay Pacific flight CX884


Next, we will look at a flight that made an emergency landing in Moscow, even though on the globe model it shouldn’t be flying anywhere near it!

Chapter 07 – Emirates flight EK225

Anyway, that’s enough. The actual publication goes to great lengths to explain also the logic here…it’s not just pictures and headings. It’s worth a look if you’re curious, but I think I’ve probably already crossed the TLDR threshold for most folks. I just wanted to compile a handful of these images and resources here, because these things can be tough to find.

NASA: How Many Times Can We Fold 666 Into Our Data? (Silly Bonus Section)

This last one proves nothing, but I think some of the apparent coincidences are at least mildly interesting.

…ok, so I guess this didn’t confirm the falsehood of the flat earth. I’ll be honest, none of this proves the shape of the earth either way. But what we do have here, is a solid reason to suspect the information we’re being given, as well as the people who are giving it to us.

Be well my friends, I love you all.

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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