Tattoos inspired by children | children's tattoos


children's tattoos

When I was little I played a lot with my dad and waited anxiously for him to come home from work every afternoon, he was my giant toy because he would lie down on the couch or bed and I would literally throw myself on him to tease him, but never in spite of his tiredness he would never push me away, on the contrary he would ask me to make him love even if it was something rustic, he would let me take my markers and paint animal figures on his back, arms and legs and for the wrist area I couldn't miss a good Rolex watch, but I got Casio, hahahah.

He would fall asleep and when he woke up he would go into crisis I was not the girl to paint the walls, because I had the best canvas all his skin, he did not like my watches because it was obvious to the naked eye and sometimes he was well dressed for work, but under his clothes was a multicolored slate. My mom didn't like those games and I don't remember him painting her, but I do allow my younger brother to do it jum.

My parents didn't keep pictures of the tatus I made for them and I would have loved to, but I keep a nice memory.

Another way that I enjoyed a lot when I was a kid about the celebration of children's day and I take this opportunity to invite @doriangel and @leidimarc to participate in the initiative that is active in the Tattoo world community titled Tattoos inspired by children | Children's Day Initiative was to stick a lot of tattoos of those that come in the chewing gum, I remember that it filled my whole arm and my mom didn't like it very much, but she let me be happy, at that time they came in beautiful colors and I always exchanged with my friends the designs that I had repeated as well as the decks of cards.

My mom would ask me why my tatus lasted so long, between a week or two and I would shrug my shoulders and tell her I didn't know, of course I knew, they lasted because I almost didn't use soap when I went to take a bath heh, heh, heh. Recently I bought some chewing gum from a salesman who got on the bus and had those tatus I thought that was lost in time, but it still continues, it will be that I fill my arms again, ha, ha, ha, ha.

This is my participation in the initiative Tattoos inspired by children, in the Tattoo World community there are many ideas to participate, you still have time.


Tatuajes para niños

De pequeña jugaba mucho con mi papá y lo esperaba ansiosa que llegara de su trabajo cada tarde, él era mi juguete gigante porque se tumbaba en el sofá o la cama y me le lanzaba sobre él literalmente a fastidiarlo, pero nunca a pesar de su cansancio me alejo todo lo contrario me pedía que le hiciera cariño así fuera algo rústica, me dejaba agarrar mis marcadores y pintarle figuras de animales en la espalda, brazos y piernas y para el área de la muñeca no podía faltar un buen reloj marca Rolex, pero me salía Casio, hahahah.

Él se adormecía y cuando despertaba entraba en crisis yo no fui la niña de pintar las paredes, pues tenía el mejor lienzo toda su piel, a él no le gustaban mis relojes porque se le notaba a simple vista y a veces iba bien vestido al trabajo, pero debajo de su ropa era una pizarra multicolor. Mi mamá no le gustaban esos juegos y no recuerdo que la haya pintado, pero sí le permito a mi hermano menor hacerlo jum.

Mis padres no guardaron fotos de los tatus que yo les hice y me hubiera encantado, pero mantengo un lindo recuerdo.

Otra forma de la que disfrute mucho cuando fui niña a propósito de la celebración del día del niño y que aprovecho para invitar a @doriangel y @leidimarc a participar en la iniciativa que está activa en la comunidad Tattoo world titulada Tattoos inspired by children | Children's Day Initiative fue de pegarme muchos tatus de esos que vienen en los chicles, recuerdo que me llenaba todo el brazo y mi mamá no le gustaba mucho, pero me dejaba ser feliz, en esa época venían unos de colores hermosos y siempre intercambiaba con mis amigos los diseños que tenía repetidos así como las barajas.

Mi mamá me preguntaba que porque me duraban tanto los tatus, entre una semana o dos y yo me encogía de hombros y le decía que no sabía, por supuesto que lo sabía, me duraban porque casi no me echaba jabón cuando me iba a bañar je, je, je. Hace poco me compré unos chicles a un vendedor que se subió al bus y tenía esos tatus pensé que eso se había perdido en el tiempo, pero aún continua, será que me lleno de nuevo mis brazos, ja, ja, ja

Esta es mi participación en la iniciativa Tatuajes inspirados por niños, en la comunidad Tattoo World hay muchas ideas para participar, todavía tienes tiempo.

Translated with || traducido con: Deepl Translator.
Own images || Imágenes propias: cell phones Huawei Honor
Foto de Kindel Media | Foto de Kindel Media

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