Piercings have been a part of human civilization for years, it is not just happening now, it has different meanings and significance depending on the society. Piercings signify religious beliefs in some cultures, and they also represent prestige, beauty, and identity in others.

Piercing has been in existence and it is something that is always done for a female child after birth like piercing the ears in other to add more to her beauty, Africans believe that only a female child should undergo piercing not the other way round.


In this modern age people now abuse piercing to be fashionable, people are now piercing their navel, nose, tongues, eyelid, and so on, I sense this as stupidity and never a fashion anymore, how will a sane person wake up and decide to pierce all the body just for fashion?

Piercing is something that should be done moderately and not like having more than two piercings in the body, some guys are piercing all because of civilization, men were not allowed to pierce in the old generation but in the world today 90% of men are now wearing rings in their ears and call it fashion.

To my understanding, piercing serves as a means of identification for instance if you give birth to a child and pierce the ears, people will easily know that you have a female child, we believe that a female child should have a piercing some weeks after birth, though not everyone likes it, this depends on everyone belief and religion.

I love piercing because I am a woman, I love fashion and jewelry, it is another way of looking attractive in society, kudos to my mother for piercing my ears when I was little because I don't think I could undergo such pain now. I envy people who pierce their nose and make it moderate but as for me I can never be part of that, I do not like anything that will make me uncomfortable for days.

I followed one of my friends to a piercer, she wanted to pierce her tongue, she made a lot of drama that day and I was there feeling for her, she cried throughout the process and blood was gushing out from the wound, it took her days to heal, I felt her pain despite I was not the one going through the pain.

Being a piercer can be lucrative in other foreign countries but definitely not mine because Africans are strong, I have a friend who pierces her ears anytime she likes without consulting a piercer, she has turned herself into a goddess of piercing and I'm sure she won't be the only one who does that, we have women who are strong to undergo such pain.

Having multiple piercings can limit the job opportunities for someone, especially in most corporate organizations, people tend to see another form of human in you when you have multiple and visible piercings, they tend to tag you as irresponsible and you might lose the chance of getting yourself a better job.

No one will ever employ someone who has multiple piercings in my country, especially guys, people have different categories that they will always tag you, especially people who based their lives on religion, having multiple tattoos or piercings will automatically make you a devil reincarnated without getting to know you.

People are quick to judge especially the part where I come from, my mother will never stand a lady who has more than two piercings not to talk of a guy who has it, and it is like that in my community, they always tag any ladies with multiple piercings a prostitute which I have tried to educate them that piercing is a choice, everyone has the right to their body but because of their mentality and the way they were raised religiously makes them see others as sinners.

I love piercing but it should be moderate, piercing is never a crime to me, it makes people look attractive but visible and multiple ones will always despise me.

This is my entry for day 28 of the #juneinleo prompt of the #inleo initiative, If you'd love to participate, you can read about it in the announcement post

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